Carol Armstrong est connue pour ces quilts représentant des jardins : oiseaux, fleurs.
Carol Armstrong is know for her garden quilts: flowers, birds.
Lilacs |
Colorado Columbine, Hare Bells, and Violets |
Pastel Garden |
Six in Bloom |
Feathered Stars |
C'est un travail précis d'appliqué à la main. J'adore !
It’s a precise hand appliqué work. I love it!
Carol Armstrong |
If you want to, please join this linky party, for sharing all your post of the day!
Today is "G"
(looking for previous linkies? here are : A / B / C / D / E / F)
WARNING : this is NOT the Master list, only links added by the A to Z Challengers who want to ;)
Linking up with A to Z Challenge
Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter G
But that lilac quilt is GORGEOUS!
The Multicolored Diary
Love them all.
My letter G is about how to greet each other in Switzerland and our infamous mountain pass / tunnel Gotthard:
Black and White (Words and Pictures)
An A-Z of Faerie: Gancanagh