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#AtoZchallenge2021Quilt + Link party: Patchwork & Quilts #47 📌

Bienvenue à Patchwork & Quilts, une link party hebdomadaire pour partager, s'encourager et s'inspirer !
Welcome to Patchwork & Quilts, a weekly link party to share, to encourage and inspire each other!

♥️ ♡ ♡ 💛 ♡ ♡ ♥️

Voilà la fin de la 2ème semaine du challenge de A à Z, et lundi nous reprendrons avec la lettre J. Une lettre par jour, jusqu'à la prochaine pause, dimanche.
Cet article est donc un peu particulier, différent des dimanches "normaux" où vous trouviez d'habitude seulement la link party Patchwork & Quilts.

This is the end of the 2nd week of the A to Z challenge, and on Monday we will resume with the letter J. One letter per day, until the next break, on Sunday.
So this post is a bit special, different from the "normal" Sundays where you usually find only the Patchwork & Quilts link party.


Pendant les 4 dimanches du mois d'avril, vous retrouverez ici la link party habituelle bien sûr, mais aussi l'invitation à participer au tirage au sort pour gagner les lots offerts par les sponsors de mon challenge #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt :

During the four Sundays of April, you will find here the usual link party of course, but also the invitation to participate in the draw to win the prizes offered by the sponsors of my #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt challenge:

$20 gift card offered by Fat Quarter Shop

CLICK HERE to participate in the Fat Quarter Shop draw

Livre offert par CréaPassions

CLIQUER ICI pour participer au tirage au sort de CréaPassions

Merci aux participantes de mon challenge  #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt dans le challege #AtoZChallenge ! Vous pouvez retrouver leurs photos ici :

Thank you to the participants of my #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt in the #AtoZChallenge! You can find their photos here:
link party A... / B... / C...

♥️ ♡ ♡ 💛 ♡ ♡ ♥️

#AtoZChallenge: here are blogs from A2Z that I like to visit:
  • Keith's Ramblings, and "short stories featuring musical instruments and those who play them".
  • Dena's Ramblings, and "major events that happened in 2020 [the year we would all like to forget, so let's look at it first, before flushing it down the toilet]".
  • Temenos of a Blessing Light, and "thoughts and reflections on a lexicon (vocabulary specific to a certain subject) of unusual, obscure, or simply charming-to-me words".
  • Part-time Working Hockey Mom, and "use sayings, idioms, proverbs and quotes and make them come to life".
  • Lisa's Garden Adventure, and "photos of flowers from my own garden (I think a very few might be from my late mother's garden, the one where I grew up)".
  • Penning from the Heart, and "Life Philosophies round the World".
  • Kalpana Writes, and "Return to YOGA. I’ll tell you the Sanskrit name, what it’s called in English and I’ll post a picture that shows you what it looks like. There’ll also be some benefits of the pose, there might be instructions on how to do the pose".
Have you visited them?

♥️ ♡ ♡ 💛 ♡ ♡ ♥️

Patchwork & Quilts link party
Patchwork & Quilts link party

Montrez-nous ce que vous avez fait dernièrement !
La link party Patchwork & Quilts est ouverte jusqu'à jeudi midi.

Show us what you've been up to lately!
The Patchwork & Quilts linky party will be open until Thursday, noon.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Melva a dit…
I made an alphabet quilt with my daughter when she was 5 years old. We had such fun!
Sherrie a dit…
Thanks for stopping by my place. You asked about my Table Runner....yes it will
all be embroidered. Have a great day!
Kalpana a dit…
Hi! Thanks for the shoutout. I really appreciate it. Also - what are these absolutely fabulous patchwork quilts? I'm a big fan but have never tried to make one as I'm more of a knitting/crocheting person.
Hi Kalpana! You are welcome ;))
Quilts are easy to make: a top made with scraps of fabrics sewn together to form patterns, then a fluffy batting and a plain fabric for the back. The fun part is to sew the 3 layers together (the quilting) to hod them but also to make creative designs.
Last year for the A2Z challenge I made a review of quilting artists, if you want to have a look at very different styles: Quilting from A to Z: entry by the characteristic of the work of the artists I love .
And the year before, Quilting from A to Z: my encyclopedia, about quilting and patchwork .
Have a look too at the amazing work quilters are making here, linked above.
Thank you for your interest!
Beth Lapin a dit…
Jersey! Well, we have New Jersey here, too!


Commentaires / Comments

  • Thank you for visiting! 💖 Your comments mean a lot to me and I will respond as soon as possible, either by visiting your blog, by email or following the comments here.
  • Merci pour votre visite ! 💗 J'apprécie beaucoup de lire vos commentaires, et je répondrais dès que possible, soit en visitant votre blog ; sinon par mail ou à la suite des commentaires ici .