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A - Z : U = UFO

En anglais, UFO veut dire OVNI. Mais bien sûr en quilting, l'acronyme n'a pas la même signification, et désigne les "unfinished objects", les quilts et blocs qui s'accumulent, commencés mais jamais terminés.

Quilting UFOs are not objects flying in the sky. When quilters talk about a UFO, they are referring to an UnFinished Object, the partially sewn quilts and quilt blocks we all seem to accumulate but never finish.

Photo The Little Mushroom Cap

Pourquoi des UFO ?
Why UFOs?

Il y a de nombreuses raisons pour lesquelles un quilt n'est jamais terminé :
  • un projet trop grand, trop de pièces à coudre, plus assez de tissus
  • trop difficile, une technique non maîtrisée, un bloc trop complexe
  • trop ennuyeux, trop répétitif
  • trop moche, mauvais choix de tissus, trop d'erreurs
mais aussi
  • ne pas être motivé pour bâtir ni quilter
  • parfois il ne reste plus que la bande de finition, de nombreux quilteurs mettent de côté cette étape, et finissent par l'oublier complètement
  • et surtout, quelque chose (un nouveau tissu, une nouvelle technique, un fabuleux modèle de quilt) qui nécessite qu'on laisse tout tomber pour se concentrer sur cette distraction !

There are many reasons quilts are never finished:
  • a project too big, too many blocs, not enough fabrics
  • too hard, an unmastered technique, a block too complex
  • too boring, too repetitive
  • too ugly, wrong fabric choice, too many mistakes
but also
  • some are not fond of creating a quilt sandwich, basting the project, and quilting the quilt
  • sometimes it's just the binding that remains unfinished, many quilters put off that task as long as possible and eventually forget to do it at all
  • and most of it, something (a new fabric, a new technique, a fabulous quilt pattern) that you HAD to try and make you drop everything else!

Photo Pat Sloan

Les quilteurs ont parfois besoin d'aide ou de motivation pour reprendre ces projets laissés de côté. Voici quelques challenges qui incitent à continuer :

People usually need some kind of help or motivation to get going again.
Herer are some challenges, helping to keep going:

Quilting Gail

The Madd Quilter

Mon challenge A to Z / My AtoZ Challenge
A - Z : L = Log Cabin
A - Z : M = Mobilier
A - Z : N = Notions, et Notre-Dame...
A - Z : O = Organization
A - Z : P = Pincushions, Pique-épingles
A - Z : Q = Quilt
A - Z : R = Rulers, Règles
A - Z : S = Stash, Stock
A - Z : T = Tifaifai

Linking up with A to Z Challenge / UFO Busting / WIPs On Wednesday 


I like this definition of UFO better :D It happens with all types of crafting projects...

The Multicolored Diary
I have 2 that I consider UFO's and I do not why they have sat so long, one is complex and all applique so I suppose that is the reason! the other is also applique but not so complex and must get back to it one day!
Lisa a dit…
This one made me laugh! I agree, this is a great definition of UFO. Writers have this same problem, but it isn't so colorful! LOL
I'll never view UFOs in the same way again. I wonder what percentage of such creations never get finished!
Liz A. a dit…
Yes, we have UFOs in knitting, too. I bet you don't frog your work, though :)
Jackie a dit…
As a metaphor, aren't we all UnFinished Objects? :) I'd never heard of that in quilting before. Jackie's Bookbytes Letter U
Wendy a dit…
HA HA - wonderful word choice. I think every artistic endeavor has its own UFOs, even those of us who do genealogy and family history.
Anne M Bray a dit…
Lots of UFOs here, mostly garments in my "mending" pile.
My quilt UFO is my Crazy Quilt that started from a pair of very patched jeans in the '70s, and is constantly in need of repair.