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Top ✂️ + Link party P&Q #249 (Mar 22) 📌

Bonjour, et bienvenue ici !
Hello, and welcome!


Le top de mon projet SAHRR est terminé ! Je pense, à moins que je rajoute une dernière bordure. Je ne sais pas non plus comment je vais le quilter.

I have a finish! The top of my SAHRR project is done. I think, unless I add a final border. I don't know how I'm going to quilt it either.


J'ai terminé l'étiquette de mon petit quilt Floralies, brodée main avec 2 brins de coton perlé (DMC) :

I have finished the label for my little Floralies quilt, hand-embroidered with 2 strands of pearl cotton (DMC):


Maintenant j'ai très hâte de voir ce que vous avez fait : montrez-nous vos réalisation textiles de la semaine dans la link partie Patchwork & Quilts ci-dessous !

Now I'm especially looking forward to seeing what you've been up to: show us your stitching of the week in the Patchwork & Quilts link party below!

Stats de la semaine :
🎯 J'ai modifié mon objectif cette année : je me fixe deux jours de couture par semaine, pendant au moins 15 minutes, et je participe à "Stitching Stuff", organisé par Kate. C'est moins ambitieux que les 3 jours de l'an passé, mais c'est bien plus raisonnable et surtout réaliste. Toute journée supplémentaire sera du bonus !
🠞 Cette semaine, j'ai cousu  jours. Ce week-end nous avons la visite d'amis, je ne vais pas beaucoup coudre !
This week's numbers:
🎯 I've modified my goal this year: I'm setting myself two days of sewing a week, for at least 15 minutes, and I'm taking part in “Stitching Stuff”, organized by Kate. It's not as ambitious as last year's 3 days, but it's much more reasonable and, above all, realistic. Any extra day will be a bonus!
🠞 This week, I've been sewing  days. This weekend we have friends visiting, so I won't be sewing much!
🎯 2/7 jours / days :

📆 Semaine / Week #12  (2/7)
📅 Semaines en mars / Weeks in March: 1/3
📊 Semaines en 2025 / Weeks in 2025 : 7/12


Merci pour vos partages de la semaine dernière
sur ma link partie 💖

Thank you for sharing last week
on my link party 💖
Si vous n'avez pas eu l'occasion d'admirer de plus près chacune des entrées,
ou si vous avez juste envie de les revoir,
il suffit de cliquer sur l'image 😍

If you haven't had a chance to take a closer look at each of the entries,
or if you just want to see them again,
click the picture below to check them out 😍


Bienvenue à la link party Patchwork & Quilts !
 Je vous invite à partager vos projets de couture et loisirs créatifs textiles, 
en cours ou terminés.
🔗 Partagez votre lien ci-dessous ! 🔗

Welcome to the Patchwork & Quilts link party!
You're invited to share your sewing and textile projects, 
work in progress or completed work.
🔗 It's time to link up! 🔗

Cette link partie est un espace de partage, de motivation, pour s'encourager, et s'inspirer, aussi je vous invite à visiter les participants et leur laisser un commentaire encourageant ! 💖
💖 Créons du lien ! 💖

This link party is a space for sharing, motivating, encouraging and inspiring each other, so I invite you to visit the participants and leave them an encouraging comment! 💖
💖 Let's create connections! 💖


🔗 15 Minutes to Stitch 

Merci pour votre visite !
Thank you for visiting!
😘 Frédérique


Gretchen Weaver a dit…
Your SAHRR quilt is very pretty! The fabrics compliment each other very well. Happy stitching!
The Cozy Quilter a dit…
Your SAHRR quilt came together nicely as you creatively responded to each prompt. Lovely embroidered label too!
Congrats on getting your SAHRR puzzle put together, Frederique!!! The colors are vibrant against the grey!!!
Kate a dit…
Your SAHRR turned out beautifully. Your color combinations worked out so well. Congrats on making you stitching time goal this week. Happy stitching this week.
CathieJ a dit…
Your SAHRR quilt is very pretty! I like the label you made for Floralies.
Your SAHRR quilt looks amazing , Frederique. I really like the fabrics and colors that you used. Very pretty label too. I have always enjoyed using pearl cotton. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs.
I like your SAHRR just like it is! That outer border is the perfect frame!
Gwyned Trefethen a dit…
Your SAHRR looks as though it was designed as single unit versus one border at time. Not bad! What I love is how it explodes outward from the inner house block. If it were my piece, I would probably add just one more border to help contain the explosion. It would be a single gray border - no piecing. Although another possibility would be a simple triple border that can be added as just one border - the outside borders would be gray and inner border (probably narrow) another color from the your palette, yellow, turquoise or black.This would look best mitered at the corners.
chrisknits a dit…
It's wonderful! I can't say border or no, but it does look finished as is.
Liz A. a dit…
Your quilt came out great. What a great way to finally use up a block that's been sitting for reasons.

Commentaires / Comments

  • Thank you for visiting! 💖 Your comments mean a lot to me and I will respond as soon as possible, either by visiting your blog, by email or following the comments here.
  • Merci pour votre visite ! 💗 J'apprécie beaucoup de lire vos commentaires, et je répondrais dès que possible, soit en visitant votre blog ; sinon par mail ou à la suite des commentaires ici .