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A - Z : P = Pojagi

Maryse Allard est la spécialiste française du Pojagi.
Maryse Allard is the French Bojagi specialist.


Le Pojagi (prononcer pojagui) est l'art du patchwork en Corée. Destiné à emballer divers objets, il représente à la fois géométrie et élégance, ainsi que la transparence. C'est cette transparence, obtenue avec des tissus tels que la soie, l'organdi, la ramie, qui fascine Maryse Allard, et la passionne.

Bojagi is the art of patchwork in Korea. Intended to wrap various objects, it represents both geometry and elegance, as well as transparency. It is this transparency, obtained with fabrics such as silk, organdy, ramie, that fascinates Maryse Allard.

Un patchwork tout en légèreté et en finesse.
A patchwork in lightness and finesse.

Maryse Allard

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John Holton a dit…
Another nice look!
Jade Li a dit…
I like how you can tie them or hang them to frames. Looks like a versatile form. Very pretty and would soften up any area.
Suzy a dit…
It's simplicity is very attractive. I love how you can hang them as decor.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter P
Romi a dit…
They are so lovely.
I didn't even know this was an art form. Thank you!

The Multicolored Diary
Jai a dit…
You are taking us through a range of designs through your posts. These are squares and rectangles. I like them. They are done very skillfully.
ladyleemanila a dit…
love the geometry! :)
Toffee a dit…
They remind of stained glass windows. Very lovely.
Lizanne Lloyd a dit…
What unusual patchworks and so effective.
Frewin55 a dit…
The breadth of possibilities in Quilting never ceases to amaze me - these are so modern and abstract but I am guessing it is an old tradition. Once again thanks for bringing these to our attention.
Arti a dit…
These are so delicate and gorgeous. One would need to hang them in a place where light can do its magic. Love them all.
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
These are so cute! The way light plays with the shades is a delight to watch. Quilting is such an intricate art, had no idea.
It's like a textile version of stained class. Weekends In Maine
Archana a dit…
Simple and beautiful! I guess people all around the world have some form of quilting using local fabrics and designs inspired by their culture!
Delightful! How I'd love to have the first one hanging in my window!

P is for ...
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Never knew about this! The geometric shapes look so attractive!
Transparent beauties ... they look very different
Tamara a dit…
Interesting! Some look like this game where you need to free a car by shuffling around other vehicles... ;-)

Happy Weekend!

My P is a potpourri of topics: pocket knives, parking, provisions, and Zurich's infamous Platzspitz.
Anne M Bray a dit…
Ooooooh! I wasn't familiar with this technique. Love it!
Kathe W. a dit…
I have often thought while making a baby quilt ( I've been doing this for about 12 years or so ) that making a curtain with just the top would be lovely. I like how she combines color and shapes. Some remind me of Mondrian's work. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful works of art. Cheers! See you Monday!
Joy a dit…
These are so delicate and beautiful. I love that lamp!
Deborah Weber a dit…
Oh how lovely these are! I'm totally captivated by these tranlucent/transparent works of art.
The Dream Girl a dit…
These look so colourful and so delicate!

P is for Paranoia
kaykuala a dit…
These patchworks would demand lots of thinking in relation to patterns and colors. These are just fantastic Ms Frederique!

Beth Lapin a dit…
Wow, I love the transparency idea. Thanks.
Liz A. a dit…
Those are very light. Perfect for my climate.
pascalinette a dit…
je connaissais mais je n'en ai jamais fait,je trouve que c'est beau,je testerais peut-être un jour
Kim a dit…
These works of art are ethereally magical. How exquisite and delicate they are.
très bon choix pour la lettre P!! j'aime le pojagi!
My poor machine would need upgraded to accomplish these elegant seams. So lovely!
Angela a dit…
You have the best eye candy!
Beautiful! I think I'm going to try this one out :-)

An A-Z of Faerie: Moon

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