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A - Z : W = Women / Femmes

Les femmes, un des sujets préféré de Galla Grotto.
Women, one of Galla Grotto’s favorite subjects.

Encyclopédie des femmes inexistantes

Son exposition "Encyclopédie des femmes inexistantes" présente la Femme sous toutes ses formes : muse, déesse, mère, personnage de fiction ; avec son caractère, son humeur et ses sentiments différents.

Her exhibition "Encyclopedia of Non-existent Women" presents the Woman in all her forms: muse, goddess, mother, fictional character; with her different character, mood and feelings.

Femme dans une grande ville

Femme de la nouvelle Lune

Fées de la nuit et de la journée

Équilibre territoire des femmes

La chanson du frère du Soleil et de la sœur de la Lune

Mère Terre

Soirée entre femmes


"Les femmes rendent ce monde meilleur, plus harmonieux et plus beau".
"Women make this world better, more harmonious and more beautiful".

Galla Grotto

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Alana a dit…
So colorful! I enjoyed each and every one of these women.
J Lenni Dorner a dit…
These are amazing! Thank you for sharing so much beauty.

I hope you and yours are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.

J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author
Suzy a dit…
So colourful. I liked the last one best.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter W
Tamara a dit…
This feels like a visit at expressionists' museum! There are aspects of Chagall, Klee, van Gogh,...
Outstanding work!

My W is about Swiss Watches:
That is a lovely theme for a collection. And what beautiful colors!

The Multicolored Diary
Arti a dit…
I agree with you--women do make this world better:)
In awe of the the artists'skills-- how did she manage to get those eyes to be so expressive in 'Woman in a big city'?
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Exquisite! The depth of the expressions and mainly the eyes; just amazing!
pilch92 a dit…
They are all beautiful and so detailed. Thanks for hosting the linky party. Have a nice day.
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Really fabulous work. Out of all of them, "Fées de la nuit et de la journée" looked truly stunning.
Totally different again. Soiree entre femmes is, err, interesting!

Shweta a dit…
These are amazing! I love the detailing on each work. ""Women make this world better, more harmonious and more beautiful"." I most certainly agree with you.
my space a dit…
I love the quote...women make the world better, more harmonious and more beautiful.each one is a piece of art!
The "Night and Day fairies" is my favorite Frédérique. It looks like a piece of a painting. Excellent work.
Thanks for sharing such amazing content.
Happy A2Zing :)
vesseys a dit…
women are beautiful in any art form. These are classic!
Frewin55 a dit…
Zut alors! The quilts I have discovered through your posts are so figurative! These are slightly more stylized but still amazing I may have to start collecting fabrics of my own (as opposed to Barbara's) and thinking about subjects...
Namratha a dit…
These are beautiful. Women do make the world more harmonious
Jade Li a dit…
Such vibrant colors! They have a unity about them that I like.
la tulipe a dit…
Les quilts de Galla sont sublimes. Tu as eu raison de la choisir!!!
Deborah Weber a dit…
Oh my - these are so fabulous! I'm practically swooning. Thank you so much for this introduction to Grotto's work.
The Dream Girl a dit…
These women are all so beautiful!

W is for Weak
Liz A. a dit…
Those are great.
What a great series of quilts. I love how they are not all traditional in shape. Weekends In Maine
Beth Lapin a dit…
Fascinated by the consistent use of circles for the women's depiction.
Romi a dit…
It is interesting to see an artist pursuing one theme throughout her life.
These detailed quilts must be time consuming to make ... and what a neat finish . Truly a labour of love
pascalinette a dit…
encore une belle découverte,j'aime beaucoup
JazzFeathers a dit…
WOW! I'm always particularly impressed with quilts that look like paintings, because I'm most unfamiliar with them and they look to me so different and beautiful.

The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
I like the colour in Femme dans une grande ville.

An A-Z of Faerie: Witches
NotesinaBook a dit…
Amazing collection!

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