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C = Chaussettes / Socks 🧦 #AtoZchallenge 2021[Quilt]

Challenge de A à Z 2021 et #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt : la lettre C
#AtoZchallenge2021 and #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt: letter C

Chaque jour pendant tout le mois d'avril sauf les dimanches, je poste un article commençant par chacune des lettres de l'alphabet. Cette année mon thème est, dans l'univers du textile, le recyclage, la réutilisation et la valorisation. Plein de bonnes idées de bricolage facile !
Et vous aussi vous pouvez jouer ! Voir en bas de l'article.

Every day during the whole month of April except Sundays, I write a post starting with each letter of the alphabet. This year my theme is, in the textile universe, about upcycling, recycling and repurposingLots of good easy DIY ideas!
And you can play too! See below.


C comme chaussettes. 
Qui n'a pas au moins une chaussette orpheline, dont l'autre a mystérieusement disparu ? Alors, que faire de ces jolies chaussettes, mais qui ne sont plus mettables ?
Cliquez sur le liens pour voir les tutoriels.

C is for chaussettes which means socks in French.
Who doesn't have at least one orphaned sock, the other one mysteriously missing? So, what to do with these pretty socks, but which are no longer wearable?
Click on the links to see the tutorials.

Pour la maison / For the house

Découper en bandelettes des chaussettes pour les tisser en un Tawashi (le tawashi est une éponge, populaire au Japon). C'est facile, et écologique !

Cutting socks into strips and weaving them into a Tawashi (a Tawashi is a sponge for wet cleaning, a popular style in Japan). It's easy, and ecological!

Transformer les chaussettes en lingettes réutilisables pour balai attrape-poussière.
Couper les talons de 2 chaussettes, coudre, et c'est fait !

Turn socks into reusable swiffer pads.
Cut off the heals of two socks, sew, and you are done!

Le froid passe sous la porte ? Alors il vous faut un boudin de porte.
Quelques chaussettes, du rembourrage et des haricots secs, et vous voilà protégés !

Does a wicked draft come in under the door? Then you need a Draft Stopper.
A few socks, some polyester fiberfill and dried beans, and you're protected!

Une chaussette de tennis, une autre colorée, quelques accessoires, et voilà un bonhomme de neige rempli de riz pour tenir la porte ouverte, caler des objets, ou décorer la cheminée !

A tennis sock, another colored one, some accessories, and here is a snowman filled with rice to hold the door open, wedge objects, or decorate the fireplace!

Pour les enfants / For the kids

Les chaussettes se prêtent bien à la confection de peluches pour enfants. Cela dit, elles sont tellement mignonnes, que c'est tentant d'en faire pour soi (les grands !)

Socks, whether colored or not, lend themselves well to making stuffed animals for kids. That said, they are so cute, it's tempting to make some for yourself (the grown-ups!)

Ce sympathique requin est fait dans une chaussette adulte.
This friendly shark is made in an adult sock.

Encore plus mignon, un narval ! 
Even cuter, a narwhal!

Ce hérisson nécessite 2 chaussettes, et de la laine. 
This hedgehog needs 2 socks, and some yarn.

Ces petits singes sont parfaits pour des chaussettes rayées, dont une peut avoir un trou au niveau des orteils.
These little monkeys are perfect for striped socks, one of which may have a hole in the toe.

Deux chaussettes de la même couleur, et voilà la maman kangourou !
Two socks of the same color, and here is the kangaroo mom!

Une jolie chaussette toute seule ? Hop, une chouette !
A nice sock all by itself? Hop, an owl!

Une dizaine de chaussettes dépareillées ? Cousez un serpent à chaussettes !
A dozen mismatched socks? Sew a sock snake!

Pour la vie pratique / For practical life 

Protéger les objets fragiles pendant le transport. La chaussette amortit les chocs et peut éviter la casse.
Protecting fragile objects during transport. The sock absorbs shocks and can prevent breakage.


Un couvre-tasse facile à réaliser, avec une jolie chaussette qui peut même avoir un trou aux orteils, puisqu'il n'y a besoin que de la partie supérieure de la chaussette.
Ca peut aussi être un super cadeau !

An easy-to-make coffee mug cozy, with one pretty sock that even may have a hole in the toe, as we need only the top section of the sock.
It makes a great gift too!

Vous êtes un coureur ? Alors, vous aurez besoin de cette pochette facile à fabriquer pour tenir votre téléphone pendant que vous courez.
Are you a runner? So, you will need this easy-to-make pocket to hold your phone while you run.
Un peu de décoration d'intérieur, et de recyclage de jolies chaussettes en cache-pots !
Placer le pot dans une chaussette, puis rentrer le haut de la chaussette dans le pot. Mettre de la terre et une plante dans le pot décoré.

A bit of interior decoration, and recycling of pretty socks into planters!
Place the clay or plastic planter in a sock, then tuck the top of the sock into the pot. Put soil and a plant in the decorated pot.

Et pour des pots plus larges, deux chaussettes assemblées les habilleront joliment.
And for larger pots, two joined socks will dress them up nicely.


A vous de jouer !
It's your turn to play!

Montrez ici vos réalisations textiles qui commencent par un C : ça peut être le nom d'un quilt, d'un bloc, d'une technique, d'un accessoire de couture, d'un point de broderie, d'un objet fait avec du tissu, tout ce qui a un lien avec l'art textile !

Show here your textile creations that start with a C: it can be the name of a quilt, a block, a technique, a sewing accessory, an embroidery stitch, an object made with fabric, anything related to textile art!
Quelles sont les règles du jeu
Le prix à gagner @CréaPassions

How to add a link
The prize to win @FatQuarterShop

Link party ouverte 24 heures seulement ! (de 8h ce matin à 7h55 demain)
Link party opens 24 hours only! (from 8am to 7:55am, Paris time)

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


The narwhal and the shark are amazing, but the socksnake takes the cake :D I have enough lone socks around here to attempt that...

The Multicolored Diary
Verveine et Lin a dit…
c'est rigolo, j'ai justement enregistré dernièrement le modèle du kangourou... mais je crois qu'il mérite l'achat de chaussettes neuves!
Pradeep Nair a dit…
You have picked such a lovely theme for the A to Z Challenge. I am loving this ..
Now I won't discard it. Thanks.
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Awww... the sock animals are the cutest of the lot. Guess I can steal a few of my dad's socks to try these. (nah, mine will be safely hidden first). :)
nashvillecats2 a dit…
Excellent post, I have plenty of odd socks, you have given me many ideas what to do with them.
Have a lovely Easter and take care of yourself.

Arti a dit…
Love the sock shark. And those adorable cup holders.
Great idea to use one as a phone holder. Cheers.
TWW a dit…
Oh my gosh, I love these...was wondering what to do with all those odd socks...Cheers...I am so loving these posts.
Such cute sock recycle ideas!!! The tawashi and the shark both caught my eye.
Chantal a dit…
Ce post est fantastique. J'ai la tête pleine d'idée maintenant. Merci pour l'inspiration. Tu as fouiner le web de fond en comble pour trouver tous ces amours de petits projets et je t'en remercie. J'ajoute ce post dans mes favoris pour y revenir souvent. ;^)
Tamara a dit…
So many adorable and creative ideas! Sadly the only socks that go missing at our house are hubby's black socks. Maybe they're good to make a stuffed bat for Halloween?

PS: did you know If you lose a sock in the tumble dryer, it comes back as a plastic Tupperware lid which doesn't fit any of your containers ;-)))
pilch92 a dit…
These are all great ideas. I like your A-Z theme too.
How on earth did you come up with all those brilliant ideas? I've got quite a collection myself so now I'm wondering ...! Apparently wearing odd socks is become quite trendy, but I'm not trendy!
Chantal a dit…
Et j'ai participé au Link Party.
With black socks, use bright button and threads ;-))
And yes Tamara, I noticed too this Tupperware lid mystery ;-)))
Jamie Ghione a dit…
All great uses for socks. Love your sock toys.
Kalpana a dit…
You are wonderfully creative. I don't think I can make any of these things but I'd certainly like to try. I have all the materials (haha - all those single socks).
JadeLi a dit…
I will never throw away a solo sock again! I like the snowman one and also for the swiffer. I volunteer at a cat shelter and we use the swiffer before we mop the floors to get all of the cat hair. This would work great.
Bonjour Frédérique, ce sont des vraiments bonnes idées! J'ai commencé à porter des bas qui ne match pas, comme ma fille. C'est beaucoup plus facile de faire ça quand on travaille de la maison :-)
Anonyme a dit…
These are all such great ideas!

Deborah Weber a dit…
I can see I will be gathering many project ideas from your posts Frédérique - your theme is delightful. You've shared so many clever ideas, but my heart is totally captured by those adorable sock monkeys.
Olga Godim a dit…
Love the sock monkeys. I want one too.
Lisa a dit…
Some of these are so cute they deserve a pair of new socks! Clever duster. I have single socks in my sock drawer. I keep them for years, because as soon as I toss them the mate shows up under the sofa or someplace like that.
Scrapatches a dit…
I am enjoying learning new French words. Those are some very inventive ways to use socks.
This comment box is not appearing for me on your next post, the one where I think I am to say I have linked up 3 times to your challenge posts. I will try again later ... :) Pat
Pat, you are right, and I don't know why the comment box is not available on the post "#AtoZchallenge2021Quilt + Link party: Patchwork & Quilts #46"...
It's working with Firefox, but not with Chrome :(
Arlee Bird a dit…
Nice craftwork. I like how you have the bilingual posts. It gives me a chance for a refresher on my French. Testing myself reading the French first I don't too badly. Last time I used my French skills was in 2015 at a Tim Horton Donut in Quebec and I think I surprised my wife with my linguistic ability. The guy behind the donut counter didn't seem particularly impressed, but he didn't seem like much would impress him other than getting off work to party.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Anonyme a dit…
So many good ideas! Just makes me wish I hadn't recently tossed out several loner and/or partially worn out socks! Isn't that always the way. I especially like the tawashi idea. I think you should gather all these A-Z upcycling posts in a special tab on your blog so we can always look back on them :o) You've really shown some great ideas.
Kathleen -- kakingsbury at verizon dot net
Janet a dit…
Who knew you could do so many things with socks!

Janet’s Smiles
I have so many orphaned socks and definitely need a way to repurpose them. These ideas are great. I especially love the narwhal! So cute! Weekends In Maine
Good idea Kathleen! There is a special post for all my AtoZ entries: My A-Z upcycling posts , and I will add a special tab on the top menu of the blog ;)
Wendy a dit…
Wow so many ideas for old/odd socks! Great theme for your A-Z posts.
AJ Blythe a dit…
There are some lovely ideas here, but I don't have any pretty socks like these :(
A Tawashi doesn't need pretty socks ;))
Marie-Françoise de Lille a dit…
que de ressources avec toutes ces jolies chaussettes!!!!

Steph W. a dit…
Definitely making the tawashi, mug warmer, planters, and snake! Such great ideas!
Liz A. a dit…
Wow, lots of sock ideas. Although, who doesn't have a lone sock, missing its mate? Me. That would be me. I rarely lose socks. I do have some worn out socks, though.
OMG. These sock stuffies are simply amazing! I am definitely going to make these with the old socks that the grandchildren have outgrown. They will make lovely gifts for them.

If you do read my blog, I apologise in advance for referencing the French way of greeting but honestly, I love the French, hence I learned the language and follow your blog to practice my French
Anne E.G. Nydam a dit…
Ah, I've made many sock monkeys in my life, and a couple of sock rabbits, but none of those other creatures. We used to weave those squares, too, but always used them for pot holders.
Black and White: C for Camelot
Trudy a dit…
WOW!! I am in awe of all the ideas for socks! I especially love the hedgehog. I'm going to pass this along to my daughter.
CAAC a dit…
We certainly have our missing share of socks here. lol I like the kangaroo and owl sock DIY project. Those might be fun to do.

Curious as a Cathy’s Looney Tunes A-Z Cecil Turtle Art Sketch. Happy A2Zing, my friend!
Andrea a dit…
These are great, I'm gonna try the first I think, looks useful!
Frewin55 a dit…
Frederique - you are as diligent as ever in presenting so many examples of craft, that it makes me want to have another life entirely just to fit crafting in. Sadly at the moment, I have had to come out of semi-retirement and go back to work four days a week because we are moving to a big new factory and I must supervise - so even less opportunity to try all the wonderful ideas you share. But I dip in and admire...
By A2Z theme this year is food related...

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