Les femmes, un des sujets préféré de Galla Grotto.
Women, one of Galla Grotto’s favorite subjects.
Encyclopédie des femmes inexistantes |
Son exposition "Encyclopédie des femmes inexistantes" présente la Femme sous toutes ses formes : muse, déesse, mère, personnage de fiction ; avec son caractère, son humeur et ses sentiments différents.
Her exhibition "Encyclopedia of Non-existent Women" presents the Woman in all her forms: muse, goddess, mother, fictional character; with her different character, mood and feelings.
Femme dans une grande ville |
Femme de la nouvelle Lune |
Fées de la nuit et de la journée |
Équilibre territoire des femmes |
La chanson du frère du Soleil et de la sœur de la Lune |
Mère Terre |
Soirée entre femmes |
Provençales |
"Les femmes rendent ce monde meilleur, plus harmonieux et plus beau".
"Women make this world better, more harmonious and more beautiful".
Galla Grotto |
If you want to, please join this linky party, and share your post of the day!
WARNING: this is NOT the Master list, only links added by the A to Z Challengers who want to ;)
Linking up with A to Z Challenge
I hope you and yours are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.
J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author
Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter W
Outstanding work!
My W is about Swiss Watches:
The Multicolored Diary
In awe of the the artists'skills-- how did she manage to get those eyes to be so expressive in 'Woman in a big city'?
Thanks for sharing such amazing content.
Happy A2Zing :)
-- rightpurchasing.com
W is for Weak
The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
An A-Z of Faerie: Witches