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A = Abat-jour / Lampshade 💡 #AtoZchallenge 2021[Quilt]

Les challenges de A à Z 2021 et #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt commencent aujourd'hui !
The #AtoZchallenge2021 and #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt are starting today!

Chaque jour pendant tout le mois d'avril sauf les dimanches, je vais poster un article commençant par chacune des lettres de l'alphabet. Après 2 participations précédentes (celle de 2019 est à revoir en images ici et celle de 2020 ici), cette année mon thème est, dans l'univers du textile, le recyclage, la réutilisation et la valorisation. Plein de bonnes idées de bricolage facile ! ♻️
Mais d'abord, tout savoir sur ce challenge, et la liste de tous les participants.
Et vous aussi vous pouvez jouer ! Voir en bas de l'article : 
Link party

Every day during the whole month of April except Sundays, I will post an article starting with each letter of the alphabet. After 2 previous participations (the one of 2019 is to be reviewed in pictures here and the one of 2020 here), this year my theme is, in the textile universe, about upcycling, recycling and repurposingLots of good easy DIY ideas! ♻️
And you can play too! See below.

Et maintenant, allons-y !
So now, let's the fun begin!


A comme abat-jour pour cette 1ère lettre de l'alphabet ! 
Une remarque toutefois,  je n'utiliserais pas exclusivement des mots français pour mon défi AtoZ, parfois vous trouverez aussi des mots anglais 😇

A is for abat-jour which means lampshade in French, for this 1st letter of the alphabet! 
Ok, I have to warn you that I will not use exclusively English words for my AtoZ challenge, sometimes you will find French words too 😇

Alors, comment réutiliser de vieux abat-jours et leur redonner un coup de jeune avec du tissu ?
Voilà des idées :

So, how to reuse old lampshades and give them a second life using fabric?
Here are some ideas:

Remplacer la toile de l'abat-jour par un patchwork coloré.
Replace the fabric of the lampshade with a colorful patchwork.

Avec des bandes de tissus nouées, un effet romantique !
With knotted fabric strips, a romantic effect!

Quelques morceaux de tissus, de la colle, un ruban pour la finition, et hop, un bel abat-jour !
A few pieces of fabric, some glue, a ribbon for the finish, and voilà, a beautiful lampshade!

Celui-ci est mon préféré ! Il est en papier, mais serait très simple à faire avec des bandes de tissus décorées.
This one is my favorite! It's made of paper, but would be very simple to make with decorated fabric strips.


Maintenant à vous de jouer !
Now it's your turn to play!

Montrez ici vos réalisations textiles qui commencent par un A : ça peut être le nom d'un quilt, d'un bloc, d'une technique, d'un accessoire de couture, d'un point de broderie, d'un objet fait avec du tissu, tout ce qui a un lien avec l'art textile, et que vous avez fait, ou possédez !
Mais surtout, amusez-vous !

Show here your textile creations that start with an A: it can be the name of a quilt, a block, a technique, a sewing accessory, an embroidery stitch, an object made with fabric, anything related to textile art, and that you have made, or have on your own!
But more importantly, have fun!

Quelles sont les règles du jeu
Le prix à gagner @CréaPassions

How to add a link
The prize to win @FatQuarterShop

Link party

Link party ouverte une journée seulement ! (de 6h ce matin à 7h55 demain)
Link party opens one day only! (from 6am this morning to 7:55am tomorrow, Paris time)

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Marie-Françoise de Lille a dit…
en route pour l'aventure Frédérique
Tamara a dit…
Wow, these abat-jours look amazing! I bet you were working on them for hours and hours!

Happy A-Z, great to see you again!
Pradeep Nair a dit…
That's a lovely piece of art work, and a beautiful example of "reuse".
Iain Kelly a dit…
Those lampshades look amazing! You make it sound so easy as well :-)
The first and the last one are amazing, I love colorful stuff! :) Happy A to Z! As I have said before, excellent theme :)

The Multicolored Diary
Arti a dit…
Love all the lampshades. I haven't got an old one yet, but if I do, I know where to find inspiration:)
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Wow, these are so so pretty! I love the last one. It looks easiest of them all.
Haven't tried any crafts as much but would love to.
AJ Blythe a dit…
Oooh, I love the knotted fabric strips. Not sure I could make it look as good as the one in the picture though.

AJ Blythe - A to Z - poisons
Scrapatches a dit…
Linking up today with my little A-Z challenge. I am learning French words. What fun! I know some rudimentary French from my mother and studied it in school many years ago. I did not know the word for lampshade. I once covered an old lampshade in fabric and updated my post with an old photo. The ones in your links are much better. I like the patchwork one from sewingwithscraps. Thank you for hosting and sharing ... :) Pat
What a lovely start, for me the standout shade is the pleated poppy.
Anne M Bray a dit…
Ooooh! I love the last one!

I’m A-Zing my artwork:
and shoes:
Bonjour Frédérique, c'est un bon post! J'éprouve des difficultés techniques avec mon link-up. Je ne crois pas que le problème est InLinkz mais plutôt Instagram. Je vais essayer d'arranger ça. Bonne journée :-)
JadeLi a dit…
Very neat idea with a very big effect!
JadeLi a dit…
Question: can we link our non-quilting A2Z into your link party?
Yes JadeLi, you are welcome to link too ;)
Le lien fonctionne Andrée, et va bien vers ton IG ! 👍
Jamie Ghione a dit…
Love your designs. Very creative. The lampshade is great.
Marie-Françoise de Lille a dit…
Originaux ces abat-jours.
Il y a très longtemps, j'en avais fait un avec de la grosse laine rustique écrue...

Kathleen a dit…
I've seen some of these before. So pretty. The last one is new to me though and I like it . . . looks like bookmarks! I've always been leery to try this idea though for fear the fabric might burn. But gluing fabric directly to a lampshade might take care of that worry. Really, that last one, very cool!
Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net
Crackerberries a dit…
Just dropping in from the #A-Z Blogging Challenge. You are very talented. Love the pleatedpoppy lampshade. Best of luck to you.

Janet a dit…
Oh so pretty! Great way to repurpose. Love the colors in the first one. Looking forward to your series.

Janet’s Smiles
Nitisha Mathur a dit…
Wow! These are beautiful! Your work always leaves me in awe
Sherrie a dit…
Love all those post is up. Have a great day!
Deborah Weber a dit…
Oh my goodness these are fabulous! The paper one is my favorite, but all of them are inspiring. I'm not sure I can look at my lampshades quite the same anymore.
Alana a dit…
I love these but I have never had good luck trying to work with my hands (except for crochet). I have an old lamp that needs a lampshade, too. Oh well. The first one is my favorite.
Trudy a dit…
Ooooooo! I especially love the one of paper.

Trudy @ Reel Focus
Movies reflect human needs: Agency
I love the knotted fabric one. You could really do so many different things depending on the fabric that you choose. I remember when I got married, someone made us a lamp with a custom lamp shade made from old maps. It was so unique. Weekends In Maine
Steph W. a dit…
I would add my applique wall hanging, but alas, it is in storage. Also, I want to admit I have fallen in love with you! I have not spoken French in 16 years and I miss it so. And you are writing about one of my other loves: fabric. Merci! Add a chaussons aux pommes and I will be in heaven.
John Holton a dit…
Looks like another winner here!
Romi a dit…
So creative!
Anonyme a dit…
These lamp shades are fabulous!

Cai a dit…
Beautiful lamp shades. I did a simple applique at

I missed your link party for letter A because I was late.
Red a dit…
I like the dangly one at the end best. Beautiful!
Beth Lapin a dit…
My daughter glued fabric on a lampshade decades ago, and it's a wonderful gift to me whenever I see it on my back porch!
Frewin55 a dit…
Hi Frederique - loved the knotted lampshade especially - what is the literal translation of Abat-jour please?
When in Crete I met a lovely French couple Cyrille and Damien, who live on a yaught as you used to do and I have sent her the link to your blog as she says it will help her English to see your bilingual writings...
Don't worry Jess, I added your post in the A's link party ;)
Cute Appliqué cat!
The literal translation for "abat-jour" is something like "bring down the day", but it should be "bring down the light".
Oh boy, I don't think I'm a good English teacher ;)
Liz A. a dit…
Some great ideas. I've toyed with the idea of knitting a lampshade. Maybe someday.
Vivian a dit…
Ok, I've got to try this one day! I remember seeing lamp frames made for custom covering years ago. That paper version would translate so well into scrap strip pieced strips!
Simply beaturiful! I loved the pleated poppy one and will try it......
TWW a dit…
Wow, this is an awesome post, and I love the last one as well. I had wondered if it could be done with strips of fabric and you answered that one for us. Thank you so much. Well done on your first post.
Nilanjana Bose a dit…
They all look amazing! The strip one is my favourite - absolutely stunning.

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