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A - Z : I = Improv

Les quilts modernes et traditionnels tout à la fois de Victoria Findlay Wolfe sont un bel exemple d'improvisation.
Victoria Findlay Wolfe’s modern yet traditional quilts are a fine example of improvisation.

Double Edged Love

La signature de Victoria Findlay Wolfe est d'inclure dans ses quilts des éléments de "made fabric", ce qui pourrait se traduire par un patchwork de tissus qui constitue un nouveau tissu. Ses quilts sont parsemés de ces pièces, coupées et cousues comme les autres pièces de quilt.
Cet été, j'ai lu un de ses livres, 15 minutes of play, où elle explique cette technique d'improvisation.

One of Victoria Findlay Wolfe's signature design elements included in her quilts is made fabric. Somewhere in her quilts you’ll find randomly pieced fabrics that are cut into quilt shapes.
This summer, I read one of her books, 15 minutes of play, where she explains this improvisational technique.

A Thousand Fibers Connects Us

A Field of Flowers

A Summer's Day


Farm Girl

Iris by Night

The Star Splitter

Something Old, Something NEW

Greatest Possible Trust

The Space Between Heartbeats

J'adore !
I love them!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe

Lequel est votre préféré ?
Which quilt is your favorite?

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Today is "I"

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Jade Li a dit…
This lady really thinks out of the box, doesn't she. She's a talented and courageous quilter. Beautiful work!
Deepti Agarwal a dit…
Amazingly beautiful work.
JazzFeathers a dit…
Oh wow! These are so different!

The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
Very innovative also. To imagine a pattern and create it must require some ingenuity and imagination
"Thousand fibers" is a new favorite! :)

The Multicolored Diary
Arti a dit…
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Arti a dit…
A kaleidoscopic post today. Nice.
Anne M Bray a dit…
Oh WOW! I adore these and her technique of combining traditional quilt structures with random patching.
Dena Pawling a dit…
Summers Day and Farm Girl are especially lovely.
Totally different from anything you've shown us thus far. If I had to pick one it would be Farm Girl. It's delightfully understated.

I is for ...

Tamara a dit…
They are absolutely stunning! "Double Edged Love" and the two last ones remind me of a technique we used in elementary school: we would draw very colorful patterns using crayola. Then we would cover everything with black crayola. In the end we would use a sharp object to scratch an object. So when the black disappeared, the colors would shine through. Know what I mean?
Janet a dit…
A Summer's Day is my favorite.

Janet’s Smiles
Are these all from the same artist then?? I'm intrigued enough to check this book out! I have so. many. scraps. Clearly this may be my favorite post of the A to Z Challege :)
vesseys a dit…
Loving them all but I think the Field of Flowers is my favorite. Wow!!!

The Letter I
Improv is one of my favorite weapons. It is unpredictably for me mostly.
Toffee a dit…
What a talented woman. I loved the Farm Girl one - so clean and bright with its muted colours.
The Dream Girl a dit…
These designs are so bold and out of the box!
I is for Investigation
Snowcatcher a dit…
I've long admired her work! She does such great work with scraps!
Yes, all of these quilts were made by Victoria Findlay Wolfe! I'm glad you like them ;)
Jai a dit…
I loved the quilt designs. They are so intricately woven and demonstrate a special technique. Great going!
Liz A. a dit…
Those look like fun.
Frewin55 a dit…
My partner Barbara started quilting and I help her on a technical, sewing machine level and we have been to quite a few quilting shows but the boldness and innovation of these quilts is truly inspirational. Thank you for the effort that goes into your posts.
Suzy a dit…
Very pretty and interesting combinations. Improvising can produce some amazing effects.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter I
ladyleemanila a dit…
great work! :)
Kathe W. a dit…
If I have to chose a favorite it would be a Field of Flowers, but I really like all of these- she is amazing...but then all the artists you are featuring are so talented! Thanks!
Each one is unique and stands alone. They are extremely creative with a fun, modern look.Weekends In Maine
Iris by Night is my favourite :-) Interesting patterns.

An A-Z of Faerie: Domovoi

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