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A - Z : F = Free-Motion / Piqué libre

Piqué libre versus quilting avec un pied de biche.
Free-motion vs quilting with a walking foot.


Angela Walters est une spécialiste du free-motion, cette technique de quilting machine qui se fait avec un pied spécial et en abaissant les griffes d'entraînement.
C'est comme dessiner, mais avec une aiguille de machine à coudre !

Angela Walters is an expert of free-motion quilting, this machine quilting technique that is done with a special foot and lowering the feed dog.
It's like drawing, but with a sewing machine needle!

Leafy meander

Improv quilting


Quilt by Angela Walters

Class quilt




Elle a d'ailleurs une chaîne vidéo :
She has a channel on YouTube:


Angela Walters

Site :

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Today is "F"
(looking for previous linkies? here are : A / B / C / D / E)

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Suzy a dit…
They are all so beautiful. Hard to pick a favourite but Leafy Meandre and Picnic stood out for me. So much talent. Amazing.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter F
Nilanjana Bose a dit…
How can one not love quilts called 'Paintfall' and 'Picnic'? And I liked the one with the random squares too - great colours!
JazzFeathers a dit…
Wow! I didnt' even know such technique existed.

The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
Lizanne Lloyd a dit…
I am enjoying your A to Z posts so much!
I am fascinated with quilting and love your free style quilting. It must require terrific co-ordination and years of practice to get so proficient.
Frankly my brain just goes ... how??!! in wonderment as I look at these. They look so incredibly controlled and perfect. Wow.
Tasha 💖
Virginia's Parlour - The Manor (Adult concepts - nothing explicit in posts)
Tasha's Thinkings - Vampire Drabbles
Wow, what an amazing style! I can barely sew a straight line. I admire these artists.

The Multicolored Diary
There is beauty in the simplicity of the first two. Another true artist.

F is for....
Home Sewn By Us a dit…
Hi Frederique! Your quilting is beautiful. ~smile~ Roseanne
Arti a dit…
"Impracticality" is my favourite.
Another fab post Frederique. Cheers.
Toffee a dit…
Meandering is good. I like to meander and I like your quilting. xxx
Rob Z Tobor a dit…
They are definitely things of great beauty. Glad to see your A to Z is going well

And thanks for continuing to visit my blog, that is very kind indeed as generally i'm a grumpy old soul and folk run away . . .
Tamara a dit…
Amazing wha skilled and creative people can do with a sewing machine - and a lot of time and effort!
Anne M Bray a dit…
Oh, I could utilize this technique on my Stitching the World -- IF my machine weren't broken. Sigh.
I think my favorites are Triangles and Impracticality.
The Dream Girl a dit…
Wow this is so intricate and so beautiful!

Happy Blogging :)
F is for Framed?
Kathe W. a dit…
Oh my- such talent. I make baby quilts, but when it comes to sewing the pieces together with the fancy patterns I ask a local quilter who can do this! Not me- it's awesome how someone can do this free hand! Have a lovely day and take care- see you tomorrow!
vesseys a dit…
I have always thought quilting was hard work and a challenge.
When you show us all these techniques and usages of colour I realize it's a life work.
The Letter F
Tracey At Home a dit…
Wow! I love these.
Liz A. a dit…
I have seen this done before on some TV show or other. It takes so much skill to be able to pull those off. Impressive.
Romi a dit…
Both the patterns and the colors of these works are amazingly beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.
That is a beautiful technique. It looks so cool. Weekends In Maine
Jade Li a dit…
So many interesting ways to imprint designs on fabric. You must have to have a steady hand to do it.
Jai a dit…
They are all so beautifully designed. Very very creative. Loved every one of them
Impressive! I like the "leafy meander".

An A-Z of Faerie: Furies
A channel on YouTube? I'm in!
une de mes préférées!!! super Angela!!

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