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A - Z : N = Nature

La nature est le thème principal des quilts de Jane Sassaman.
Nature is the main theme of Jane Sassaman’s quilts.

Spring Trio
Ses quilts sont reconnaissables facilement, d’inspiration naturelle, de style graphique, et très colorés.
Her quilts are always recognizable for their nature-inspired, graphic style, and bold colors.

Choc Columbine


Fantasy Garden



Johnny Jump Up

Maple Swirl

Petit Jungle




Sweet Potato



Source d'inspiration !
Very Inspiring!

Jane Sassaman
Site :

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Today is "N"

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Stunning ! Truly works of art .
Jade Li a dit…
These may be my favorites so far. They are not only gorgeous but clever. A couple of them look 3-dimensional, I love how she did chocolate columbine with the purple background, and urn with the small skull.
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Very colourful works of art!
Beautiful! I love the dandelion quilt, and the last one could even be a book cover...

The Multicolored Diary
Martine Kuciel a dit…
tu es bien courageuse à réaliser ce challenge ,j'admire ,que de belles réalisations , que des tentations encore merci car en ce moment je suis plutôt spectatrice
Suzy a dit…
Lovely. Hard to choose a favourite one but I think I'll settle on Willow.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter N
Lizanne Lloyd a dit…
Beautiful representations of nature in craft.
These are probably my favourites so far. Absolutely love Gazania!
Beth Lapin a dit…
Gorgeous, thanks!
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
These have to my favorites until now. Every piece is unique and striking. Willow is wonderful; Spring Trio is lovely, and Primrose is charming.
Arti a dit…
I can live in the 'willow' forever--quite happily. Love it.
Tamara a dit…
Once again, fantastic work! Gazania and Maple Swirl are my favorite. So expressive!

My N is for us Swiss 🇨🇭people being neutral and neat.
Kathe W. a dit…
oh my these are probably my favorites so far...reminds me of Matisse and also of Henri Rousseau. Thanks again for all the hard work you did researching and finding all these fabulous artists! I'll be back tomorrow!
those are beautiful!!! I like how you brought the outside in.

J.S. Pailly a dit…
I love seeing so much pink in these. I normally think of greens and earth tones for nature-themed work, but pink works so well here!
Frewin55 a dit…
When I paint, I try to compose a picture which at first glance is abstract but then you see the details and realize that it is completely natural and this fabulous artist makes naturalistic images but which also have such a graphic strength - I love the Spring Trio in particular.
vesseys a dit…
They are so alive. I tried to find one I like - all of them!

Unknown a dit…
Those are above amazing! Nancy A:
The Dream Girl a dit…
Nature is the absolute best! <3

N is for dog-Napped
I love the nature theme mixed with the beautiful bright colors. Weekends In Maine
Liz A. a dit…
Those are very graphic. I like them.
Appreciate the links to the quilter's pages. Eager to see their processes as you post such a variety. Thanks!
Dipali Bhasin a dit…
These are works of art and I cannot fathom the hard work that goes behind each one of them. Truly spectacular!
Gonz a dit…
Wow, these are beautiful! I'm gonna use them as visual props when playing in nature-bound worlds :)
CAAC a dit…

I'm sorry darlin' for the late return visit. This go-around I seem to struggle more than usual. *sigh* Anywho, I appreciate your visit. Naturally my eyes took particular notice of the Johnny Jump Up and Maple Swirl quilt designs which are my favorites in this set. Beautiful craftsmanship!
magnifique! j'aime aussi beaucoup cette artiste!
They are all absolutely gorgeous. Maple Swirl is my favourite.

An A-Z of Faerie: Dragons

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