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#atozchallenge: how to find blogs, and yours?

Désolée les amis...
As there are no French bloggers participating at the A to Z Challenge, I will write this post all in English, except this:
Comme il n'y a pas de participants français au challenge, cet article est entièrement en anglais. Il concerne les blogueurs qui souhaitent plus de visibilité pour leur blog, dans le cadre de ce challenge. Ma stratégie de suivi et de découverte, donc. Mais rien de vous empêche de cliquer sur les liens !

We reached the middle of the month! Yeah!

So, are you happy with the audience in your blog? Want to have more followers?

Here is my strategy:

Of course, you can check the Master list too, but I found a lot didn't post anything.

Here are my daily readings during the A to Z Challenge:
(only the first 50)

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter

And you, what is your strategy to be read during the Challenge?


Alana a dit…
Thank you for visiting my A to Z blog. I feel somewhat "out of the flow" this year due to personal circumstances and am not visiting other blogs except if they visit me. It's too bad; I've done several A to Z's and have kept on reading several of the blogs over the years. Several of them are on your linky so I hope you enjoy them, too. I am not a sewer, but I do crochet, and I've been crocheting for almost 50 years. I am happy to meet you, and plan to return.
R's Rue a dit…
Happy Easter. 🙏
Anstice Brown a dit…
Thanks for your recommendations. My strategy is similar to yours. I visit everyone who comments on my blog and also many of the posts I see linked on the daily Facebook post. My blog roll is on Feedly so I visit anyone on there whose posts seem interesting too. I am currently trying to brush up on my French skills on Duolingo, but I am not very good yet. Joyeuses Pâques!
Frewin55 a dit…
Zut alors Frédérique! Maintenant je vous comprendez bien! Ca est'ce que ton strataegie! Merci beaucoup!
My turn to apologize for the French - this was very helpful and I will implement it tomorrow. The middle of the month already - I can't believe it. I only discovered the challenge on April 1st and I have no plan for the posts but must think of each one on the day. You seem much more organised!
I see more views each day, especially for the reviews but nobody leaves comments except you...
Liz A. a dit…
That's one of the reasons I'm not doing A to Z this year, the master list tends to have so many blogs that don't do it, and/or visits go unreturned. I agree the best way to "hop" is to find commenters on other blogs doing the A to Z.
J.S. Pailly a dit…
I like that you have a system. I need to work on that. Every year, I start to lose track of all the people I've visited and all the people who've visited me.
How interesting. The tapestry and artistry in T is for Taupe is amazing!