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A - Z : V = Visual texture

Les quilts de Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry sont reconnaissables à la palette de couleurs et la texture visuelle qu’elle emploie.
Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry's quilts are known for the palette of colors and visual texture she uses.

Elle est mondialement connue pour ses quilts primés, qui sont facilement reconnus à leurs couleurs lumineuses et leurs illusions de lumière, de profondeur et de mouvement.

She is internationally known for her award-winning fine-art quilts, which are easily recognized by their luminous colors and illusions of light, depth, and motion.

Vous l'aurez deviné, j'aime beaucoup son travail !
As you may have guessed, I love her work!

Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry

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Beth Lapin a dit…
They are also Vibrant! Wow!
They do have a lovely sense of movement and energy. Weekends In Maine
Red a dit…
That is remarkable!
Jade Li a dit…
Her colors and textures are incomparable! So alive!
Suzy a dit…
Very vibrant and bold. On the wings of a dream is my favourite from this lot.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter V
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Indeed, the dynamic effect of the work of art is very striking.
Such amazing handling of colors! I would have these on my walls :)

The Multicolored Diary
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
There are totally WOW! The color combinations are unique in each piece and the overall effect is mesmerizing. Can't even pick a favorite from these. No wonder she's an award winning artist. Kudos.
Lizanne Lloyd a dit…
Amazing movement conveyed in these quilts!
Tamara a dit…
Wow, the birds and the butterfly! Amazing work.
Have a wonderful weekend.

My V is about values as well:
breathtaking as always. I try to read your blog in French as it helps me keep up with this language that I learnt so many years ago.... I love the way it rolls off the tongue and with the translation easily available, it is a double treat for me ....
Kate a dit…
Wow! That is one talented lady.
Wendy a dit…
Just been catching up on some of your other posts and you have found some beautiful examples of quilting - so different from the patchwork quilting so many of us are familiar with. The ones today are just glorious and so unusual. Thank you
pilch92 a dit…
Truly works of art. I am in awe of her work. Merci for hosting a linky party.
Arti a dit…
Wow! so, so stunning.
Each and every one is worth staring at for a day or two at least. Her quilts are like fairy tales: spell binding narratives.
Doesn't 'Dancing through the blues' remind you of Gibran's drawings?
Kathe W. a dit…
Stupendous images. Her use of color is wonderfully vibrant. I especially like the botanical pieces! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful quilting artists! Have a lovely day and I'll see you on Monday! Cheers!
So many different styles. The butterfly stood out for me.
This artist makes fantasy look so lovely! Visiting her site next.
JazzFeathers a dit…
WOW! FAntastic colours. Though I'll admit I like the abstract ones even more than the figurative ones.

The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
my space a dit…
As you rightly said...luminous colours..absolutely stunning
Romi a dit…
I'm amazed at the artist's creativity!
The Dream Girl a dit…
These are so beautiful!!!
I absolutely love Solar Eclipse!!!!
Liz A. a dit…
Wow, those are great. I really love them.
Kristin a dit…
Such vibrant colors and movement. Beautiful, amazing quilts.
Finding Eliza
J Lenni Dorner a dit…
These images are absolutely stunning! The phoenix, the Fibonacci spirals, and the leaf are my favorites. I love these!

J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author
Is this patchwork? It's so beautiful and intricate. They are stunning, especially the one with the Phoenix.

S. M. Saves a dit…
I would have never guessed that these were quilts. They're quite amazing and look like paintings. :O
John Holton a dit…
The colors are gorgeous!
Jai a dit…
All the designs are beautiful. But I like the ones with the woman's figure on them.
Yes it is ;) The fabrics are but pieced.
I have always loved your content Frédérique. You post a very unique set of content and I'm pretty sure all your readers love it. Thanks yet again for a visual treat. Hope you are having an amazing A2Z :)
Wow! A visual treat -- especially the first one of the Phoenix :-)

An A-Z of Faerie: Valkyries
NotesinaBook a dit…
WOW! simply WOW!
je l'adore. c'est elle qui m'a attirée dans le patch!

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