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A - Z : R = Rayures / Stripes

Gabrielle Paquin, pionnière française dans l'utilisation des tissus à raies.
Gabrielle Paquin, a French pioneer in the use of striped fabrics (stripes = rayures in French).

4 ibis rouges / Scarlet Ibis

Gabrielle Paquin développe un concept original : la double rayure, en utilisant des étoffes rayées, elles-mêmes recombinées en bandes pour introduire des jeux de rayures.

Gabrielle Paquin develops an original concept: the double stripe, using striped fabrics, themselves recombined in strips to introduce stripe sets.

La ronde

Arcs en ciel cinétiques / Cinetic Rainbows



Le trio

Les intrus

Modern Wedding Rings

Mondes parallèles

Métamorphose en 3D

Oeil du cyclone

Reflets de la lune sur l'Océan / Reflection of the Moon on the Ocean

Rouge passion

Vol d'ibis

Superbe !
Beautiful quilts!

Gabrielle Paquin
Site :

Cet article fait partie de mon challenge A à Z 2020
This post is part of my 2020 A to Z Challenge

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Chantal a dit…
Wow! C'est vraiment différent comme quilt. J'aime beaucoup. Je pense qu'elle aime bien les papillons, hihi et qu'elle porte un gilet rayé m'a fait sourire. Elle aime vraiment les rayures. J'aime beaucoup La ronde et l'Oeil du cyclone. Merci de nous faire découvrir Gabrielle. ;^)
Sati Chock a dit…
How beautiful! I adore the scarlet ibis. :-)
Liz A. a dit…
I'm not a big fan of stripes. but those quilts are striking.
Julierose a dit…
Just gorgeous stripes--I really love the Ibis piece...stunning works Thanks you for sharing...
~ ~ ~ ~waving from afar Julierose stay safe...
Kim a dit…
Sheer genius! The way Gabrielle has designed and then sewn what is in her genius mind with all things stripes is spectacular! I cannot imagine for one minute stitching one of these works of art. Why, some of them I would have been in a dizzying muddle. ALL are beyond anything I, a lesser mortal, could ever comprehend.
Jade Li a dit…
She is so skilled at her designs. I like the 10th picture, where the butterflies "grow" and also that last one with the ibis flying in the sky with the air currents.
Suzy a dit…
Lovely. I love the simplicity of the trio butterflies and the colourful background. The last ibis one is pretty too.

I have the same issue with the linky It says loading but just doesn't load. Pity as I can't see other AtoZ posts.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter R
Hmmm, I'm so sorry Suzy, I don't understand why you can't link and see the other links. I added yours. I'm using Chrome, and the linky works, maybe it can help?
Have a beautiful day, and see you tomorrow!
This striped technique looks very complicated! Lovely!

The Multicolored Diary
Those are magnificent. I think I like La ronde best - it has such a flow to it.
Tasha 💖
Virginia's Parlour - The Manor (Adult concepts - nothing explicit in posts)
Tasha's Thinkings - Vampire Drabbles
Sonia Dogra a dit…
Wow! I shared one of your posts on my SM handle..The one with the denim. And everybody loved this. THis one is another marvel!
Romi a dit…
All of these works are breath-takingly beautiful!
Arti a dit…
Such stunning designs. Vol d'Ibis stands out for me.
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Les intrus looks great though I'm terrified of bugs and roaches. Vol d'ibis is simple and elegant, with a lovely color combination. Beautiful patterns.
pilch92 a dit…
I love those quilts, especially the blue butterflies. Thanks for having a linky party.
Archana a dit…
Unique! Its difficult to decide which I like better.. To blend strips together and create a pattern is huge!!
Anne E.G. Nydam a dit…
I have just started a little quilt using the fabric from all my husband's retired business work shirts, many of which are striped. I'm just doing a basic block, though -- nothing this creative or innovative!
(Click the Blog link on the second row) : R is for Rock-a-bye
Some of these would make me feel dizzy! Love the butterflies though.
Preeti a dit…
I'd love to take a class with her. Thank you for sharing, Frederique!!! Hope you are staying safe and sane.
I haven't visited all of your posts, but let me tell you that when ever I do I love the pictures. Thanks for the lovely content, Frédérique
Deborah Weber a dit…
These are fabulous. I love seeing stripes in this new perspective!
The Dream Girl a dit…
For a second there i was confused!
I thought this was your S post.

Those stripes and the patterns look 😍

R is for Reminisce
Unknown a dit…
It creates an interesting effect. You really want to take a second look. Weekends In Maine
Beth Lapin a dit…
I love how it makes the bird wings come alive

John Holton a dit…
Amazing what some people can do, isn't it?
Tamara a dit…
Once again I'm amazed by the level of detail and patience that must go into these pieces of art!

A few years back Louis Vuitton had limited edition purses called "Rayures". They are still very sought after.
Suzy a dit…
Aha I will try Chrome :)
Suzy a dit…
Thank you I can add my link and see others via Chrome. Will be reading other posts soon.
Yes, S for Stripes ;) But nope, I choose a French word for the R!
I'm so glad you succeed, Suzy! Welcome back into the party ;)
pascalinette a dit…
superbe travail,beaucoup de recherche d'effets graphiques
Anne M Bray a dit…
Yikes! Stripes. I love, love, love the abstract ones. Inspiring!
Kathe W. a dit…
extraordinary talent! And extraordinary patience! Thanks for your blog- it is amazing to see all these wonderful makers of art.
KaHolly a dit…
Wow! Absolutely amazing!
Wow, this is an amazing collection of work. The use of the striped fabrics is masterful, and some of the designs would look amazing in non-striped fabrics too. Thank you for sharing at the Chameleon's party... we all know he loves bugs and he has a couple of favourites in this collection! ;)
Pradeep Nair a dit…
These stripes are very attractive. Particularly the "Cinetic Rainbows".
J.S. Pailly a dit…
These all look so cool. That's a great technique!
Red a dit…
If you hadn't said that was striped fabric, I would have thought they were just very tiny pieces!
Interesting designs. Scarlet Ibis is my favourite -- visually striking piece.

An A-Z of Faerie: Red Caps
j'utilise très peu de rayures mais c'est dommage, on peut obtenir des effets dingues!
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gilets for ladies