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A - Z : A = Art Déco

Et voilà le 1er article d'une série de 26 !
And here is the first post in a series of 26!

Le Challenge de A à Z 2020 commence aujourd'hui, et pour chaque jour pendant tout le mois d'avril. De quoi s'occuper sainement pendant cette période particulière !
Mais d'abord, tout savoir sur ce challenge, le thème que je vais traiter cette année, et la liste de tous les participants.

The 2020 A to Z Challenge begins today, and for every day throughout the month of April. Something to keep healthy during this particular time! 

But first, know everything about this challenge, the theme I will post about this year, and the list of all participants.
Et maintenant, allons-y !
So now, let's the fun begin!


Don Linn est l'auteur notamment du livre Design Art Deco Quilts, dont ce quilt reproduit la couverture.

Don Linn is among others the author of the book Design Art Deco Quilts, whose quilt reproduces the cover.

Design Art Deco by Ann
L’Art Déco est un mouvement artistique qui commença en 1910 pour se terminer en 1939.
The Art Deco is an artistic movement that began in 1910 and ended in 1939. 

Don Linn

Ce style typiquement français succède à l’exubérance de l’Art nouveau qui était avant tout ornemental.
L’Art déco revient à la pureté des formes et se veut à la fois géométrique et décoratif. Il est extrêmement influent surtout dans l’architecture et le design, ainsi que toutes les formes d’arts plastiques (source).
Voici quelques quilts inspirés de ce courant :

This typically French style succeeds the exuberance of Art Nouveau, which was first and foremost ornamental.
The Art Deco returns to the purity of forms and is intended both geometric and decorative. It's extremely influential especially in architecture and design, as well as all forms of plastic arts.

Here are some quilts inspired by this artistic movement:

Air frais by Josette Schnegg

Art Deco Door by Kathy Downie

Art Deco Sampler by Ecoslo

Deco by Lee Vause

Deco Pillow by Ecoslo

Forty Wonderful Years by Chris Lynn Kirsch

La Dame Moderne by Kathleen Irons Sweeney

Les élégantes by Danielle Hugonnet

Miami Moon by Linda Fleschner

Milwaukee’s Night Light by Kathleen Hughes

Opalescence by Sophie Zaugg

Promenade à deux by Geneviève Modoux (detail)

Studio 15W by Sonja Pavlik

The Wright Stuff by Wanda Seale

Vogue by Diana Dunaway

Window of Mystery by Pat Busby

You Decide 2016 by Judy Valentino

I would love to visit all the A to Z Bloggers, but checking the Master list is a little too complicated for me ;). If you want to, please join this linky party, for sharing all the A's posts!

WARNING : this is NOT the Master list, only links added by the A to Z Challengers who want to ;)
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter

Linking up with A to Z Challenge / Midweek Makers 


Nilanjana Bose a dit…
Wow, I'm speechless! Amazing artworks, each one a total masterpiece. Thanks for sharing.

All the best for your A-Z!
Susan Sanderson a dit…
Returning your visit. Beautiful quilts!
Those are some amazing quilts! So beautiful. Great start to the AtoZ. Thank you so much for visiting my blog.
Tasha 💖
Virginia's Parlour - The Manor (Adult concepts - nothing explicit in posts)
Tasha's Thinkings - Vampire Drabbles
Mayura Amarkant a dit…
Brilliant post. Loved the different kinds of quilts here. Do visit today's post:
A Lady Lawyer a dit…
I love art deco and reading your post with ready Englaih translations was a great way for me to practice my French! I’ve joined the linky party. Great idea!
What a perfect start to your series. My town is famed for it's Art Deco theatre and exhibition centre along with several related outdoor events each year, so anything to do with that period fascinates me. And my goodness, these works certainly do! Thanks for dropping by my blog.
Namratha a dit…
Beautiful quilts! Enjoyed looking at that art!
Dashy a dit…
The art looks very beautiful! I don't think I've seen such exquisite quilt art previously.
Susan a dit…
What a wonderful showcase of art deco quilts. I can see one of these in my future!
Arti a dit…
Thank you for visiting my blog Frederique.
I love art deco and all the quilts you've showcased in this post are stunning.
Astrid a dit…
I had heard of the art deco movement, but had no idea what it was about or how influential it was. I cannot see the pictures as I am blind, but I'm sure they are beautiful.

Ann Bennett a dit…
Such beautiful quilts.
Angela a dit…
Big yes to the art deco!
Sonia Dogra a dit…
Beautiful. I am so impressed. Lovely quills.
Janet a dit…
Absolutely love the black and red and the black and yellow combinations but all of these are so cool! Thanks for adding the linky.
JazzFeathers a dit…
Oh my goodness, I adore all these quilts!!!!

The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
Lynette a dit…
Wow! Completely love this collection of Art Deco quilts. It really makes me want to make one, myself. And then to do an Art Nouveau quilt as a counter-study . . .
Tamara a dit…
Beautiful quilts!
To me "Art Deco" is basically a neighborhood in Miami Beach ;-)

Happy A-Z!
J.S. Pailly a dit…
WOW! These are stunningly beautiful! I've always loved Art Deco, but I don't think I've ever seen it in quilt form before!
Joy a dit…
I love Art Deco style. I had no idea that it could be expressed so well in quilts. These are lovely!
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Impressive artwork. Wonderful start to this year's A to Z Challenge.
Rob Z Tobor a dit…
Those are lovely things . . . . . And thanks for visiting it is much appreciated
Jade Li a dit…
What a GREAT idea to have Mr. Linky. Saves me so much time!
I love your post about Art Deco. What a visual delight to see what you chose. My mind boggles at how much skill it must take to put even one of them together.
Anne M Bray a dit…
Great! Thanks for starting the Link Party!

The quilts you showcased are wonderful!
Liz A. a dit…
Those are great quilts. I do love art deco.
CAAC a dit…
Quilting is something I always wanted to learn from my MIL but never did. Perhaps it's not too late to learn now. These deco designs are quite interesting. I loved the ones with the vintage girls the most! Thanks for stopping by my place today for a peak at my first edition in my A2Z Pinup Girl Sketch Series. Stay safe and healthy, my dear, and happy A2Zing!
vesseys a dit…
They really are gorgeous. Quilting is a work of art and what a joy to see the many expressions.
Happy A to Z
Anne Young a dit…
I have never seen Art Deco quilts before but I love the style and the geometric style works well. Visiting A to Z
Romi a dit…
The quilts are amazing!
Suzy a dit…
these are so beautiful. There is so much talent out there. It was hard to choose a favourite one. Thanks for dropping by my post. And thanks for the linky. Will look forward to the rest of your posts and discover new ones.
Anonyme a dit…
These are absolutely beautiful!! Wow. I would love to try my hand at an art deco quilt. I wonder if any of these are available as a pattern for purchase.
Kathleen -- kakingsbury at verizon dot net
Dena Pawling a dit…
Lovely quilts. And I don't need to speak French to appreciate them! You're amazing posting in both French and English.
Aditya a dit…
Great Read.Never new Quilt Design was also so scientific and elaborate.
Thank you Aditya. I wanted to tell you: I can't comment on your blog posts.
Rebecca Grace a dit…
Fantastic assortment of Art Deco quilts -- like a curated museum exhibit! I see a lot of Art Deco influence in the "ruler work" longarm machine quilting of the past few years, even on quilts that have very traditional or very contemporary piecing or appliqué. These geometric motifs are not as difficult to execute as free motion feathers (thanks to acrylic ruler templates that ensure smooth curves and arches and perfectly straight quilted lines), and they complement so many different aesthetic styles.
La Dame Moderne and the Door are my two favourites of the quilts above :-)

An A-Z of Faerie: Ankou
Virginia Allain a dit…
Truly beautiful and exciting designs in fabric.
Giggling Fattie a dit…
Oh goodness I made it! I am trying to play catch up today since I've had no time all week to do anything AtoZ related. I LOVED button art work! WOW WOW WOW! Amazing! Thanks for sharing these! And the denim one blew me away too!! Sorry I'm not so engaged this challenge but work/life balance is a littler crazy right now. I am looking and while I might not comment, your posts are always great to look into!

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  • Merci pour votre visite ! 💗 J'apprécie beaucoup de lire vos commentaires, et je répondrais dès que possible, soit en visitant votre blog ; sinon par mail ou à la suite des commentaires ici .