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A - Z : U = Unique style

Le style unique de Leslie Gabriëlse, un artiste hollandais.
Leslie Gabriëlse's unique style, a Dutch artist.

Woman with Two Gents

Woman with Two Gents, detail

Les œuvres les plus caractéristiques de Leslie Gabriëlse combinent habilement de grands et petits morceaux de tissus assemblés à la main, et auxquels sont ajoutés de la peinture acrylique.

Leslie Gabriëlse’s most characteristic works skillfully combine large and small pieces of textiles, which are stitched together by hand and augmented by acrylic paint.

Motor with Sidecar

Portugal, Minho Folkloric Dancing

Portugal, Minho Folkloric Dancing, detail

Portugal, Minho Folkloric Dancing, detail


Karlee Callagher

Kyle Abbott 

Ryan Abbott


Magnifiques !
Amazing quilts!

Leslie Gabriëlse
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What a fascinating style. They look like beautiful paintings. Every single one of them is gorgeous. Weekends In Maine
Capturing faces on fabric is such a talent! Hats off to the talent of this quilter!
Wow, Frédérique. These quilts looked more like a painting and I just loved them. Thanks for sharing buddy :)
Jade Li a dit…
I adore these! There is so much character in them. To think they were hand-sewn with love. The last one has stolen my heart.
Suzy a dit…
Wow these are amazing. Drawing faces is hard but quilting so realistically is definitely a unique talent.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter U
Viyoma a dit…
Captivating they are! I showed it to my Mother in law too - she loved them!
Sonia Dogra a dit…
This is splendid. Just like the denim art.
Arti a dit…
WOW! I could write that three letter word as my comment every single day of this challenge and I wouldn't be wrong for you've managed to blow the cobwebs away from my perception of 'quilting'with every post this month. Today is no exception. Stunning pieces all.
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Wow! Seriously, no words this time. To bring alive humans and emotions on a quilt! It's just fabulous.
Outstanding, they remind me somehow to Georges Seurat and pointillism. I'm impressed.
Kathe W. a dit…
Unique style and this artist is so talented. I cannot imagine the patience to accomplish these lovely pieces! Thanks for visiting my A to Z and always leaving such nice comments! It is much appreciated! Cheers and be well!
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Very unique depiction of life! Quite nice!
J.S. Pailly a dit…
My gosh, you keep astonishing me with these quilts! I never imagined seeing portraits and figure studies done like this!
Alana a dit…
These quilts are absolutely amazing - works of art in a medium I wouldn't have thought of. Thank you so much for sharing.
Like others have said, they look so like paintings! Incredible.
my space a dit…
These are so beautiful..pieces of Art
John Holton a dit…
Remarkable work!
Tamara a dit…
How cute is Frankie!
Alexandra Heep a dit…
I love Frankie! What a unique, beautiful style.
XmasDolly a dit…
They all have their own flair. I like that. I especially like Frankie. The dog has got character!!! Have a nice day and remain healthy!
Liz A. a dit…
Oh wow. I did not know such a thing was possible. Very creative.
The Dream Girl a dit…
They look like paintings!! So beautiful!
Red a dit…
It's crazy to think they are quilts. But using painting techniques of color. I'm fascinated by the detail work.
Frewin55 a dit…
These are amazing! Inspirational! Encroyable! Even as paintings these would display great graphic design but as quilting - he must have a huge collection of fabrics to get such skin tones...
pascalinette a dit…
c'est superbe,je ne pensais pas qu'on pouvait réaliser ceci avec du patch!!
JazzFeathers a dit…
Ture. This is really different from anything I've seen on your challenge so far.

The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
XmasDolly a dit…
The one with the bird is absolutely breath-taking! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful day and stay healthy/stay safe!
Amazing detail. Frankie is so cute!

An A-Z of Faerie: Werehyena
merci pour cette découverte!
Couson a dit…
C’est absolument fabuleux. Quel maîtrise, quel talent! Merci pour cette découverte .����

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