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Z = Zipper / Fermeture éclair 🤐 #AtoZchallenge 2021[Quilt]

Challenge de A à Z 2021 et #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt : la lettre Z
#AtoZchallenge2021 and #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt: letter Z

Et voilà le dernier article du mois d'avril, au cours duquel j'ai posté un article par jour (sauf le dimanche) commençant par chacune des lettres de l'alphabet. Cette année mon thème est, dans l'univers du textile, le recyclage, la réutilisation et la valorisation. Plein de bonnes idées de bricolage facile ! Pour retrouver toutes les entrées, cliquer ici
Et vous aussi vous pouvez jouer ! Voir en bas de l'article.

And here is the last post of the month of April, during which I posted one post per day (except Sunday) beginning with each letter of the alphabet. This year my theme is, in the textile universe, about upcycling, recycling and repurposingLots of good easy DIY ideas! To find all the entries, click here
And you can play too! See below.

Z comme Zipper, ou fermeture éclair.
Cela fait des années que vous mettez de côté les fermetures éclair des vêtements ou objet abîmés.
Qu'en faire ? Plein de choses ! Cela dépend de leur état.

Z is for Zipper.
You've been putting away zippers from damaged clothes or objects for years.
What to do with them? Lots of things! It depends on their condition.

Fermetures intactes / Unbroken zippers

Avec de petites fermetures (7'', ou 15 cm environ) :
With small zippers (about 7'', or 15 cm):

Quelques petites fermetures éclair, un morceau de jean pour le dos, 
et hop, une trousse !
A few small zippers, a piece of denim for the back, 
and there you have a pouch!

Vous avez au moins 13 fermetures ? Cette pochette est pour vous !
You have at least 13 closures? This pouch is for you!

Original !

Avec de longues et très longues fermetures :
With long and very long zippers:

Porte-monnaie sympa. Le tutoriel est ici. Il faut une fermeture de 50 cm.
Cute self-zipping coin purse. The tutorial is here. You need a 20'' long zipper.

Vous avez récupéré des mètres de fermeture ? 
Pour ce projet, il faut 2 mètres d'un seul tenant.
You have saved yards of zippers? 
For this project, you need 80'' in one piece.

Là il en faut une bonne longueur !
Here, it takes a good length!

Transformer une fermeture éclair (20'' ou 15 cm de long) en fleur, broche, ou fermoir.
Turn a zipper (20'' or 15 cm long) into a flower, brooch, or clasp.

Décoration de Noël
Zipper tree ornament

Fermeture entière en collier, embellie de dentelles...
Embellished lace zipper necklace...


... pour tenter de faire comme Van Cleef : collier Zip avec diamants et saphirs en or blanc. Le collier Zip Antique Colombine est l'un des modèles les plus emblématiques de Van Cleef, créé à l'origine pour la duchesse de Windsor dans les années 1950. Les dents en or se zippent pour ajuster la chute du collier, ou les deux côtés peuvent être zippés complètement et portés comme un bracelet.

... to try to do like Van Cleef: Zip necklace with diamonds and sapphires in white gold. The Zip Antique Colombine is one of Van Cleef's most iconic designs, originally created for the Duchess of Windsor in the 1950s. The gold teeth actually zip up to adjust the fall of the necklace, or the two sides can be zipped all the way up and worn as a bracelet.

Enlever le tissu autour de la fermeture, et voilà un collier très simple et élégant !
Remove the fabric around the zipper, and you have a very simple and elegant necklace!

Et des bracelets !
And bracelets!

Une broche libellule
A dragonfly brooch

Fermetures cassées / Broken zippers

Il peut manquer des dents, ou le curseur, mais même cassées, les fermetures à glissières servent encore ! Voilà quelques idées de recyclage :

They may be missing teeth, or the slider, but even broken zippers are still useful! Here are some ideas for recycling:

Un bracelet étonnant !
A stunning bracelet!

Combiner jean, broderies et fermeture éclair (pas de tuto)
Combine denim, stitches and zipper (no tutorial)

Curseur manquant ? Ce bracelet n'en a pas besoin !
Missing slider? This bracelet doesn't need one!

Stacy Gates
Joli pendentif tout simple (pas de tuto)
Nice and simple pendant (no tutorial)

(pas de tuto)
(no tutorial)

Transformez une fermeture éclair cassée en un bracelet unique en son genre !
Turn a broken zipper into a one-of-a-kind bracelet!

Pendentif (pas de tuto)
Pendant (no tutorial)

Collier (pas de tuto)
Necklace (no tutorial)

Un tuto pour réaliser cette broche
A tutorial to make this brooch

Maintenant que vous savez faire, voilà de l'inspiration !
Now that you know how, here's some inspiration!



A vous de jouer !
It's your turn to play!

Montrez ici vos réalisations textiles qui commencent par un Z : ça peut être le nom d'un quilt, d'un bloc, d'une technique, d'un accessoire de couture, d'un point de broderie, d'un objet fait avec du tissu, tout ce qui a un lien avec l'art textile !

Show here your textile creations that start with a Z: it can be the name of a quilt, a block, a technique, a sewing accessory, an embroidery stitch, an object made with fabric, anything related to textile art!

Dernière occasion de jouer pour le prix à gagner @CréaPassions
Last chance to enter for the prize to win @FatQuarterShop

Link party ouverte de 7h ce matin à midi demain
Link party opens from 7am this morning to 12am tomorrow, Paris time)


AJ Blythe a dit…
I hadn't realised there were so many things you could do with a zip! Some very coold ideas ( I particularly like the dragonfly). Congratulations on making it to Z!
ANNE G a dit…
C'et un article vraiment original; j'avais vu des colliers déjà et un sac dont je dois avoir la photo quelque part, le zip dégageait une poche secrète. Merci pour tous ces liens; je vais les explorer!♥♥♥♥
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Wow, those earnings and pedants are so cool! How do we make that brooch? That's something I'd love to try for sure.
Had a great time visiting your blog this month.
Congratulations on completing the challenge. :)
Marie-Françoise de Lille a dit…
Que de nouvelles pistes à explorer...avec un simple zip....
L'aventure de ce challenge A to Z se termine Frédérique. Ton thème est bien d'actualité. Merci pour toutes ces recherches et les liens intéressants et surprenants que tu nous as communiqués.
A reconsulter
Et merci de nous avoir associés avec le challenge quilt. J'ai beaucoup aimé.
A présent, tu vas pouvoir retrouver du temps pour tes ouvrages...
A bientôt
I have a love/hate relaionship with zippers, they're forever getting stuck! I never imagined they could be used in such creative ways.

Here's my Z!

Jamie Ghione a dit…
Once again, such clever uses.
Vivian a dit…
I think we'll all be going this route today! These are all very cool and creative ways to repurpose zippers. Thanks for the opportunity to see the world of re-use and upcycling!
Arti a dit…
I love jewellery. Never thought zippers could be turned into wearable art!
Thank you for a month of inspiration and a bag full of projects to dig into dear Frederique. Your posts were a delight to come to.
Verveine&Lin a dit…
J'adore l'idée du bracelet tout fin avec les breloques !
Anne M Bray a dit…
The zipper heart is very sweet. And I like the woven zipper bag.
The jewelry? Elegant, but I can't wrap my head around the sensation of zipper teeth against my skin.

A-Z well done! You found a lot of fun and inspiring upcycling ideas.
ms_lili a dit…
When I see these I know that creativity is a bottomless well! I appreciate your A2Z and have these ideas stored in my mental cache.

Molly's Canopy a dit…
I love the zipper flowers and jewelry. So much creativity in each of your posts. Must cycle back for a more details look now that A to Z is over. Congrats on completing the challenge and thanks for visiting my blog along the way.
Chantal a dit…
Z est aussi pour Zut comme dans Zut! c'est déjà fini! J'ai adoré tes articles de AàZ et je suis désolé que ce soit terminé. Les fermetures éclaires sont vraiment super et j'en ai des tas. Je pense que je vais jouer avec elles ce weekend. Encore une fois, merci pour tous ces liens fabuleux. ;^)
Lisa a dit…
I never thought to remove zippers and save them. Usually the zipper is the reason my clothes get thrown out! I thought the first was a pencil case, and it could be.
Trudy a dit…
My mind is blown by all the ideas for zippers!! I would be hard pressed to come up with a favorite out of the selections.

Thank you for sharing such creative ideas all month, and congratulations for completing the A to Z Challenge!
Frewin55 a dit…
Wonderful inventiveness - I love it - my kind of sewing!
Iain Kelly a dit…
Another impressive post to finish off the month. Well done on getting to the end - I feel I have learned an awful lot about craft and reusing materials!
Anne E.G. Nydam a dit…
I have a zipper brooch that my father-in-law found for me at his church bazaar. Some of these are really spectacular!
This was a fun theme, which I have enjoyed.
Black and White: Z for Zerzura
TWW a dit…
Well now, looks like I have a full dance card of things to make next month, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for all the posts and inspirations. Congrats on reaching the end of this years A2Z.
Olga Godim a dit…
Lovely necklaces.
Congrats on finishing this April challenge.
Arlee Bird a dit…
So very creative. I'm not so industrious or handy with sewing craftwork so I'll likely not be doing much like this.

You did a wonderful job with this year's Challenge. Thanks for you participation and for all of your wonderful comments on my posts.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
My wardrobe contains very few items with zippers these days and I have no extra zippers laying around but I enjoyed seeing all the artful ideas you have created. The dragonfly especially captured my attention. Congratulations on completing the AtoZChallenge2021 and sharing many colorful ideas with the community all month.
I really want to do some zipper crafts. originally, I was going to try one for my A to Z but then decided to go the digital route and make a zine but I still have some zipper crafts bouncing around in head. I especially love the pictures from woolly_fabulous. I think those would make wonderful hairclips. They are so fun and whimsical. Weekends In Maine
Zipper jewelry... how unique!
I really enjoyed your theme this month! And I got a lot of neat ideas I'm going to have to try. Thank you! :)

The Multicolored Diary
Barbara a dit…
It's just amazing what great things you can create with zippers. That literally spurs the think tank on. Thank you for your great A-Z contributions.
Many greetings Barbara
Frewin55 a dit…
So we made it through another challenge Frederique and this year, although more prepared beforehand - I have been overworked by the day job - so I still have posts of yours to visit through the next while. Thank you for your comments which I always enjoy and for all the work you have put into your magnificent journey in this challenge (Jason and the Argonauts - eat your hearts out!)
je préfère le sapin de Noel au collier (qui doit chatouillé sauf celui de Van Cleef évidemment!!) merci encore pour ces bonnes idées!
I have the same multi zipper bag ..... woah !!!! I did not make it though , got it as a gift...same colors :)
Alana a dit…
I love the zipper jewelry! I do wish there was an easy way to repair broken zippers because I have a handmade purse (not made by me) with a broken zipper that I want to be able to use again. Ah well! Congratulations on completing the A to Z Challenge!
Sara a dit…
Wow, those bracelets! I love bracelets and I'm going to have to give some of these a go. Well done on finishing the challenge!
Janet a dit…
I remember when I was learning to sew that zippers were one of the hardest things to work with. I love some of these interesting uses for them, especially the necklaces and bracelets. Those flowers are so cute and the Christmas tree ornaments! Thanks for sharing this. I may have to try a couple of those! Congrats on finishing the A to Z. I have enjoyed looking at your various craft projects!

Janet’s Smiles
Liz A. a dit…
Wow, lots of zipper jewelry and art. Those zipper bags were the thing a couple years ago. They were everywhere.
J Lenni Dorner a dit…
Beautiful! And now I have found Z for Zipper for the scavenger hunt! Thank you.

It's hard to believe the alphabet part of the blogging challenge is over for 2021. Down to the after survey, reflections, and the "road trip" sign-up.
Plus, I'm taking part in the Bout of Books read-a-thon in May. So much excitement!
J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author
JEN Garrett a dit…
Wow, amazing post! Now I wish I had some leftover zippers! I think I need to visit a yard sale or something and find some. So much inspiration here. Here's my Z post -
Tamara a dit…
Just like that I've learned a new French word "fermeture éclair" - never heard before!
And I had no idea there were so many cool things one can make with them.

Congratulations on completing A-Z. I bet you're going to be bored in May ;-)))
Marianne a dit…
Que de bonnes idées j'adore merci pour le partge
What fun cute ideas!

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