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A - Z : G = Garden / Jardin

Carol Armstrong est connue pour ces quilts représentant des jardins : oiseaux, fleurs.
Carol Armstrong is know for her garden quilts: flowers, birds.


Colorado Columbine, Hare Bells, and Violets

Pastel Garden

Six in Bloom

Feathered Stars

C'est un travail précis d'appliqué à la main. J'adore !
It’s a precise hand appliqué work. I love it!

Carol Armstrong

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Today is "G"
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Suzy a dit…
Beautiful. I love the lilacs. Such a pretty flower and colour too.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter G
Viyoma a dit…
Very intricate - loved them.
Every time I read a post I'm always like "this is my FAVORITE!"... until the next post.
But that lilac quilt is GORGEOUS!

The Multicolored Diary
Arti a dit…
WOW!! gobsmacked! I never knew quilting could be so delicate.
Love them all.
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
So so beautiful! Love the birds one. Such detailing it has.
upasna a dit…
They are so lovely.
Amazing! I especially love the lilacs.
Nilanjana Bose a dit…
In the Lilacs, it is almost impossible to see where the real flowers end and the applique/embroidered ones begin...!
Tamara a dit…
Ha, I thought you were going to take one of these quilts outside in the garden and take a nap ;-)

My letter G is about how to greet each other in Switzerland and our infamous mountain pass / tunnel Gotthard:
I love gardens and these captured in exquisite quilts are absolutely stunning. I also am enjoying revising my French. Good idea to be a bilingual blogger
J.S. Pailly a dit…
I love all of these quilts, but that first one--Lilacs--that one really appeals to me, for some reason.
Kathe W. a dit…
Amazing and beautiful hand work. Thanks for sharing all these beautiful works of art.
The Dream Girl a dit…
These are so simple yet so intricate 😍😍
Liz A. a dit…
Those are great. Garden seems to be a popular theme today.
That is definitely precision applique. Another beautiful set of quilts. Weekends In Maine
Jade Li a dit…
I like her color schemes.
My lilacs are blooming!! Lovely lilac appliqued quilt and such talent!
pascalinette a dit…
encore de beaux modèles,merci pour le partage
Gorgeous! I especially like the first one.

An A-Z of Faerie: Gancanagh
Susan a dit…
Beautiful quilts - thanks for sharing!
Trudy a dit…
These are simply exquisite! I especially love the lilacs... I can almost smell their fragrance.
Rob Z Tobor a dit…
I love the one called Unfurling a great deal. . ..
Rob Z Tobor a dit…
MMMMmmmmmmm I may have put this comment on the wrong post . . . . That's what my brain does to me these days. . . . . DAMN.

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