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A - Z : B = Beading / Perles

J'aime beaucoup le travail de Thom Atkins.
I love the work of Thom Atkins.

Gold Scarab

Il ajoute des perles à ses oeuvres textiles, et le résultat est magnifique :
He add some beads into his textile art, and the result is wonderful:

Austrailian Dreamscape

The Ravens of Angel's Crest

Jo Wood fait aussi de très belles choses :
Jo Wood makes also beautiful things:

Moon Trail


Et enfin, admirez donc ce que Jane Perkins fait avec des perles, mais aussi des multiples petits objets en plastique :
And finally, admire what Jane Perkins does with pearls, but also many small plastic objects:

Laurel and Hardy


Father Christmas


Afghan Girl

Pearl Earring

I would love to visit all the A to Z Bloggers, but checking the Master list is a little too complicated for me ;). If you want to, please join this linky party, for sharing all the B's posts!


WARNING : this is NOT the Master list, only links added by the A to Z Challengers who want to ;)
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Linking up with A to Z Challenge / Put Your Foot Down / Creative Compulsions / Needle & Thread Thursday 


louveau huguette a dit…
j adore aussi son travail
Wow, those are amazing - I love the one with the ravens, I could stare at it for hours and the portraits are so incredibly clever.
Tasha 💖
Virginia's Parlour - The Manor (Adult concepts - nothing explicit in posts)
Tasha's Thinkings - Vampire Drabbles
upasna a dit…
Lovely paintings using peals and other stuff.
These are absolutely gorgeous!!! I especially love the maple trees. So beautiful :)

The Multicolored Diary
Romi a dit…
All of the works are BEAUTIFUL.

On my Way Home

Suzy a dit…
Oh these are stunning. I love the Maples.

Suzy Someday Somewhere AtoZ
What incredible work. I particularly like his take on Vermeer's Girl with the Pearl Earring.
Tamara a dit…
I am in awe of artists who have SO MUCH PATIENCE to create pieces like this! Fabulous, I especially like the portraits!

My B is for Bern, Switzerland's capital, and a look at how our government is organized. Mostly, though, nice sightseeing pictures :-)
Absolutely beautiful!

An A-Z of Faerie: Brownies
Nilanjana Bose a dit…
These are all magnificent, but the Afghan girl is beyond stunning - the way her eyes have been done, exactly the same fierce eyes as the NatGeo photo I remember!
JazzFeathers a dit…
Absolutely stunning!
I love the wood at night and the Santa Clause.

The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
vesseys a dit…
How lovely. The buttons and beads give such and amazing colour to the works of art. Thanks for sharing these beauties.
Janet a dit…
Amazing work. I love the Adele one. Of course I use buttons and beads in my scrapbooking too but these are gorgeous. Such detail.

Janet’s Smiles
A Lady Lawyer a dit…
Wow this work is simply exquisite! I’m blown away!
Angela a dit…
Really gorgeous beading!
Namratha a dit…
Each one of those was exquiste! Loved viewing them!

Kathe W. a dit…
Jo Atkins is amazing- all were fabulous,but so far she's my favorite !
Je parle un peu francais mais mon anglais est meilleur! Merci pour la traduction! Looking forward to tomorrows post!
Trudy a dit…
These are stunning! I especially like The Moon Trail.
Liz A. a dit…
Beading is great. Lovely works.
The Dream Girl a dit…
This is such an unique and beautiful way to recycle small plastic objects like buttons!
Happy Blogging :)
B is for Betrayal
Mary B a dit…
Beautiful! I love the creativity.
Chantal a dit…
Époustouflant ce que certaines personnes peuvent faire. Incroyable! Merci de partager, car je ne connaissais pas ces artistes. I'm blown away! Wow. ;^)
Sue McPeak a dit…
Oh my...they are all stunning! The portraits are incredible and so much work to achieve the likeness. My favorite is the Australian much to look at...beautiful. Thanks for visiting my Letter B.
Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
Claire a dit…
Thanks for the quilt show! You make me re-evaluate using beads. Now to come up with an idea.
Jade Li a dit…
These are stunningly beautiful. Eye candy!
pascalinette a dit…
comme c'est beau,merci pour le partage,je découvre,çà me plaît beaucoup
Arti a dit…
Love them all. Thank you Frederique for consolidating it all.
Cathy Kennedy a dit…
These quilt designs are totally bedazzling but I don't think I'd like to have one on my bed. I guess they are meant to showcase instead of use. :) My favorites are The Raven at Angel's Crest and Father Christmas.
Martha Reynolds a dit…
Absolutely gorgeous!

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