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A - Z : X = X

X comme Inconnus, pour ceux qui n'ont pas signé leurs quilts.
X as Unknown makers, for those who have not signed their quilts.

1930's scrap quilt, maker unknown

Baskets and Stars made c.1860

Baskets and Stars made c.1860, detail

Crazy Quilt-1880-1900

Early American Medallion Quilt. Unknown Maker, dated 1813

Grapes and Leaves made c.1860

Grapes and Leaves made c.1860, detail

Hexagon Quilt 1850-60 silk

Hexagon Quilt 1850-60 silk, detail

Ridehalgh Quilt-1860-1890-silk

Sailor's Tumbling Block Quilt 1946 - silk

Sailor's Tumbling Block Quilt 1946 - silk, detail

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John Holton a dit…
This is always the fun day, when I get to see how people get around the X. Nicely done!
Jade Li a dit…
I honor those who have taken care of these old quilts. So beautiful. I'm imagining silk is a difficult fabric to quilt with?
Suzy a dit…
A nice round of quilts for X. Grapes and Leaves is lovely.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter X
Baskets and stars is definitely my favorite!

The Multicolored Diary
Toffee a dit…
I love the basket and stars one but, as always, like them all!
Arti a dit…
Wow! to Sailor's tumbling block and absolutely love the Grapes and the leaves.
Archana a dit…
Superb Frederique! Ladies here - especially from the older generations - have made designs as in Baskets and Stars and the Early American Medallion Quilt.
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Such wonderful pieces of art left unsigned? It's sad that the makers can't be acknowledged directly but kudos to their talent.
pilch92 a dit…
They are all beautiful. It must be hard to work with silk. Thank you for hosting. Have a nice day.
Anne M Bray a dit…
Vintage quilts. Aaaaaaah! Dazzling.
Namratha a dit…
Baskets and stars is lovely. Nice looking quilts
the quilts are beautiful. I love the one with the grapes Xspecially! :-)
X well dodged! Crazy Quilt is perfectly named and I love it!

X is for ...
J.S. Pailly a dit…
Here's to all the anonymous artists who do it purely for beauty and not recognition!
Tamara a dit…
These pieces are from the 1800s? Meaning they did everything by hand? Mind - blown!
Deborah Weber a dit…
What a clever X entry! It's a wonderful reminder as well to always sign your work. Sailor's tumbling block has me awestruck imagining how much effort and time went into producing such a lovely piece.
The Dream Girl a dit…
I love the patterns on so many of them!!
XmasDolly a dit…
How wonderful all the quilts are. I love to crochet. It's nice that now that I'm retired I have the time to do my most favorite hobby & I love to watch old movies and right now I'm watching all the series to "Highway to Heaven" with Michael Landon. You Tube has just about everything. Your quilts are amazing. Thank you for sharing. My A to Z is about old movies. Have a nice day and Stay Healthy. Stay Safe, and STAY HOME! hugs
Beth Lapin a dit…
Beautiful old quilts...

Beth Lapin
The scrap quilt and the hexagon one remind of the type of quilts my grandmother use to make. Weekends In Maine
ladyleemanila a dit…
love those old beautiful quilts :)
Dena Pawling a dit…
Love the baskets and stars!
Jai a dit…
What a lovely set of quilts. Crazy Quilt and baskets and stars are the ones I like best.
Kathe W. a dit…
We have a quilt made by my husbands Grandmother who used the fabric from his Grandfathers old shirts. My husband can remember seeing his Grandfather wearing them before they were put into the quilt. Lovely memory quilt. I make baby quilts for all the babies that keep appearing in our families and friends lives! I believe every baby deserves their very own little quilt!
Frewin55 a dit…
I am torn by this question of signatures - with the incredible atrists you have introduced us to, it seems right that they are recognized by their signature but then when you come across an old piece of quilting in someone's house or a charity shop, there is something beguiling about the idea of the unknown quilter...
And these are beautiful, especially the really vintage ones.
Trudy a dit…
Using X for unknown makers... brilliant!
Liz A. a dit…
It's sad that quilting wasn't respected as the artform it is back in the day. I bet those quilters thought they had done nothing special.
Alana a dit…
I was wondering how you were going to use X. Nicely done (so were all the quilts).
Sati Chock a dit…
Grapes & Leaves is my favorite, but they are all lovely, as usual. Your blog has really made me appreciate quilts. Thank you!
JazzFeathers a dit…
Nice. So many different styles.

The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
Pradeep Nair a dit…
The Tumbling Block is really nice. :)
They're all really pretty :-)

An A-Z of Faerie: Fates

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