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W = Wool / Laine feutrée 🧶 #AtoZchallenge 2021[Quilt]

Challenge de A à Z 2021 et #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt : la lettre W
#AtoZchallenge2021 and #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt: letter W

Chaque jour pendant tout le mois d'avril sauf les dimanches, je poste un article commençant par chacune des lettres de l'alphabet. Cette année mon thème est, dans l'univers du textile, le recyclage, la réutilisation et la valorisation. Plein de bonnes idées de bricolage facile !
Et vous aussi vous pouvez jouer ! Voir en bas de l'article.

Every day during the whole month of April except Sundays, I write a post starting with each letter of the alphabet. This year my theme is, in the textile universe, about upcycling, recycling and repurposingLots of good easy DIY ideas!
And you can play too! See below.

W comme wool, ou laine feutrée. 
Il y a quelques jours, pour la lettre P nous avions vu comment recycler des pulls. Des pulls troués, ou passés de mode. Aujourd'hui c'est un autre type de pulls que je vous propose de réutiliser : ceux qui ont feutré. Soit malencontreusement parce que lavés trop chaud (oui, ça arrive...), ou exprès parce que justement, trop petits, moches, etc.

W is for wool.
A few days ago, for the letter P, we saw how to upcycle pullovers. Sweaters with holes, or out of fashion. Today it's another type of sweaters that I propose to repurpose: those that have felt. Either unfortunately because they were washed too hot (yes, it happens...), or on purpose because they were too small, ugly, etc.

Un pull / One sweater

Avec un seul pull, vous pouvez déjà faire plusieurs projets :
With one sweater, you can already make several projects:

Découpez les manches, et voilà une paire de mitaines !
Cut out the sleeves, and you have a pair of fingerless gloves!

(pas de tuto)
(no tutorial)

Des chaussons bien chauds !
Cozy slippers!

Et un sac, bien sûr !
And a bag, of course!

Plusieurs pulls / Lot of sweaters

Vous avez plusieurs pulls qui ont été lavés trop chaud ? Parfait ! voilà de quoi vous faire oublier qu'ils ont rétréci :

Have several sweaters that have been washed too hot? Perfect! Here's something to make you forget that they've shrunk:

J'adore ces chats ! (pas de tuto)
I love those cats! (no tutorial)

Les pulls sont coupés en fines bandes, et voilà un très beau tapis.
The sweaters are cut into strips, and here is a beautiful felt rug.
Et pourquoi pas une couverture ?
How about a blanket?

Faites votre propre manteau d'elfe ! (instructions à acheter)
Make your own Katwise style Elf Coat (tutorial to buy)


A vous de jouer !*
It's your turn to play!*

Montrez ici vos réalisations textiles qui commencent par un W : ça peut être le nom d'un quilt, d'un bloc, d'une technique, d'un accessoire de couture, d'un point de broderie, d'un objet fait avec du tissu, tout ce qui a un lien avec l'art textile !

Show here your textile creations that start with a W: it can be the name of a quilt, a block, a technique, a sewing accessory, an embroidery stitch, an object made with fabric, anything related to textile art!

*If you are looking for the Patchwork & Quilts link-up

Le prix à gagner @CréaPassions
The prize to win @FatQuarterShop

Link party ouverte 24 heures seulement ! (de 8h ce matin à 7h55 demain)
Link party opens 24 hours only! (from 8am to 7:55am, Paris time)

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


AJ Blythe a dit…
The blanket looks so cozy.
les mitaines me tentent bien!
Verveine et Lin a dit…
ah, oui, les chats sont superbes!
Marie-Françoise de Lille a dit…
Trop chouettes les chats
I love those ideas on how to use sweaters you know longer want
quiltingbydawn a dit…
Some great project to use old sweaters! I’ve also purchased old wool sweaters at thrift shops to felt.
Vivian a dit…
We're on the same page today! Loving the slippers and that rug is super awesome!
Anne M Bray a dit…
I plan to do a Katwise-type "quilt" cardigan with pieces of sweaters, once I figure out how to rethread my serger. ;-)
Jamie Ghione a dit…
I like those cats!
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
The cats and that quilt are my top favorites. How cute they look! Wish I had some colorful sweaters. Our weather doesn't need much of woolen clothing. :/
Deborah Weber a dit…
So many wonderful projects. My sister-in-law is a felter, recycling woolen things and creating new clothing. It's always such a delight to see what she's created.
Arti a dit…
Love the cats! OMG! how cute are they.
Those cozy slippers are absolutely fabulous, just what I needed over this past chilly winter. The elf coat is amazing.
Liz A. a dit…
Oh, I do love felted projects. I do it on purpose, though. Sad when a favorite sweater got felted.
Trudy a dit…
What a clever way to make mittens! But oh... those cats are soooo adorable! You almost lost me there as I stopped for a long time to gaze at them.
pilch92 a dit…
I want to make those cats. :)
Molly's Canopy a dit…
Another fabulous set of ideas. That rug looks fabulous!!
Love the picture of the mittens with the original sweater all around them.

I've always wanted to make a wool rug from scraps. Maybe someday.

Weekends In Maine
One day I will be wealthy enough to afford a Katwise coat...

The Multicolored Diary

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