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A - Z : L = Landscapes / Paysages

L'inspiration de Gloria Loughman vient des paysages qui l'entoure.
Gloria Loughman is inspired by her surrounding landscapes.

Kimberly Mystique

Ses grands quilts représentent le bush australien et les grands espaces de ce continent, qu'elle se met continuellement au défi de reproduire en tissu.

She makes large vivid landscape quilts depicting the Australian bush and this huge continent. She is continually challenged to reproduce these images in fabric.

Bingi Bay


Fern Pool

Golden Dreaming

Tidal Images

Grass Trees

Sunset Desert

The Baobab Trees of Madagascar

J'aime beaucoup cette artiste, et j'ai la chance d'avoir 3 de ses livres :
I love this artist, and I'm lucky to own 3 of her books:

Que du bonheur !
Only happiness!

Gloria Loughman

Site :

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Today is "L"

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Red a dit…
WOW! I am going to follow you. This is BEAUTIFUL! I do not quilt, myself, but my grandmother and mother made me a quilt for my confirmation, and my grandmother made me a wedding quilt - well, she made them for all of her grandchildren, and gave them to us before any of us had married. Then, when I finally DID get married, my aunt made a quilt for me out of my grandmother's linen tablecloth.

This is a fading art.
Jade Li a dit…
Truly magnificent. These kinds of arts need to be taught in school.
Suzy a dit…
These landscapes are beautiful and very Aussie. Hard to choose a favourite one but I loved Golden Dreaming. Enjoying your series. These artists are so talented.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter L
Arti a dit…
Whoa! Are these for real? Awestruck by all of them.
Frewin55 a dit…
Encroyable! My family visited Australia in 1968 when I was 14. We stayed for two terms and travelled 4000 miles in between so we saw lots of the landscape. I paint a little and I really appreciate the challenge of representational work in the medium of quilting.
I never thought of quilts as a medium for landscapes, but these are amazing!

The Multicolored Diary
If I didn't know different I'd have thought I was looking at paintings! Stunning. Today's favourite? Canopy.

Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Oh, my!! Stunning! I can't even draw as good. These are perfect. Can't even pick my favorite. Love them all.
John Holton a dit…
Those are some very beautiful quilts.
Anne M Bray a dit…
Canopy is my favorite today. It reminds me of when I was at an art colony in Virginia (1996), sitting in the woods and looking up.
After all the horrible bush fires, these will be treasured even more! Tempting to buy that first one 'Fabulous Facades'. Might be a future gift idea suggestion for the daughter ;)
Tamara a dit…
This is amazing. How are these really sewed and not painted?
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Amazing work by Gloria Loughman. Australia is a country I like very much. So quite happy to find these based on Aussie surroundings.
J.S. Pailly a dit…
Beautiful, as always! I'm really loving this A to Z series!
Liz A. a dit…
Oooh, those are wild.
The Dream Girl a dit…
These are so beautiful! They make me want to pick up my paints and paint!

L is for Liar,Liar
I have never seen quilts that focused on landscapes before. They are fascinating and so beautiful. Weekends In Maine
kaykuala a dit…
Thanks for introducing us to Ms Gloria, Frederique. She brings to life such diverse themes. Fantastic!

Kathe W. a dit…
Oh mon dieu these are formidable! The first one is my all time favorite! I am a lover of growing things- so of course I love these creations!
pascalinette a dit…
encore une belle découverte,merci
CAAC a dit…
Frederique, What aMazing quilts! I'm always in awe of the intricate details of the quilts you share. Thanks for dropping by today. I'm sorry for not being able to join your link up.

Cathy's Pinup Girl Art Sketch Series 'M'
These quilts are insanely gorgeous! I can only imagine how breathtaking they must be in reality
Trudy a dit…
So many pretty landscapes! My top three favorites: Canopy, Golden Dreaming, and Tidal Images.
oh que c'est beau!! merci!!
I can't believe they're made of fabric -- extraordinary artistry!

An A-Z of Faerie: Galno

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