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A - Z : M = Modern Quilts

Sophie Zaugg est une des artistes les plus représentatives du mouvement Modern Quilts.
Sophie Zaugg is one of the most representative artists of the Modern Quilts movement.

Bubble Gum

Elle aime particulièrement les quilts modernes, simples et graphiques, et travaille souvent en improvisant sur la base d'un croquis.

She particularly likes modern, simple and graphic quilts, and often works by improvising with a sketch.


Double sens

Free Form Curve




Orange Pop

Pink Invaders



Magnifiques !
Beautiful quilts!

Sophie Zaugg

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Today is "M"

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John Holton a dit…
These are quite impressive. Colorful, too...
Jade Li a dit…
They certainly capture my attention! Some of them look like Pac Man or Ms. Pac Man shapes :)
Suzy a dit…
I like the abstract nature of these and I think I like Bubble Gum most of all.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter M
Arti a dit…
Horizon and Bubble Gum stand out for me.
Archana a dit…
Orange Pop and Free Form Curve must have been difficult to create! Lovely indeed. In comparison my quilt pattern in the M post is fairly basic!
I do like the pinks in the first one and Météores is great, but have to admit the others don't really speak to me. Maybe I am just not in the mood for modern this morning :)
Tasha 💖
Virginia's Parlour - The Manor (Adult concepts - nothing explicit in posts)
Tasha's Thinkings - Vampire Drabbles
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Bubble gum, free form curve, and orange pop are my favorites. Love how they're all symmetric and wild at the same time.
What a contrast to yesterday's! It's bubble gum for me!

M is for ...
vesseys a dit…
the Mondrian of quilting.
Mom and Memory
Tamara a dit…
Very inspiring! Opalescence reminds me of Kandinsky - or is it Braque?

My M today is about Migros, Switzerland's grocery chain and its legendary neighborhood grocery bus service.
Toffee a dit…
I love all of them, but my favourites are Bubblegum and Horizon. Both stunning and original.
Janet a dit…
Great colors. I love the pink and black.

Janet’s Smiles
The Dream Girl a dit…
The patterns 😍
Is Q gonna be just Quilts xD?

M is for More Info
I am not really one for modern art but these are impressive!

The Multicolored Diary
Liz A. a dit…
That first one felt very '70s to me. Interesting quilts.
It's fun to see a new take on quilting. I like both traditional and modern. Another amazing quilter! Weekends In Maine
Kathe W. a dit…
wow- so different from the others- I think my favorite is Horizon as it reminds me of the desert.
Glorious theme I am enjoying this journey!
Romi a dit…
They all look beautiful. The one that appeals to me most is Météores.
Cathy Keisha a dit…
Those are really nice. I have some friends that quilt. I bet they'll like 'em too.
I had tried quilting once but had to give up because of lack of time . But I now realise I should have persevered because there are other forms apart from the traditional
Red a dit…
Amazing! I love coming over to your blog... just to see a bit of beauty.
ladyleemanila a dit…
love the patterns :)
Pradeep Nair a dit…
They all look so stunningly different!
Cathy Kennedy a dit…
Modern quilt designs I don't care too much for as I prefer traditional patterns or intricate scenery designs in previous posts. Thanks for sharing. Stay healthy!

Cathy's Pinup Girl Art Sketch Series 'M'
Frewin55 a dit…
Makes me want to hijack Barbara's sewing machine and re-purpose her fabrics...
Anne M Bray a dit…
Oh, love them all!
bonne idée de mettre Sophie en valeur!!
Météores is my favourite :-)

An A-Z of Faerie: Merrows

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