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A - Z : Z = Zen quilting

Atteindre la zénitude grâce au quilting, oui c'est possible !
How to be zen thanks to quilting, yes, it's possible!

Diane Labombarbe / Getty Images

Si vous cherchez un moyen de déstresser, et que vous aimez les activités manuelles, essayer le quilting peut être une bonne idée.
Quilter est amusant, thérapeutique, créatif, relaxant, stimulant... et peut-être encore plus surprenant, c'est une activité sociale.

If you're looking for a way to relieve stress and have an aptitude for crafts, maybe you should give quilting a try.
Quilting is fun, therapeutic, creative, relaxing, challenging... and maybe most surprisingly of all, it’s a social activity.

Quilting as an art form, therapy and social glue, by Tom Oder

Le quilting peut être un anti-stress incroyable. La concentration entraîne la relaxation, la relaxation encourage la créativité.
Un article du très sérieux Journal of Public Health, The relationship between quilting and wellbeing d'Emily L. Burt et Jacqueline Atkinson (Volume 34, Issue 1, 1 March 2012, Pages 54–59), conclu que les loisirs créatifs comme le quilting peuvent être un véhicule significatif pour améliorer le bien-être. Cette étude jette les bases d’une recherche plus poussée sur la créativité, les loisirs créatifs et les loisirs en général.

Quilting can be an incredible stress reliever. Focus creates relaxation, relaxation encourages creativity.
An article published in the Journal of Public Health, The relationship between quilting and wellbeing by Emily L. Burt and Jacqueline Atkinson (Volume 34, Issue 1, 1 March 2012, Pages 54–59), illustrate how creative craft hobbies such as quilting can be a meaningful vehicle for enhancing wellbeing. This study sets the foundation for further research into creativity, creative hobbies and hobbies in general.

Photo Tied with a Ribbon

Maintenant que nous avons fait un tour d'alphabet du quilting ensemble, 
êtes-vous prêt.e à vous lancer ?
Ces articles vous ont-ils été utiles ?

Now that we’ve done a quilting alphabet tour together, 
are you ready to join the fun?
Were these posts useful to you?

Mon challenge A to Z / My AtoZ Challenge
A - Z : A = Appliqué
A - Z : B = Binding, Biais de finition
A - Z : C = Celtic, Celtique
A - Z : D = Design
A - Z : E = Embellishment, Embellissement
A - Z : F = FPP, Fondation
A - Z : G = Grain
A - Z : H = Hawaiian quilt
A - Z : I = Iron
A - Z : J = Join
A - Z : K = Knot
A - Z : L = Log Cabin
A - Z : M = Mobilier
A - Z : N = Notions, et Notre-Dame...
A - Z : O = Organization
A - Z : P = Pincushions, Pique-épingles
A - Z : Q = Quilt
A - Z : R = Rulers, Règles
A - Z : S = Stash, Stock
A - Z : T = Tifaifai
A - Z : U = UFO
A - Z : V = Value, Valeur
A - Z : W = Wool appliqué
A - Z : X = X & +
A - Z : Y = Y-seam


Home Sewn By Us a dit…
Hi Frederique! I absolutely agree that quilting definitely does relieve stress, and can make you feel quite zen. Anything that you enjoy doing and that you can focus on can make you forget other issues for a bit. ~smile~ Roseanne
Wendy a dit…
What a wonderful way to wrap up the A-Z challenge! Congratulations on completing it on such a high note.
Jackie a dit…
Thanks for participating in the AtoZchallenge! I enjoyed your AtoZ posts on quilting and really appreciated you visiting and commenting on my blog as well. Jackie's Bookbytes Letter Z
Liz A. a dit…
I learned a lot more about quilting than I knew before. Congrats on making it to the end.
Arlee Bird a dit…
I've heard others talk about the therapeutic nature of activities like quilting. I can see it. Hard to do something like this without sitting quietly and just focusing.

Nice job on finishing this 10th Challenge! Thanks for being a part of this year's event.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

I learned a lot about quilting this month. Thank you! Lovely posts, and a lovely theme :) Congratulations on completing the challenge!

The Multicolored Diary
Bonjour, Frederique! I agree so much that quilting helps relieve stress! My husband will tell me to go to the therapy room (sewing room) whenever I'm feeling particularly stressed! I also like to do my hand stitching in the evening (and sometimes hand sewing down binding will replace that) to help calm my mind before bed time. These crafts are wonderful!
Monique D a dit…
Merci pour tous tes articles relatifs au tour de l'alphabet du quilting.
J'ai tiré un enseignement de certains et d'autres ne m'étaient pas inconnus. En tout cas, ils étaient tous très intéressants?
Rob Z Tobor a dit…
I can imagine quilting can be very Zen.

I make things with cardboard and wood and draw from time to time, but I usually mutter and tell myself off for making errors. I dont think I am a Zen sort of chap

Well the A to Z is complete and we can relax and pursue our blogs at a more Zen like pace.
Thanks for passing by and I wish you a long and happy blog full of wondrous fabrics and designs

Rob Z Tobor

Angie in SoCal a dit…
Just found these, but I am sure I'm going to love going through all the posts. Been a quilter for 33 years.
Claire a dit…
I tuned in on Z, so I guess I missed a few. I love the banner: cut,sew, press, repeat!
Sunita a dit…
Hello Frederique. It was a pleasure coming across an artist of your caliber. Keep on with your wonderfully creative work. Hope to catch up next year. :)
Lisa a dit…
Yes, I learned so very much on your site this A to Z, and I'm glad to have found you. Thank you for participating so I could! Hope to visit your part of the world some day... Happy May 1st!
Nilanjana Bose a dit…
I have now caught up with all the posts - each one is beautiful, really enjoyed the visuals, thank you! Congratulations on completing the challenge with such elan!
Thank you Wendy, I appreciate your sweet comments!
It was such a fun point of the Challenge, visiting blogs! I enjoyed a lot visiting yours and trying to figure who from GoT was featured ;)
Congratulations to you too! I'm glad if I was a little useful ;P
Thanks to you, Arlee, as you are the Founder of the Challenge ;)
Thank you so much Zalka! I enjoyed a lot your fruit folktales, always great stories!
Your husband is so right, the sewing room is the therapy room ;)
Merci Monique, c'est très gentil ! J'ai essayé de faire une petite encyclopédie, sans prétentions ;-)
Thank you Rob ;^) Have a rest too, this Challenge is quite exhausting!
Hi Claire, no it's ok, only 25 missed ;)) Thank you for visiting!
Thank you Sunita for your sweet and kind comment! Yes, I will come and read your poems next year!
You are welcome Lisa! Tell me when you arrive in East of France ;^)
pascalinette a dit…
je pense en effet que le quilting permet de sortir des problèmes ,on est concentrée sur le travail;en tout cas pour moi çà marche;bonne fin de semaine
All world problems could be solved by quilters at one meeting! lol Definitely therapeutic! Congratulations on your finish and again, thank you for such an informative and interesting theme to visit.
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail Creations
Denise a dit…
Hmmm, I think I will stay with my machine for quilting. Great post.
Jayne a dit…
I couldn't agree more that quilting is a stress reliever! It's always been that way for me, as well as very therapeutic!
Susan a dit…
Definitely a stress reliever!
Great finale to your alphabet of quilting. Quilting is a good stress reliever, that's how I got into it. Funny to think someone has actually written a paper about it, I'll have to look into that!
I was wondering what you were going to do for Z. Writing is my zen for sure! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
Frewin55 a dit…
I have enjoyed your posts tremendously Frédérique as well as enjoying your help and comments on my blog too. I will continue to follow you - Au Revoir mon bon ami x