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J = Jersey 👕 #AtoZchallenge 2021[Quilt]

Challenge de A à Z 2021 et #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt : la lettre J
#AtoZchallenge2021 and #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt: letter J

Chaque jour pendant tout le mois d'avril sauf les dimanches, je poste un article commençant par chacune des lettres de l'alphabet. Cette année mon thème est, dans l'univers du textile, le recyclage, la réutilisation et la valorisation. Plein de bonnes idées de bricolage facile !
Et vous aussi vous pouvez jouer ! Voir en bas de l'article.

Every day during the whole month of April except Sundays, I write a post starting with each letter of the alphabet. This year my theme is, in the textile universe, about upcycling, recycling and repurposingLots of good easy DIY ideas!
And you can play too! See below.

J comme jersey, ce tissu à maille tricotée qui a la particularité d’être extensible.
C'est avec ce tissu que sont faits notamment les tee-shirts.
Attention : il y a beaucoup de choses à faire pour recycler des tee-shirts, donc cet article est un peu long 😋

J is for jerseythis knitted fabric which has the particularity of being extensible.
T-shirts in particular are made with this fabric.
Warning: there are many things to do to recycle T-shirts, so this post is a bit long 😋

Avec de beaux tee-shirts / With pretty T-shirts

Vos tee-shirts sont des souvenirs de jeunesse, de voyages, etc., et sans vouloir encore les porter, vous ne voulez pas les jeter ? Voilà des idées de réutilisation et de transformation :

Your T-shirts are memories of your youth, travels, etc., and without wanting to wear them again, you don't want to throw them away? Here are some ideas for reuse and transformation:

Un cadre, des agrafes, et le tee-shirt devient tableau !
A frame, some staples, and the T-shirt becomes a painting!

Créez un mur de tee-shirts ! Cliquer sur le lien ci-dessus et sur celui-ci pour un tuto en vidéo.
Make a T-shirt wall art! Click on the link above and on this one for a video tutorial.

Et bien sûr, je ne pouvais pas oublier de vous proposer de les transformer en quilts ! 
Ce lien et celui-ci montrent comment faire, et celui-là donne des idées de montage.

And of course, I couldn't forget to propose you to turn them into quilts!
This link and this one show how to do it, and this one gives layout and setting ideas.

Admirez celui qu'a fait Gail avec les tee-shirts du camp de vacances où sont allés ses enfants.
Check out the one my online friend Gail made with T-shirts from the summer camp her kids went to.

Avec des tee-shirts trop petits / With too small T-shirts

Trop petits ou trop grands, ces tee-shirts ou petits hauts peuvent encore servir ! Ils feront des sacs écologiques et pratiques, très faciles à faire avec un peu de couture :

Too small or too big, these T-shirts or tops can still be used! They will make ecological and practical bags, very easy to make with a little sewing:

Avec de jolis débardeurs ou petits hauts, mais devenus trop petits
Pretty tops, but now too small

Avec des tee-shirts trop grands ou qui ne plaisent plus. Tuto en français ici.
With T-shirts that are too big or that no longer appeal.

Un pyjama des enfants est devenu trop petit ? Voici sa 2nde vie en sac ! Un tuto en anglais de Carla.
A kid's pajamas became too small? Here is its 2nd life as a bag! A tutorial by Carla.

Un sac rapide, sans couture !
A quick, seamless bag!

Quelques petits trous ou tâches sur le tee-shirt ? Voilà un sac pratique pour les courses, ou la plage
A few small holes or stains on the T-shirt? Here is a practical bag for shopping, or for the beach

Vous souvenez-vous de l'article sur les cintres ? Mais oui, un tee-shirt pour faire une tente pour chats !
Do you remember the post about hangers? Well yes, a T-shirt to make a cat tent!

Avec un tee-shirt abîmé aux épaules / With a T-shirt damaged at the shoulders

Un peu abîmé, mais encore joli, de quoi le transformer en écharpe !
A little damaged, but still pretty, enough to turn it into a scarf!

Super simple !
Super easy!

Huit carrés de tee-shirts, et voilà une belle écharpe !
Eight squares of T-shirts, and here is a beautiful scarf!

Avec des tee-shirts que vous n'aimez plus / With T-shirts you don't like anymore

Découpez-les pour en faire de la "laine" ! Ensuite il y a quantité de choses à faire avec ce fil, que l'on peut tricoter, coudre, nouer, tresser, etc. Amusez-vous !

Cut them up to make "yarn"! Then there are many things to do with this yarn: knit, sew, tie, braid, etc. Have fun!

Découper un tee-shirt (sans couture sur les côtés) pour en faire une pelote de laine !
Cut out a T-shirt (without seam on the sides) to make a ball of yarn!

Besoin de nouveaux lacets ? Ne les achetez plus, recycler vos tee-shirts !
Need new shoe laces? Don't buy them anymore, recycle your T-shirts!

Réalisez en 15 minutes une écharpe sans fin en tee-shirt !
Make a 15-minute T-shirt yarn infinity scarf!

Une tresse, et des bracelets colorés
A braid, and colorful bracelets

Des tresses un peu plus longues, pour faire un tapis d'anciens tee-shirts à la main, ou couture machine.
Braids a little longer, to make a rag rug of old T-shirts by hand, or sewn by machine.

Encore un tapis, mais celui-ci est crocheté !
Another rug, but this one is made with crochet!

Crocheter de vieux tee-shirt en sacs...
Crochet old t-shirts into bags...

... ou paniers
... or baskets

Et pourquoi pas tricoter ?
And why not knit it?

Et un scoubidou en jouet pour chien !
And a scoubidou as a dog toy!

Avec des tee-shirts très abimés / With badly damaged T-shirts

C'est possible de recycler même de très vieux tee-shirts ! 
A partir du moment où vous pouvez découper des bandes de 10 cm par 2,5 cm de large, vous pouvez faire ces tapis !

It is possible to recycle even very old T-shirts!
As long as you can cut out strips of 1'' by 4'', you can make these rugs!

Une serviette de toilette pour la base, et les bandes de tee-shirts sont cousues par-dessus.
A hand towel for the base, and the T-shirt strips are sewn on top. 

Les petites bandes de tee-shirts sont nouées sur un canevas à tapis.
The strips of T-shirts are tied on a mesh rug canvas.


A vous de jouer !*
It's your turn to play!*

Montrez ici vos réalisations textiles qui commencent par un J : ça peut être le nom d'un quilt, d'un bloc, d'une technique, d'un accessoire de couture, d'un point de broderie, d'un objet fait avec du tissu, tout ce qui a un lien avec l'art textile !

Show here your textile creations that start with a J: it can be the name of a quilt, a block, a technique, a sewing accessory, an embroidery stitch, an object made with fabric, anything related to textile art!

Quelles sont les règles du jeu
Le prix à gagner @CréaPassions (jouez tous les jours pour plus de chances !)

How to add a link
The prize to win @FatQuarterShop (enter daily for more chances to win!)

Link party ouverte 24 heures seulement ! (de 7h ce matin à 7h55 demain)
Link party opens 24 hours only! (from 7am to 7:55am, Paris time)

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
*If you are looking for the Patchwork & Quilts link-upit's here: Link party Patchwork & Quilts.


Frewin55 a dit…
I did a piece back in 2019 about knitting handbags from jersey strips.
The big choice is whether to zig-zag in the cutting up, which produces little "tabs" at each turn, or to spiral round, cutting through the seams which gives a little lump at each seam. I suppose you could spiral around the back or front of a t-shirt and with rounded spiral - avoid lumps or tabs, but you would have slightly more waste...
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Wow! Never knew we could use T shirts to make so many things. I'm going to bookmark this post and share it with friends. Thank you for sharing. :D
Arti a dit…
Now, this one I have tried--not on my own but asked a friend who's a quilter to use my daughter's football jerseys from school and uni to create a keepsake blanket for her. It's gorgeous.
Love all the other idea---especially the grey basket with coasters. Will be saving this one for later too. Cheers.
Marie-Françoise de Lille a dit…
Que d'idées à exploiter...
Encore jamais testé l'utilisation de ces fameux tee-shirts....
Tamara a dit…
So many creative ideas to repurpose your old T-Shirts!

A few years ago I found a lady who turned a huge box full of our old baby clothes into a fantastic quilt that we still use as a blanket.
Verveine et Lin a dit…
wow, j'épingle ton article, voilà plein de possibilités auxquelles je n'avais pas pensé!
Allison a dit…
These are great ideas! I have a lot of band t-shirts I've been trying to turn into a quilt but it's a massive undertaking. I like the ideas for some of the smaller projects instead. Especially the "painting" one - what a nice way to display them!

- Allison (
Interesting! Old t-shirts say a lot about the person you were! I must admit to using my old ones as cloths to wash the car and things with - now I feel rather guilty
Sunita a dit…
Am amazed. Totally amazed and inspired to play with some old tshirts even if it goes wrong.
Lisa a dit…
I love the tote for groceries! My ex-sister in law cut out the cute part of a t-shirt and sewed it onto a new t-shirt. You couldn't tell, she was a great seamstress.
Iain Kelly a dit…
I love turning them into a wall picture, looks cool!
ms_lili a dit…
I never fail to be impressed by human creativity when it comes to repurposing.
Deborah Weber a dit…
I love the idea of the stretchy holed shopping bag! I have a friend making a quilt of special T-shirts for her daughter. She's having a great time doing it.
TWW a dit…
And again, loads of ideas for after April.
Trudy a dit…
Fabulous ideas! I especially like the ones that still display the design on the t-shirt, since the ones I can't part with are nostalgic.
Vivian a dit…
I knew about the quilts and the bags but love the frames and some of the other new-to-me ideas! My cats back in the day would have loved that little pet tent and I need to try those sneaker laces.
Chantal a dit…
C'est fantastique ces articles recyclés. Avec trois garçons à la maison, j'ai plein de vieux T-shirts. Oh mon dieu, que je manque de temps, haha! Merci pour les trouvailles. ;^)
Liz A. a dit…
And I bet you barely scratched the surface. Over the summer, one of the secretaries at work cut up an old t-shirt to make elastic for her masks. She said it was much softer on her ears than normal elastic, and it was just as stretchy.
AJ Blythe a dit…
So many good ideas! I love all of these. Although I do have to say that the dog toys work brilliantly. I have (bought) 4 for my puppy and he loves them. They are great for puppy teeth, so colourful and not as hard as rope toys.
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Since T-shirts are very popular ... you have given a number of very useful tips.
chrisknits a dit…
Wow, what wonderful ideas for old T-shirts! Thanks for linking up!
You found lots of great ideas for using t-shirts! I used strips cut from an old t-shirt to make ear pieces for masks. They were soft and stretchy!
Anne E.G. Nydam a dit…
Long ago I made a quilt top with all my old sentimental t-shirts, but then never did finish the quilt! Ooops. I love the idea for the bags, though.
Black and White: J for Prester John
Andrea a dit…
Wow, didnt know you could do so many things with t-shirts! Pretty cool!

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