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H = Hanger / Cintre ♻️ #AtoZchallenge 2021[Quilt]

Challenge de A à Z 2021 et #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt : la lettre H
#AtoZchallenge2021 and #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt: letter H

Chaque jour pendant tout le mois d'avril sauf les dimanches, je poste un article commençant par chacune des lettres de l'alphabet. Cette année mon thème est, dans l'univers du textile, le recyclage, la réutilisation et la valorisation. Plein de bonnes idées de bricolage facile !
Et vous aussi vous pouvez jouer ! Voir en bas de l'article.

Every day during the whole month of April except Sundays, I write a post starting with each letter of the alphabet. This year my theme is, in the textile universe, about upcycling, recycling and repurposingLots of good easy DIY ideas!
And you can play too! See below.

H comme hanger, ou cintre.
Vous avez des cintres en fil dont vous ne savez pas quoi faire ? Et bien voilà quelques idées !

H is for hanger.
Do you have wire hangers that you don't know what to do with? Well here are some ideas!

Cette cabane pour chat est tout simplement adorable ! Il vous faut 2 cintres fil, un vieux vêtement, et le tour est joué !
This cat tent is simply adorable! You need two wire hangers, an old piece of clothing, and that's it!

Cette vidéo propose 25 idées brillantes pour utiliser les vieux cintres. J'aime beaucoup celle du bandeau !
This video has 25 brilliant ideas for using up old hangers. I really like the headband one!

(pas de tuto)
(no tutorial)

(pas de tuto)
(no tutorial)


A vous de jouer !
It's your turn to play!

Montrez ici vos réalisations textiles qui commencent par un H : ça peut être le nom d'un quilt, d'un bloc, d'une technique, d'un accessoire de couture, d'un point de broderie, d'un objet fait avec du tissu, tout ce qui a un lien avec l'art textile !

Show here your textile creations that start with an H: it can be the name of a quilt, a block, a technique, a sewing accessory, an embroidery stitch, an object made with fabric, anything related to textile art!

Quelles sont les règles du jeu
Le prix à gagner @CréaPassions

How to add a link
The prize to win @FatQuarterShop

Link party ouverte 24 heures seulement ! (de 8h ce matin à 7h55 demain)
Link party opens 24 hours only! (from 8am to 7:55am, Paris time)

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Arti a dit…
Absolutely love the headband and the bird cage ideas. Will be trying both and sharing pics (after this challenge is over). Have shared the cage idea with a friend who's twins are at home (schools are shut again). It should keep them happily occupied for a few hours, I reckon:)
Verveine et Lin a dit…
oh, l'idée de la cage, c'est trop joli! en plus je participe prochainement à une exposition dont le thème est l'Envolée!
Kalpana a dit…
I love the cat tent best of all. Once it cools down here again I'll make it for my cats. They'll probably fight over it. If it's succesful I'll have to make three. hehehe
Tamara a dit…
Aww, the bird "cage" is cute. I guess you could hang your necklaces, bracelets etc.
Anne M Bray a dit…
Cat tent for the win!

A-Z Art work:
A-Z Shoes:
The head band was quite cool...There is no indication at all that its made using a Hanger...Wow!
Jamie Ghione a dit…
Could not have guessed that the head band was made form a hanger!
Jamie Ghione a dit…
Could not have guessed that the head band was made form a hanger!
Jamie Ghione a dit…
Could not have guessed that the head band was made form a hanger!
Vivian a dit…
Ok, that hanger bird cage gives me another idea: I recently saw some chicken wire cloches for use in the garden and wondered how I could make one out of the wire I have. That cage is just the right base form for what I want to do. So not only a re-use and craft idea but a garden tool one as well! Love it!
Marie-Françoise de Lille a dit…
Frédérique, je ne comprends pas pourquoi mes dernières photos n'apparaissent pas droites!!!!
Et aujourd'hui, n'a pas voulu apparaitre????bug ???

J'ai déjà utilisé un cintre d'enfant métallique pour faire un sac à épingles à linge, il y a quelques années.
I might just try the headband for my daughter!
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
I saw the cat first and that had all my attention. The wire hangers ideas are cool. If I can find some spare, I'll try the one on the back of the door. :D
Lisa a dit…
I find it harder to get wire hangers than it used to be. Most are plastic in the stores, and I don't go to the cleaners anymore. The cat tent is genius! And the cute head scarf!
R's Rue a dit…
So pretty.
Trudy a dit…
What a cute cat tent! Clever ideas, again!
Liz A. a dit…
I still have some hangers my great-grandmother crocheted over (kind of like the padded hangers you can buy today).
Olga Godim a dit…
Lots of wire hangers I don't need. Our dry cleaner always returns clean clothing with a hanger, so ideas are welcome. Thank you.
Nilanjana Bose a dit…
That bird cage is brilliant! I used to give the wire hangers back to the cleaners. The newer laundryman delivers clothes folded now.
Alana a dit…
It's interesting in that I have broken hangers I have just thrown away and I don't like doing that. I never thought of upcycling them.
Deborah Weber a dit…
Another great gathering of projects. The cat tent is genius.
I had completely forgotten until I saw it in my dad's closet a few weeks ago but I made wrapping paper storage center once using an old, sturdy hanger and fabric. The hanger supports it and there are pockets and openings for wrapping paper and bows. It's still pretty solid all these years later so I think it's probably a good project. Weekends In Maine
Romi a dit…
The cat tent makes me smile. It's a good idea.
I love the way you make useless things look so beautiful. I would love to be the cat in your cat tent. Perhaps I could make one to keep my plastic bags that I reuse......
Pradeep Nair a dit…
I like cats and that cat tent is really good!
pilch92 a dit…
Love the cat house. :)
Anne E.G. Nydam a dit…
Okay, I really may have to try that cat tent!
Black and White: I for Isles
Dena Pawling a dit…
I usually discard my wire hangers and use plastic, but that cat tent is awesome!
AJ Blythe a dit…
Love the cat tent. Most of our coat hangers are plastic and are used until they die, but that's a great reuse.

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