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A - Z : Q = Quilting machine longarm

Margaret Solomon Gunn est une quilteuse professionnelle, sur machine longarm.
Margaret Solomon Gunn is a professional longarm quilter.

The Value of Violet

Le quilting ajoute une autre dimension au quilt. Cliquer sur les photos pour les agrandir, et cliquer encore pour plus de détails.

Quilting adds more interest to the quilt. Click on the pictures for a bigger view, then click again for even more detail.

The Value of Violet, detail

The Value of Violet, detail

The Value of Violet, detail

The Value of Violet, detail

Dream Big
Dream Big, detail

Dream Big, detail
The Jesters Folly

The Jesters Folly, detail

The Jesters Folly, detail

Rainbow Nouveau

Rainbow Nouveau, detail

Rainbow Nouveau, detail

Rainbow Nouveau, detail

Sea Glass

Sea Glass, detail

Sea Glass, detail

J'adore !
I love this quilting!

Margaret Solomon Gunn

Cet article fait partie de mon challenge A à Z 2020
This post is part of my 2020 A to Z Challenge

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Ulrikes Smaating a dit…
Wow! really wonderful and special quilts, thank you for showing, Frédérique...gretings from denmark, ulrike :0)
Jade Li a dit…
These are the work of a magician. My eyes can't believe these are real. Some of the most beautiful works of art I've ever seen.
Kim a dit…
ALL these quilts are magical. Surely no human quilted these!! I have a Dream Big panel, but I don't suppose it will look anything like the one you showcased.....oh well.
Tamara a dit…
The structures are simply amazing! So much detail can be achieved!

Happy Monday!

My Q is for Switzerland as a diverse, quadrilingual country.
Suzy a dit…
Nature and abstract combined. Just beautiful.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter Q
Suzy a dit…
I am unable to add my post to your linky. Couldn't do it for the P post either.
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Violet isn't usually a colour I like. But then here for some reason it looks so pleasing!
Hi Suzy, I tryed to add your P post link and it works. I have the free version of the linky, and now it's not displayed anymore directly on the blog. You have to click the button "Clik here to enter" then link your post when another page opens. I hope it will work, let me know if it doesn't.
Sonia Dogra a dit…
This is beautiful. I love the work on violet. The combo of violet and white is terrific.
Arti a dit…
Seriously intricate stuff. Dreaming big:)
ladyleemanila a dit…
love every detail :)
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Love the Value of Violet! The shades and the detailing is amazing. Next favorite is Dream Big. :D
pilch92 a dit…
These are all so beautiful. I can't even imagine all the hours of work that goes into making them.
Archana a dit…
Simply Wow! Such intricate work! I wonder how much time was spent on these!! The colour choice is lovely !
Buttercup a dit…
Stunning! I love the colors. I'd love to visit your area in France. I've been to many parts of France, but jamais Champagne.
Kathe W. a dit…
Gorgeous quilting! I make baby quilts on a regular thinking about each child while creating. Making quilts is just like painting with fabric! You can see the one I just finished on my It's a Snap blog I do not do the long arm quilting- I have a friend who does it for me. Cheers and see you tomorrow!
Allyson a dit…
The purple quilt is absolutely stunning and the pink flower quilt, as well!
Clicking on the pictures just shows how detailed these delightful pieces are.
Wonderful. I love the colour.
vesseys a dit…
The violet quilt and the dream big quilt reminded me of the variety of garden colours in spring. they are each so detailed an beautiful.
The Letter Q
Frewin55 a dit…
I love these particular designs but I love this technique too. Amazing!
The Dream Girl a dit…
Purple is honestly one of my favorite colours! All of them, in those different shades look so beautiful!
Lynette a dit…
Ahhhh, yes! Margaret is a highly skilled and talented quilter! I love watching her work on her personal creations, and years ago I saved enough to have her quilt two of my tops. Doesn't she inspire you??! I saw her post that she's starting to offer video classes, and I can't wait to take them!!
Lynnette Forest a dit…
Oh that is just beautiful.
Unknown a dit…
The stitching really does add another dimension to the quilts. I can't image how many hours it must take to finish a quilt like this. So beautiful. Weekends In Maine
Liz A. a dit…
Wow, such intricate stitching.
pascalinette a dit…
joli quilting,splendide
Wow, honestly my jaw on on the floor - what detail, what skill. Amazing. I thought the Value of Violet was stunning and then I looked at Dream Big and was floored. So beautiful.
Tasha 💖
Virginia's Parlour - The Manor (Adult concepts - nothing explicit in posts)
Tasha's Thinkings - Vampire Drabbles
Anne M Bray a dit…
I find "Sea Glass" especially intriguing. Incredible amounts of work!
dq a dit…
Margaret's work is indeed amazing! I enjoy stopping in on her blog often! Thanks for sharing!
I really like Margaret's work. I have enrolled in one of her classes in November. Hopefully the pandemic will be better and she'll be able to hold the class. It would be fun to learn from her. Thanks for showcasing her work!
Carrie-Anne a dit…
Those are gorgeous colors, particularly the purple!
CAAC a dit…

These quilt designs are stunning! I can't get over such care in details - simply beautiful work!! The first two patterns are my favorite. WOW, I'm so awe-struck! Thanks for sharing and for visiting earlier in the week for a peak at Queen of Hearts in my A2Z Pinup Girl Art Sketch Series. Have a good evening and be well, my dear!
J.S. Pailly a dit…
Purple is one of my favorite colors, so naturally I love "The Value of Violet."
Printed Portal a dit…
These are beautiful!
Trudy a dit…
The detail and color of these quilts are astounding!
I can't decide if it's painted, then quilted or quilted then painted? Or am I totally off? lol Definitely museum quality regardless.
Dream Big is a printed panel you can buy, then it's quilted. All others are scrap of fabric, pieced then quilted. Pretty, no?
Virginia Allain a dit…
I love them all. The pink one particularly grabbed me. Delightful!
This is what I think about when I hear "quilt" :-) The Value of Violet is absolutely marvellous!

An A-Z of Faerie: Banshee
magnifique! j'ai un dream big.. faut que je me lance, quand j'aurai du molleton...

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