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A - Z : S = Scherenschnitte

Scherenschnitte, qui signifie "découpage" en allemand, est l'art du papier découpé.
Scherenschnitte, which means "scissor cuts" in German, is the art of paper cutting design.


Les quilts de Suzanne Marshall sont inspirés de cette technique très développée en Allemagne/Suisse, et qu'on retrouve un peu dans l'art du tifaifai et des quilts hawaïens.

Suzanne Marshall's quilts are inspired by this highly developed skill in Germany/Switzerland, and that we find a little in the art of tifaifai and Hawaiian quilts.

Sixtieth Anniversary

Mother's day

Ces autres quilts sont très fins également.
Her other quilts are very fine too.

Echoing Spring

Dragon Flowers


Suzanne Marshall
Site :

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Today is "S"

WARNING: this is NOT the Master list, only links added by the A to Z Challengers who want to ;)
HERE is my daily AtoZ reading

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Sorry guys, I was late this morning for the linky party, so I added all of you who went here before it launched ;) If you disagree, just tell me and I will remove your link.

Linking up with A to Z Challenge


John Holton a dit…
Very nice! Have you done any of these yourself, or is it something for your "to do" list?
Jade Li a dit…
Beautiful color combinations and designs. The dragons at the end are so neat.
I look forward to your posts with great anticipation. Each day you come up with a treat. This post reminds me of the beautiful paper cuts we got from Poland. They were simply dazzling.
Sati Chock a dit…
Oh, the colors on the Scherenschnitte are extraordinary!
Your rayures were so entertaining to see...thank you for sharing and these quilts are amazing as well.
Tamara a dit…
Ha, "Scherenschnitt" is a word I know :-) I used to make them when I was 3 or 4 years old, I was always amazed and delighted how they turned out. Again, these quilts... so much time, skill and effort must have gone into them!

My S is for our airline that has come a long way:
Romi a dit…
They are exquisite! I like "Dragon Flowers" best.
Suzy a dit…
Lovely designs. I love the colours in the first one - very soothing.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter S
Hi John, yes definitively on my to-do list! I made a quilt more less intricate, a celtic quilt here:
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
So neat! The Mother's Day quilt is my favorite of all. Just wonderful!
Ooh, I'd love to have the one with all the magical animals!

The Multicolored Diary
Arti a dit…
Echoeing Spring is my favourite.
Mother's Day is delightful, I love the nine little mother and child scenes
Jai a dit…
These quilt designs are exquisite. I like Deruta and Echoing Spring are sizzling and really eye catching.
ladyleemanila a dit…
so intricate! love them! :)
Red a dit…
And here, I though paper-cutting was a distinctly Asian art form!
There are artisans in both China and Vietnam who do this intricate work, some making pop-up cards for sale.
pilch92 a dit…
So beautiful. I am left-handed and can barely cut out a coupon so I wouldn't be able to cute my fabric like that :)
Thank you for having the linky.
Kathe W. a dit…
oh my goodness- such perfection! Amazing what some artists can do!
Cathy Keisha a dit…
So unusual and pretty!
Carrie-Anne a dit…
Those designs are lovely, and the colors are so pretty!
Arlee Bird a dit…
Beautiful colors and designs. I wish I had a few nice quilts like these, but it's doubtful that you'd find my wife or I making anything like this. My wife should probably do something like this during our lock-down. She's been getting a bit anxious of late.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Hi Arlee, you and your wife should give it a try, quilting is very relaxing and therapeutic. Great activity right now...
Ginny Hartzler a dit…
These are beautiful! And so well made! Quilts warm your soul. Thanks for visiting me!
Virginia Allain a dit…
Such beautiful quilts! Thanks for the opportunity to post my A to Z link.
Liz A. a dit…
That's a very interesting look.
The Dream Girl a dit…
Paper cutting inspired looks! Wow!!

S is for Struggle
Deborah Weber a dit…
It's mind-boggling to me how intricate these are. I'm familiar with Scherenschnitte and have done some paper cutting myself. But to then have to sew the intricate bits and quilt the whole thing, I can't imagine. So lovely! And so wonderful to have you taking us through all these genres and artists - such fun.
Such detailed, beautiful quilts. I've seen elaborate paper cuttings but never seen them in quilt form before this pots. Weekends In Maine
Frewin55 a dit…
Very skillful but not so much my favourite style although Deruta is pretty amazing...
vesseys a dit…
This form I am familiar with. I tried years ago to "build" a quilt. I designed it with this style - I never choose the easy thing first. Needless to say I'm not a quilter.
Thank you each day for the beauty you share.
And for your visit today - so grateful.
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Very nice designs. :-)
pascalinette a dit…
superbe,j'aime beaucoup,quel travail
Hannelore a dit…
Oh my god, this is so beautiful! Now I'm dreaming about learning to quilt this way.
JazzFeathers a dit…
Seriously beautiful. I love that white and red one at the beginning. Fantastic!

The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
Amazing! I like Dragon Flowers the most :-)

An A-Z of Faerie: Sirens
quelle élégance!!

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