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A - Z : C = Celtic, Celtique

En patchwork, le celtique est une technique qui consiste à appliquer un biais en suivant un dessin, parfois complexe, riche de symbolique et hérité des Celtes, pour former un motif isolé ou une frise.

In quilting, the Celtic is a technique about bias appliqué, following a pattern sometimes complex, rich in symbolism and inherited from the Celts, to form an isolated motive or a frieze.


C'est assez facile de faire son biais soi-même, plutôt que de l'acheter tout prêt. On peut ainsi choisir la nuance de tissu, et plier la largeur désirée. De plus, je trouve que les biais du commerce sont trop rigides pour cet usage, puisque justement, l’intérêt d'utiliser le biais du tissu est qu'il soit très souple et qu'il puisse être cousu en boucles et courbes facilement sans plisser.

It's quite easy to make your own bias, instead of buying it already made. Then, you can choose your exact fabric, value, color, and fold it at the desired width. The bias has to be smooth, to be sewn easily into curves and loops.

Faire du biais
Making bias strips

Les éléments végétaux ont une place importante dans l'art celte, de même que les animaux réels ou mythiques. L'entrelacs est un motif décoratif très fréquent, composé de lignes courbes se recoupant entre elles, sous forme de tresse, entrelacs simple, angulaire ou curviligne.

The plant elements have an important place in the Celtic art, as well as the real or mythical animals. The interlacing is a very frequent ornamental motive, in the form of plait, simple, angular or curvilinear interlacing.

(photo La Ruche des Quilteuses)

(photo Celtic Quilts)

(photo Celtic Quilts)

(Quilt Gyöngyi Váradiphoto Quilt Inspiration)

(photo Celtic Quilting)

(photo Magic Patch Spécial Celtique)

(photo Magic Patch Spécial Celtique)

(photo Magic Patch Bases du Celtique)

(photo Quilt Inspiration)

(photo Eva Johansen)

(photo Paula Chapman)

(photo fourseasonsquiltswap)

(photo Sewing Room Secrets)

Mon challenge A to Z / My AtoZ Challenge

Linking up with A to Z Challenge / Let's Bee Social / Wednesday Wait Loss / WOW 


Monique D a dit…
Merci pour toutes ces explications. J'attends avec impatience la suite de l'alphabet.
Jackie a dit…
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.
Jackie a dit…
Hello Frédérique! How is it going? I like the explanation and the beautiful Celtic quilt at the top. I deleted the comment because for some reason it said something different than what I wrote :/ Anyway, let's try it again. Nobody seems to want to guess who the letter is over on my blog but you did so thank you. Merci bien.
Janet a dit…
Some really pretty ones here! I love the first long one, the blue magic and the dolphin the best.
Lisa a dit…
Comme c'est joli!!! I'm a sucker for Celtic design. I've written three novels about Celtic peoples in the British Isles. They'll be out some day! I especially loved the tree...
Hi Jackie, your Game of Thrones' caractere for letter C was easy ;)
John Holton a dit…
Bilingual, no less! Thanks for adding the translations into English.

John @ The Sound Of One Hand Typing
Random Musings a dit…
These are all brilliant, and it's easy to see how much work has gone into them. My favourite one is the maze pattern
Liz A. a dit…
I do love the intricate designs of this. I saw bias tape made on one of those sewing shows, but I've never tried it myself.
Jackie a dit…
They are all going to be easy. I just want people to comment. So I'm a beggar :P
Dipika a dit…
Nice Work, great post. Good luck
pascalinette a dit…
Je ne connaissais pas,çà doit être fastidieux à appliquer mais pour un beau résultat;merci pour les photos
Josefine a dit…
This is such an interesting topic, I will come back at the weekend and catch up from the beginning.
I absolutely love Celtic patterns! Thank you for all the pictures! :)

The Multicolored Diary
Zannie Rose a dit…
very colourful illustrations. I would love to get in to embroidery
Lovely bird! The Celtic bias strips really give it character. Thanks for linking to Wednesday Wait Loss.
Those examples are simply stunning!
Forgot my signature:
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail Creations
Glenda a dit…
Hi Fred fantastic photo's so so many beauties, it be difficult to choose one over another. Thanks for the information very very interesting. Thanks for sharing it was so interesting. Cheers Glenda
Pr@Gun a dit…
thanks for sharing the celtique technique, beautiful images and interesting post.
Nilanjana Bose a dit…
These are amazing designs. Something about Celtic designs is utterly fascinating.