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A - Z : K = Knot

Knot comme noeud, le noeud du quilteur bien sûr !
The Quilter's Knot of course!

Photo Diane Gilleland

Ce petit noeud est surtout utilisé pour le quilting à la main, et parfois pour le quilting machine. Il est tiré sous le tissu pour être caché dans le molleton.

A quilter’s knot is used as a beginning knot for hand sewing. It's a tiny knot that can be pulled through one layer of fabric so that the end is “hidden” from both sides.

Comment faire un noeud de quilter
How to make a quilter's knot

Une autre façon de sécuriser les points de début et de fin est de coudre à la machine de minuscules points, très près les uns des autres : piquer 10 à 15 points sur 6 mm, avant de coudre normalement.

One way to secure your beginning and ending stitches is with tiny locking stitches. Use the needle up/down feature to place several stitches very close together before engaging your stitch regulator. Try to put 10-15 stitches within 1/4-inch for best results.

Photo Kathy K. Wylie

Et enfin, cacher les fils qui commencent dans les espaces ouverts, en les glissant entre le top et le molleton.
Pour cela, enfiler les fils à cacher dans une aiguille, piquer dans le molleton et ressortir l'aiguille quelques cm plus loin. Couper le fil au ras.

Another way is to bury your thread tails to hide threads that begin in open spaces.
To do this, thread a needle with the threads to hide, go through the batting and pull out the needle a short distance away. Trim the threads as close to the fabric as you can.

Photo Girl Gone Quilting


Si les fils sont trop courts pour cette méthode, il suffit d'utiliser une aiguille avec une boucle : choisir un fil de couleur différente, le plier en deux et l'enfiler dans une aiguille pour former une boucle. Placer la boucle autour du fil à enfouir, piquer dans le molleton et ressortir l'aiguille quelques cm plus loin. L'aiguille et la boucle tirent le fil à l’intérieur du quilt. Facile !

Choose a thread color different from your sewing thread. Fold it in half and thread both cut ends through a needle so there is a loop on the bottom. Place the loop around the thread that needs to be buried. Insert the needle through the batting and pull the needle. The needle and thread loop pulls the ends through the inside of the quilt. Easy!


I'm better at knots when it comes to sailing... :D

The Multicolored Diary
Liz A. a dit…
It's easier to hide ends in knitting ;)
Beth in IL a dit…
I am going to use knot too! Lovely quilts.
Lisa a dit…
Love that last idea! I've used hiding the ends of threads in cross stitch by threading them back and forth through the stitches on the back side of the fabric because you can't use knots!
Janet a dit…
Yes, when I do crocheting I thread the ends back through the project. With wear, they always seem to still come through. Nicely done K.

Janet’s Smiles
And I thought you would talk about French knots :) Just joking. This is becoming such a good reference for quilters during and after the challenge. Much appreciated!!
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail Creations
Yes you are right, hidding knots in a quilt can take a looooot of time. Some have hundreds of threads to hide!
Yes, French knot are always the best ;)
You're compiling such a great list of tips here. We quilt-blog readers appreciate it!