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R = Rope / Corde ➖ #AtoZchallenge 2021[Quilt]

Challenge de A à Z 2021 et #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt : la lettre R
#AtoZchallenge2021 and #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt: letter R

Chaque jour pendant tout le mois d'avril sauf les dimanches, je poste un article commençant par chacune des lettres de l'alphabet. Cette année mon thème est, dans l'univers du textile, le recyclage, la réutilisation et la valorisation. Plein de bonnes idées de bricolage facile !
Et vous aussi vous pouvez jouer ! Voir en bas de l'article.

Every day during the whole month of April except Sundays, I write a post starting with each letter of the alphabet. This year my theme is, in the textile universe, about upcycling, recycling and repurposingLots of good easy DIY ideas!
And you can play too! See below.

R comme rope, ou corde.
Toutes les cordes sont utiles : cordon épais, corde en coton recyclé, corde à linge en coton, ...
Pour suivre mon thème du textile, je ne proposerais que des exemples de cordes associées à des tissus ou de la laine.

R is for rope.
All ropes are useful: thick cord, recycled cotton cord, cotton clothesline rope, ...
To stick to my textile theme, I would only suggest examples of ropes associated with fabrics or wool.

Paniers / Baskets

Panier en corde, crocheté
Crochet Rope Basket

Utilisez de la laine aux couleurs dégradées pour un effet arc-en-ciel !
Use variegated gradient yarn for a rainbow effect!

Panier cousu à la machine, puis embelli
Machine sewn basket, then embellished

Des morceaux de tissus enveloppent la corde, et sont cousus à la machine
Fabric scraps wrap the rope, and are machine sewn

Les tissus sont enroulés autour de la corde
The fabrics are wrapped around the rope

La corde est entièrement recouverte de tissus enroulés
The rope is entirely covered with wrapped fabrics

Les paniers se cousent aussi à la main !
Baskets can also be sewn by hand!

Pas de tuto. J'adore les couleurs !
No tutorial. I love the colors!

Pas de tuto. La forme du vase est magnifique !
No tutorial. The vase shape is wonderful!

Bracelet / Bracelet

Collier ou bracelet en corde enroulée de tissu 
Fabric-wrapped cord necklace or bracelet

Chaussures / Shoes

Fabriquez vos semelles d'espadrille ! Ensuite il ne reste plus qu'à les habiller.
Make your own espadrille soles! Then all you have to do is dress them up.


A vous de jouer !*
It's your turn to play!*

Montrez ici vos réalisations textiles qui commencent par un R : ça peut être le nom d'un quilt, d'un bloc, d'une technique, d'un accessoire de couture, d'un point de broderie, d'un objet fait avec du tissu, tout ce qui a un lien avec l'art textile !

Show here your textile creations that start with an R: it can be the name of a quilt, a block, a technique, a sewing accessory, an embroidery stitch, an object made with fabric, anything related to textile art!

*If you are looking for the Patchwork & Quilts link-up

Le prix à gagner @CréaPassions
The prize to win @FatQuarterShop

Link party ouverte 24 heures seulement ! (de 10h ce matin à 9h55 demain)
Link party opens 24 hours only! (from 10am to 9:55am, Paris time)


Arti a dit…
Wow! that's a lot of rope:) I'll probably buy a few rope coasters next time I see them in a craft bazaar...hope and pray things settle down soon.
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
The rope coaster are so cute! I love the kitty bag too. Will need to buy some rope to try these out. :)
Jamie Ghione a dit…
Great uses of rope.
These are so artistic and colourful...lovely designs and ideas aunts are skilled at weaving baskets using plastic wire...Pity I never learnt from them
Deborah Weber a dit…
I love the color in those coasters as well. I'm not sure I would trust my espadrille sole-making skills - I can imaging mine unraveling at the worst possible time. :-)
Marie-Françoise de Lille a dit…
Jolies ces utilisations avec la corde.
Vivian a dit…
Rope baskets are definitely on my "To Do" list and those coasters would be a great warm-up on how to do the process!
Verveine et Lin a dit…
j'adore ces paniers mais j'ai un peu peur que ma machine apprécie moins...
The ideas just keep coming. The pussy cat basket's so cute!
Anne a dit…
Il y a PLEIN de corbeilles et de colliers sur mon site, les années précédentes; mais n'ayant pas compris comment mettre des photos, je donne juste quelques liens; j'en faisais sur commande pour des mariages, des fêtes, les bijoux, les chaussettes. J'ai dans ma petite ville une des dernières corderies artisanale de France qui bradait (changement de propriétaire!): Je faisais aussi des stages; j'en fais encore informels....
Et des colliers, par exemple:
Merci de ce R très évocateur!!
Lisa a dit…
Well, those are fantastic! Beautiful colors for the bracelets, vase, and yard holders.
Sara a dit…
Wow! I love the idea of making my own sandals! The coasters seem better for a beginner like me though. ��
Iain Kelly a dit…
I wish I was talented enough to do these, they look fabulous.
TWW a dit…
Okay, now I'm just going to have to write all these down...luckily I have them saved to my faves to look at when April is over. Thank you.
Anonyme a dit…
I love rope baskets but have always been afraid to make them. It seems like it puts a lot of wear and tear on a sewing machine. I did find one at a artisan craft fair. I bought it and use it all the time for my handsewing project tools. I will look at the one you say can be sewn by hand.
Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net
Molly's Canopy a dit…
These rope and chord creations are beautiful -- and inspiring. Must stop back when April's done for a more detailed look at these.
Liz A. a dit…
Those look about my speed.
Olga Godim a dit…
Love the baskets.
ms_lili a dit…
I used to do a lot of macrame. Never considered wrapping the rope before doing the knots. I bet it would look really cool.
I love rope baskets. I've never attempted one myself but have bought them from local sellers. Weekends In Maine
AJ Blythe a dit…
I remember when I was about year 2 at school, we used a heshen string and wrapped it around a tin can (very close together), using lots of glue on the outside, then painted them. The idea was to pull the heshen cylinder off (I can't remember what we were going to do with that) but we were all young kids. No surprise all the heshen stuck to the cans and wouldn't pull off. We used them as pencil holders on our desks instead.
The crochet rope baskets look fun! I like to crochet anyway :)

The Multicolored Diary
Chantal a dit…
Très intéressant les sandals. ;^)

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