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D = Denim 👖 #AtoZchallenge 2021[Quilt]

Challenge de A à Z 2021 et #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt : la lettre D
#AtoZchallenge2021 and #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt: letter D

Chaque jour pendant tout le mois d'avril sauf les dimanches, je poste un article commençant par chacune des lettres de l'alphabet. Cette année mon thème est, dans l'univers du textile, le recyclage, la réutilisation et la valorisation. Plein de bonnes idées de bricolage facile !
Et vous aussi vous pouvez jouer ! Voir en bas de l'article.

Every day during the whole month of April except Sundays, I write a post starting with each letter of the alphabet. This year my theme is, in the textile universe, about upcycling, recycling and repurposingLots of good easy DIY ideas!
And you can play too! See below.

D comme denim, un sergé de coton utilisé pour la confection du blue jean.
Les vieux jeans se recyclent de très nombreuses façons !
Cliquez sur le liens pour voir les tutoriels.

D is for denim, a cotton twill used to make blue jeans.
Old jeans can be recycled in many many ways!
Click on the links to see the tutorials.

En couverture / On a cover

Habillez un carnet avec un morceau de jean et ses poches
Dress up a notebook with a piece of denim and its pockets

(pas de tutoriel)
(no tutorial)

En emballage / Into wrappings

Un emballage simple et écologique, pratique avec la poche pour transporter le tire-bouchon !
A simple and ecological wine bag, practical with the pocket to carry the corkscrew!

En sac / Into bags

Toutes les parties du jean sont bonnes à récupérer !
All the pieces of the jeans are good to recycle!




Et pour l'inspiration (pas de tutoriel) :
And for inspiration (no tutorial):

En vide-poches / Into organizer 

Que faire avec des poches de jean ?
What to do with blue jeans pockets?

(pas de tutoriel)
(no tutorial)



Pour ranger les jouets et livres à côté du lit
To store toys and books next to the bed

Pour les grands, ranger les télécommandes et autres accessoires à portée de main depuis le canapé
For adults, store remotes and other accessories within easy reach from the sofa

Dossiers de chaises, pour tout ranger !
Chair backs, to store everything!

En décoration de boîte de rangement
As a storage box decoration

Des trousses mignonnes
Cute pouches

Des pochons pour tout ranger, pratique !
Pouches to store everything, practical!

En décoration / In decoration

Que pensez-vous de ces fauteuils ?
What do you think of these chairs?

Un pouf sympathique
A nice footstool

Une décoration de Noël amusante et originale !
A fun and original Christmas decoration!

En quilt / Into quilts

Conseils pour faire un quilt en jean
Tips for making a denim quilt

Inspiration (pas de tutoriels)
Inspiration (no tutorials)

En tissage / Into weaving

Réutiliser les ceintures de jeans pour créer un magnifique tapis
Repurposing jeans waistbands into a gorgeous denim rug

(pas de tutoriel)
(no tutorial)

Même les jeans les plus abimés peuvent être recyclés !
Even the most damaged jeans can be recycled!


Et pour finir... / And finally...

Je ne peux pas terminer cet article sans parler de Ian Berry, un artiste qui crée des tableaux en jean fabuleux. J'avais écrit un billet de A à Z l'an dernier, pour le lire c'est ici.

I can't end this post without talking about Ian Berry, an artist who creates fabulous denim paintings. I wrote an A to Z post last year, to read it here.


A vous de jouer !*
It's your turn to play!*

Montrez ici vos réalisations textiles qui commencent par un D : ça peut être le nom d'un quilt, d'un bloc, d'une technique, d'un accessoire de couture, d'un point de broderie, d'un objet fait avec du tissu, tout ce qui a un lien avec l'art textile !

Show here your textile creations that start with a D: it can be the name of a quilt, a block, a technique, a sewing accessory, an embroidery stitch, an object made with fabric, anything related to textile art!
Quelles sont les règles du jeu
Le prix à gagner @CréaPassions

How to add a link
The prize to win @FatQuarterShop

Link party ouverte 24 heures seulement ! (de 8h ce matin à 7h55 demain)
Link party opens 24 hours only! (from 8am to 7:55am, Paris time)

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
*If you are looking for the Patchwork & Quilts link-upit's here: Link party Patchwork & Quilts.


la tulipe a dit…
J'admire le travail de recherche que tu fais pour chaque article!!!
ANNE a dit…
Merci pour cet article complet. J'utilise beaucoup les jeans, entre autres en Inde lors de mes ateliers bénévoles. J'espère en refaire en septembre prochain!
Le 25 septembre 2015, j'ai présenté mes lunch- bags dans des jambes de jean.
Merci pour votre visite, votre blogs sur lequel j'avais déjà jeté un oeil, 10 yeux, 100 yeux!
Arti a dit…
Dear Frederique, I'm in danger of not doing anything else but ogling at your post today. There are so many treats! Love the book cover and the wine bottle holder and everything else. Sharing this post on my fb today -- I have a few friends who'll be keen to use some of these ideas.
Another reason I enjoyed this post so much is because I saw a documentary about the real cost of fashion last year. In it they mention the unimaginably high use of water to make denim. Reusing it is a good idea.
Tamara a dit…
Wow, so many adorable and creative way to upcycle old blue jeans!
I wish I had the skills and patience to sew!

Just imagine, a denim advent calendar? 24 little pockets, embellished with silver bells, little gingerbread men, mistletoe wreaths...
Kalpana a dit…
How this post made me slurp. All that denim is to die for. I'm not good at sewing, I knit and crochet but I'm going to share this post with my mother and maybe she will enjoy making some of these things. I may make the denim basket. It is just gorgeous. Although those chair backs are fabulous too.
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Oh, my, my! So many ways to use the old denim. And to think I have tried none of these. The denim journals and super cute and so are those pockets. Amazing collection.
What marvellous ideas!I really like the book cover.
Pockets! Pockers everywhere! POCKETS ON BOOK COVERS

The Multicolored Diary
pascalinette a dit…
superbe article,merci;je garde tous les vieux jeans,tu as mis plein de bonnes idées,c'est génial!!
Marti a dit…
You have found so many great denim projects. I think the little kids denim chair covers are so clever!
Bonnie a dit…
What a great bunch of ideas. I particularly like the denim chairs. It would wear forever!
There are so many "that is my favorite" items in this post. That wine bottle holder almost makes me want to drink wine! The cell phone charger holders is adorable. I am marking this page for future projects.
Jamie Ghione a dit…
I have been saving old, torn jeans in hopes of making something from them. One was a homemade scarecrow for Halloween.
Scrapatches a dit…
These are all wonderful ideas for reusing denim fabric from worn clothing. I am very much enjoying your theme. So many inspiring creations. Thank you for sharing and hosting ... :) Pat
Vivian a dit…
Every one of these was just awesome! Highlights the versatility of fabric re-use. I've got to do the binder cover and now I want to recover my sewing chair in denim. Also makes me want to get back to that denim and strings quilt I started long ago.
Cocopatch a dit…
waouh! que d'idées!!! merci!!!
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Wonderful re-creations from blue jeans!
Wow many lovely ideas...I love the tote bags especially ... in fact my bag that i carry around often is a denim one ... the one I find most comfortable...thanks for visiting my blog
Sherrie a dit…
Awesome ideas for recycling denim, thanks for sharing.
Have a great day!
Meena Chatty a dit…
Each one better than the previous one! Wow! great post
Crackerberries a dit…
I love all of these ideas and I must share with my quilter friend who is not a blogger but she will love these ideas (and hopefully will make me something). I am not that talented, nor do I have the patience. But I love the journal covers and the very unique. I'll be over at my place Doing Chores
Have a wonderful day.
Anonyme a dit…
So many good ideas here! I especially like the rug and floor mats. I made shoulder purse (back in the 70s) out of one bell bottom pantleg. The whole leg. Clever cuts straight out of my head. The back of the leg became the pleated flap of the bag and the side seam areas and the front of the leg was cut to a certain distance from the bell bottom to became the strap. And the bell bottom was the bag part. I SOOOOO wish I still had it and don't know what possessed me to get rid of it. I sure hope someone who bought it at my yard sale years ago still appreciates it!
Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net
Anonyme a dit…
I have an old pair of jeans...., and now you’ve got me thinking!

JadeLi a dit…
I love these ideas! I don't like seeing jeans cut into pieces but at some point they wear out, so why not scavenge the repurpose them. I used to have a jeans rag rug I bought from an Amish rug maker. It lasted me 30+ years!
Marie-Françoise de Lille a dit…
Frédérique, merci pour tous ces liens.
Certains connus, d'autres à découvrir.

Olga Godim a dit…
Love denim bags. I like pockets in bags, the more pockets the better.
TWW a dit…
Some more awesome ideas to do when we're done with this A2Z challenge. I love working with denim and get into so much trouble for hording them.
Bee a dit…
Thank you for the A-Z visit and encouragement.

Serendipity, this, I would say. I grew up learning to sew and always wanted to do some quilting. I see the epiphany here.

Love n Peace
Liz A. a dit…
Wow, that's a lot of uses for denim. I have a couple pairs of denim shorts that have worn out, so I'm scanning this with interest.
Turid a dit…
Thank youfor all those beautiful ideas using denim.
Lisa a dit…
Those are some amazing ways to reuse denim! I love the pockets as cubbies. Back in my teen years the "in" thing was to make a skirt out of worn in the knees jeans. Take out the inner seams, and insert a gore of other fabric, colorful or other jeans. Back then we didn't wear jeans with rips like now!
Alana a dit…
I liked so many of these but....I don't sew! Well, they were great to admire. Especially if you use denim in other colors along with the blue.
pilch92 a dit…
These are all great ideas.
Carol Andrews a dit…
Frederique thank you for all of the beautiful, fun projects. I love the denim pockets everywhere. 😉
It is amazing how many upcycling projects there are using denim. So many great ideas! Weekends In Maine Thanks for visiting my blog. I absolutely loved this post. I'm not much of a creative, and I cannot sew, but my admiration of these beautiful things has no bounds. The deck rug especially was my favorite. Thanks so much for the very cool post.
Janet a dit…
I love these! Especially the journal cover, the hanging pockets and and the Christmas tree. Thanks for the how to links as well.

Janet’s Smiles
AJ Blythe a dit…
Behind in my blog reading but finally here... I had no idea there was so much you could do with denim. I think my favourite are the floor rugs. With a puppy in the house I'm thinking that might be a really good use of the jeans my Barbarians have grown out of!
Bonjour Frédérique, je suis contente que tu as mentionné l'artiste Ian Berry - après ton blog de l'année passée, j'avais regardé un de ses vidéos. Vraiment incroyable! J'aime vraiment les couvertures pour les chaises, surtout pour les enfants. A bientôt!
So many fun things to be done with denim! Love the photos.

Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge with an A-Z of Faerie: Dangerous Dryads
Hennie a dit…
I like the mat made of upcycled denim.

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