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A - Z : F = FPP, Fondation

FPP comme Foundation Paper Piecing, soit couture sur papier.
Le piéçage sur papier consiste à créer des motifs en patchwork en cousant des petits morceaux de tissu sur un support en papier. Le motif est divisé en pièces numérotées et les tissus sont cousus dans l'ordre des pièces, directement sur le papier. Lorsque le motif est terminé, le papier est retiré.
Cette méthode permet de faire des coutures et des angles très précis.

FPP for Foundation Paper Piecing.
Foundation paper piecing is a way of creating quilt blocks by sewing small pieces of fabric using a paper foundation. The pattern is broken into numbered pieces and the fabrics are sewn in numerical order, directly onto the paper. When the sewing is complete, the paper is removed from the quilt block.
This method is extremely accurate, allowing precise seams and points.

Birdhouses Log Cabin


Petit Chaperon Rouge

photo QuietPlay

photo Janeen van Niekerk

photo Violet Craft

D'autres idées :
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Mon challenge A to Z / My AtoZ Challenge

Linking up with A to Z Challenge / UFO Busting / ScraphappySaturday


Oh my god, the birds! I love them! Also the bird house :)

The Multicolored Diary
Couson a dit…
Je ne connais pas cette méthode mais le résultat est bluffant. Bises
Dipika a dit…
Beautiful art. You have mentioned some amazing designs.
That's one quilt process I've never tried. Maybe someday... :)
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail Creations
Jackie a dit…
Hi Frederique, these designs are so satisfying and gorgeous. I love them!♥️ I can't sleep these days so I'm up early again today :) Have a great day
Jackie's Bookbytes Letter F
Your Little Red riding hood quilt is amazing! I definitely love what you can do with paper piecing!
Anne E.G. Nydam a dit…
Oh, I love the birds! And Little Red Riding Hood is so clever. The foundation piecing is too fiddly for me - I just let my corners be less than perfect. But I sure do admire what you accomplish with it.
Black and White: F is for Fur-Bearing Trout
Debi a dit…
Wow!!! I think Wow says it all. Thank you for sharing!
Susie H a dit…
Those birdhouses have been my favorite for quite some time now. Love them!!!
Mari a dit…
I love your paper piecing! Do you know about Quilt Art Designs? Janeen has many, many FPP patterns that turn out really great.
Hi Mari! Of course, Janeen is in this post! Her ligthouse is featured between the teapot and the elephant! I love her designs, intricate yet easy to make.
pascalinette a dit…
tu maîtrises bien cette technique,çà rend tellement bien;très bon dimanche
KaHolly a dit…
I’ve been pleased to see a resurgence of foundation piecing. In the 90’s, it was relatively popular, and so much fun.
Sweet AQUA additions for your RSC block sets!!
Anne M Bray a dit…
Interesting! I've started some quilts using a simple triangle pattern. I do not manage to ever finish them!
I DID do one digitally with my commute:
Deborah Weber a dit…
These are so delightful - I absolutely adore your Little Red Riding Hood piece.
Lisa a dit…
J'adore les oiseaux! Et leur petite maison...
Wow! Your quilt pieces are fabulous. This a talent that I envy in others. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

I'm here via the A to Z Challenge.

Award-winning Author Sharon E. Cathcart
Liz A. a dit…
Oh. Clever.