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Avril / OMG April Finish

Fin avril...
End of April...

Il est temps de faire le point sur l'objectif du mois : le challenge de A à Z qui a lieu tout le mois d'avril. Je vous en parlais le mois dernier pour expliquer le principe, et le thème que je développe.
Une lettre par jour sauf le dimanche, 26 articles au cours du mois, c'est beaucoup !
Nous sommes le 26 avril, il reste 4 lettres, je pense que c'est bon : objectif atteint !
Voici un retour sur quelques quilts dont il a été question :

It’s time to look back at the goal of the month: the April blogging A to Z challenge that takes place throughout the month. I was talking about this last month to explain the principle and the theme I am developing.
One letter a day except Sundays, 26 posts during the month, that’s a lot!
It’s April 26th today, there are 4 letters left, I think it’s good: goal achieved!
Here is a review of some of the quilts featured:

E = Embroidery

D = Denim

C = Colour

A = Art Déco

B = Beads

H = Hand Dyed Fabric

I = Improv

L = Landscapes

M = Modern

N = Nature

P =Pojagi

Q = Quilting Longarm

R = Rayures

T = Taupe

U = Unique style

V = Visual Texture

F = Free motion

O = Oya

J = Jewelry

K = Kaleidoscope

S = Scherenschnitte

G = Garden

Il ne reste plus que 4 lettres : W, X, Y et Z. Pas les plus faciles ! J'ai eu un peu de mal avec X et Y, mais revenez dès demain pour la suite, et admirer encore de magnifiques quilts réalisés par des artistes de talent.

There are only 4 letters left: W, X, Y and Z. Not the easiest! I had a bit of a hard time with X and Y, but come back tomorrow for the rest, and admire some beautiful quilts made by talented artists.


Kristin a dit…
The end is in sight! And those are both beautiful quilts.
Finding Eliza
Julierose a dit…
Beautiful selection of quilts I love that red/green one and the embroidered piece, too...
~ ~ ~ waving from afar Julierose
Pradeep Nair a dit…
You have so far put together an attractive tapestry of eminent artists and their exquisite works or art. It's a great journey. Four more days to go. Hopefully even after that you will bring to us your insights into the wonderful world of designs.
Kate a dit…
What a fun way to do the alphabet! There are some great quilts in your posts.
ChezVies a dit…
simply WOW! the DENIM one is super amazing!!
So lovely. Like a starry night.
Liz A. a dit…
Congrats. I was hoping to get a wee preview of this week, but I guess not yet.
Sati Chock a dit…
That E for embroidery quilt is gorgeous! Actually, everything that you post is amazing. Thank you for all of them.
Alana a dit…
I continue to be amazed by the beauty of these works of art. I am especially interested in what you are going to do with "X". It's such a hard letter.
Viyoma a dit…
Too good/ and with more of your quilting designs - I have also learnt a lot of new words associated with it.
Buttercup a dit…
I've got five left. I had a blip when my mouse failed, but I'm going to finish in April. Doubling up one day. Enjoying your posts.
It’s not easy to find suitable material every day especially in such a niche subject like you chose . But thanks for sharing these quilted gems