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M = Mug / Tasse 🍺 #AtoZchallenge 2021[Quilt]

Challenge de A à Z 2021 et #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt : la lettre M
#AtoZchallenge2021 and #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt: letter M

Chaque jour pendant tout le mois d'avril sauf les dimanches, je poste un article commençant par chacune des lettres de l'alphabet. Cette année mon thème est, dans l'univers du textile, le recyclage, la réutilisation et la valorisation. Plein de bonnes idées de bricolage facile !
Et vous aussi vous pouvez jouer ! Voir en bas de l'article.

Every day during the whole month of April except Sundays, I write a post starting with each letter of the alphabet. This year my theme is, in the textile universe, about upcycling, recycling and repurposingLots of good easy DIY ideas!
And you can play too! See below.

M comme mug, ou tasse.
Avez-vous un mug très moche dont vous ne savez pas quoi faire, ou un placard trop encombré par des tasses ? Voilà de quoi vous inspirer pour les transformer.

M is for mug,
Do you have a really ugly mug that you don't know what to do with, or a closet too cluttered with cups? Here's some inspiration to transform them.

En trousse de couture bien sûr 😋
In a sewing kit of course 😋

Ou en trousse de bureau
Or in an office kit


Et pourquoi pas pour ranger les accessoires dans la salle de bain ?
And why not to store the accessories in the bathroom?

Mais les tasses font aussi d'excellent pique-épingles !
But mugs make great pincushions too!



A vous de jouer !
It's your turn to play!

Montrez ici vos réalisations textiles qui commencent par un M : ça peut être le nom d'un quilt, d'un bloc, d'une technique, d'un accessoire de couture, d'un point de broderie, d'un objet fait avec du tissu, tout ce qui a un lien avec l'art textile !

Show here your textile creations that start with an M: it can be the name of a quilt, a block, a technique, a sewing accessory, an embroidery stitch, an object made with fabric, anything related to textile art!

Quelles sont les règles du jeu
Le prix à gagner @CréaPassions (jouez tous les jours pour plus de chances !)

How to add a link
The prize to win @FatQuarterShop (enter daily for more chances to win!)

Link party ouverte 24 heures seulement ! (de 8h ce matin à 7h55 demain)
Link party opens 24 hours only! (from 8am to 7:55am, Paris time)


Verveine&Lin a dit…
Sympa l'idée de la salle de bain, pratique par exemple pour laisser un peu de dépannage dans les toilettes équipées d'un lavabo !
Arti a dit…
That last pic is like a garden party in a teacup. Love it.
TWW a dit…
yup, another project for when this is all over. Well done.
Tamara a dit…
Are there people who don't own too many mugs?
I actually use them for some of the purposes you are presenting: in the bathroom and at the office.
I like the little pocket covers! They look neat :)

The Multicolored Diary
Vivian a dit…
An old mug is the first thing you grab when you need to find a place for those smaller tools. Personalizing it with your favorite fabric makes it special and even more functonal. Also great craft day participant gifts!
Jamie Ghione a dit…
Love these ideas!
Lisa a dit…
I like the pincushion idea. I use some for pencil cups.
Anne M Bray a dit…
I'm with Lisa, I liking pincushion idea. Most ugly mugs get banished to the charity shops, or the garage!

M is for Maps:

The M Shoe:
Sherrie a dit…
All you cup ideas are great. Like the pin cushion ones.
Have a great day!
Molly's Canopy a dit…
I love the Maisons quilt -- a lovely take on a classic pattern.
Janet a dit…
I love the organizer. I have some pretty big mugs too!
Trudy a dit…
That teacup-turned-pincushion is adorable! I've used mugs for pencil holders before, but these ideas with fabric and pockets are amazing!!
Chantal a dit…
Oh! C'est chouette comme idée. Merci. ;^)
Liz A. a dit…
That... That's a great idea. It would work for my knitting notions. It would work so much better than the thing I'm using now. My mind reels...
The sewing kits are great and you can carry them around with the handle to that's convenient. Weekends In Maine
pilch92 a dit…
Great ideas. I have way too many cups so I will try this.
ms_lili a dit…
Excellent idea for ugly mugs!
AJ Blythe a dit…
I like turning tea cups into pots for plants. I've given a couple like this as gifts (although in those cases I've sometimes specifically bought tea cups or mugs)
Deborah Weber a dit…
Mugs with little extra pockets - how fun!
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Mugs? Plenty ... Thanks for these tips.
I'm honored you are using my Mug Organizer pattern! Thank-you!
Turning ugly mugs into things of beauty! Nice.
All great ideas. Fortunately I don't have an abundance of mugs or I'd have to try several of these. Thank you for linking up last week.
Alex Daw a dit…
I just took about 30 mugs to my local op shop because we had so many. I should have kept them and made them into pincushions or those hands containers as gifts. Oh well. Next time!

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