Paula Nadelstern est une artiste textile connue pour ses kaléidoscopes.
Paula Nadelstern is well known for her kaleidoscopic quilts.
Linking up with A to Z Challenge
Kaleidoscopic XVII: Caribbean Blues |
Ses quilts ont obtenu une reconnaissance internationale pour les dessins innovants et complexes, inspirés par la symétrie bilatérale des images kaléidoscopiques.
Her quilts have achieved international recognition for the innovative and complex designs inspired by the bilateral symmetry of kaleidoscopic images.
A Visual Palindrome |
KALEIDOSCOPIC XLI: Wheelhouse Rock |
Kaleidoscopic XXIX: How to Piece a Spiral |
Kaleidoscopic XXVIII: The Great Round-Up |
Kaleidoscopic XXXI: The Other side Of the Circle |
Kaleidoscopic XXXII: My Brooklyn Bridge |
Kaleidoscopic XXXIII: Shards |
Kaleidoscopic XXXV: Service for Eight |
Kaleidoscopic XXXVII: The Artful Non Sequitur |
Tout est dans le choix du tissu, l'analyse de ses motifs, ses potentiels de couleurs et de symétrie. Une démarche que Paula Nadelstern explique bien dans son livre, Fabricadabra.
It's all about the choice of fabric, the analysis of its patterns, its potentials of colors and symmetry. A design process that Paula Nadelstern explains in her book, Fabricadabra.
Paula Nadelstern |
If you want to, please join this linky party, for sharing all your post of the day!
Today is "K"
Today is "K"
WARNING: this is NOT the Master list, only links added by the A to Z Challengers who want to ;)
WARNING: this is NOT the Master list, only links added by the A to Z Challengers who want to ;)
Linking up with A to Z Challenge
Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter K
Love them all. But 'the great round up' and 'shards' seem hypnotic.
The Multicolored Diary
Happy Monday.
The letter K
K is for ...
As a kid I had a kaleidoscope, and I loved it. So magical!
My K is for Kuhfladen, which translates as cow pie ;-) But you have visited and found out about it already. Sorry to have disappointed you!
This also reminds me of the song Kaleidoscope by A Great Big World.
K is for Kale
Apologies for late response
An A-Z of Faerie: Kelpie