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A - Z : Z = Zakka

Rashida Coleman-Hale est fortement influencée par le courant japonais Zakka.
Rashida Coleman-Hale is heavily influenced by the Japanese Zakka-style of sewing.

Fold-Up Eco Bag

Zakka signifie choses diverses ou non classables, et il peut se comprendre comme une célébration d’objets humbles et quotidiens, qui apportent à ses utilisateurs une grande satisfaction.

Zakka means miscellaneous or uncategorizable things, and it can be understood as a celebration of humble, everyday objects that bring its users great satisfaction.

Cosmetic Pouch

Pencil Case

Utensils basket

Ses deux livres sont plein de jolies choses à coudre :
Her two books are full of pretty things to sew:

De belles idées de cadeaux !
Great gift ideas!

Rashida Coleman-Hale

Site :

Et avec cette dernière lettre le Challenge se termine ! J'espère que ça vous a plu ;-)
Et à tous les visiteurs, un grand merci !
Retrouvez tous les articles de mon challenge 2020 ici.

And with this last letter, the Challenge is over! I hope you enjoyed it ;)
And to all my visitors, a huge thank you!
Find all my 2020 Challenge's posts here.

If you want to, please join this linky party, and share your post of the day!

WARNING: this is NOT the Master list, only links added by the A to Z Challengers who want to ;)

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter

Linking up with A to Z Challenge


John Holton a dit…
She does some very beautiful work!

Congratulations on finishing the Challenge!
Jade Li a dit…
Functional art is one of my favorite things. The quilts are too pretty to use, but these objects will be hands-on loved every day. I have immensely enjoyed your A2Z Frederique! Thank you for the effort you put into it.
JazzFeathers a dit…
I really like this kind of philosphy. It's a bit the same that was at the core of Art Deco.

Congratulation on finishing the challenge. I really enjoyed yours. So different from any I've seen in the past.

The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
Suzy a dit…
Everyday useful things are appealing. Congratulations on finishing the challenge and thank you for hosting the linky. I enjoyed your theme.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter Z
Red a dit…
I love unique, usable things like these. very nice.
Arti a dit…
Lovely to see these beautiful usable pieces of art--my favourite kind of art to buy:)
Frederique, thank you for a gorgeous A to Z. Each post of yours was a delight to behold.
Stay safe and be healthy.
Viyoma a dit…
That cosmetic pouch & pencil case- how I wish I can have it. So beautiful
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
The pencil case is the cutest! Wish I could have one. Thank you for sharing such marvelous pieces of art with us, Frederique. Loved all your posts this month. :)
Anne M Bray a dit…
I like the "utensils basket". Looks like a project I could easily finish!
Congrats! Lovely A-Z!
pilch92 a dit…
I haven't heard of that, very interesting. Congrats on completing the challenge. Thanks for having a linky party. Have a great day!
A delightfully different collection to bring the month to a close. Thank you for opening my eyes to the colourful world of quilting.

Z is for ...
Janet a dit…
Lovely! It has been fun looking at all the different patterns, some of which I could easily see adapting to my scrapbooking. Thanks for the inspiration!
Janet’s Smiles
Anne E.G. Nydam a dit…
I have really enjoyed all the gorgeous quiltmaking you shared from A to Z this year. Thanks!
Black and White (Words and Pictures)
Trudy a dit…
Your blog posts--full of color and creativity--gave a bright spot in my days this month. Thank you!
Deborah Weber a dit…
What lovely pieces and what a lovely way to end the challenge. Thanks for introducing me to such delightful and varied beauty all month long.
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Not just exquisite creations. But useful ones too.
XmasDolly a dit…
Japanese Zakka-style of sewing is like painting a pretty picture isn't, and so many other ways too! It really makes the mind work I'd say. Thank you for all your hard work and sharing with us all. Congrats on finishing A to Z every day! Woo Hoo!!! I'd say sit back and celebrate. ;) Take care and stay healthy in these hard times. God bless.
Alana a dit…
I had never heard of Zakka style sewing. I loved that pencil case. Congratulations on completing the A to Z Challenge and sharing so much beautiful work with us.
Tamara a dit…
I need to show this to my son, he has to make a "first aid pouch" at his dreaded arts and crafts class...

Congratulations on completing your quilt ABC, I had no idea there were so many different kinds!

My Z is for Zermatt, the remote mountain village you go to see the Matterhorn:
The Dream Girl a dit…
Wow, that's such amazing work!!
Congratulations!! You completed the challenge :)

Z is for Zeal
Liz A. a dit…
So there is a name for the kinds of things I like to knit? Cool. I can get behind those objects.
KaHolly a dit…
I always wondered what zaka meant! I have always associated it with fun little things to make....wasn’t too far off! Stay safe, stay well!
vesseys a dit…
Nice and practical gifts.
I want to say that each day your blog has been beautiful and a peaceful place to come.
Thank you so much for your visits
J.S. Pailly a dit…
Zakka... now there's a neat word to know! I have to say this has been one of my absolute favorite A to Z series this year. You've opened my eyes to a world of quilting that I never knew existed. Thank you so much for this!
J Lenni Dorner a dit…
Very beautiful pictures.
I love this concept! Thank you for another great year of A to Z, thank you for all the beautiful images! Congratulations on completing the challenge! :)

The Multicolored Diary
Toffee a dit…
Thank you from Toffee and me for all your support during the A to Z Challenge. I've loved visiting your blog and seeing all the wonderful quilting. I will continue visiting, of course, as I find your pictures inspiring.
pascalinette a dit…
Merci pour ces beaux partages,j'ai découvert beaucoup d'artistes
Jai a dit…
Those designs made with the Zakka style of sewing look simple and attractive. And congratulations on completing the A to Z challenge.
A Lady Lawyer a dit…
Congratulations on successfully completing the A to Z Challenge!
I am not familiar with this style of sewing but it looks so lovely. I would love to try it!
This might be my favourite style -- and something I might actually be able to do! Thanks for so much beauty and inspiration this month :-)

An A-Z of Faerie: Grogoch
ladyleemanila a dit…
very practical and nice :)
Beth Lapin a dit…
Sometimes, I think about how much care and creativity people used to put into everyday items...crafting a bowl of clay or wood, carving utensils, making a pencil case...we have lost much when we can just drive to the store and purchase these items...
Joy a dit…
How Fun! I love that pencil case.
I love the idea of making every day things beautiful. Weekends In Maine
Kathe W. a dit…
Lovely work- and your blog has been a delight every day! Thanks for taking the time to put it together for all of us to enjoy! Take care, be well and happy!
Another Challenge done for the history books! Congratulations and look forward to what you come up with next year!!
Sonia Dogra a dit…
Thank you for showing some beautiful art forms. An extremely artistic A to Z series!
Namratha a dit…
Beautiful set of work. I enjoyed all the work you exhibited to us this month. It was like visiting a handwork museum.
NotesinaBook a dit…
Love these. Congrats on finishing the challenge!
Cathy Keisha a dit…
Concatulations on finishing the challenge. I've seen some pretty things this month on your blog. Is today's artist on Etsy? We like to buy from them.
Dipika a dit…
Beautiful post, comgratulations on completing A2ZChallenge.
Sati Chock a dit…
Beautiful, tasteful, functional & elegant! Zakka is fascinating. Congratulations on finishing the A-Z challenge! I've really enjoyed your posts.
Romi a dit…
I am familiar with the word "Zakka" (雑貨), but I've never heard of "Zakka style" like these before.
I've enjoyed visiting your beautiful blog, Frédérique. Congratulations on completing the challenge!
Thanks you Cathy! For each one I added the website or blog of the artist, check if they have a Shop somewhere (Rashida does).
Archana a dit…
Superb! I loved the bag! Congratulations on completing this challenge. Awesome posts! Happy to connect!! :-)
Dena Pawling a dit…
Congrats on finishing the challenge and all the lovely quilts!
S. M. Saves a dit…
Congrats on making it to the end of the A to Z challenge! Your posts make me want to take up sewing again. I've never made a quilt. Maybe now would be a good time to learn and give it a try. :)
Came back from my old A to Z post through comments.

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