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A - Z : E = Embroidery / Broderie

Voici Allie Aller, une artiste textile connue pour son travail d'embellissement et de crazy, et plus récemment pour ses appliqués en vitrail.
Regardez comme ses quilts sont beaux !

Let me introduce you Allie Aller, textile artist known for her embellishment and crazy piecing work, and more recently for her stained glass appliqué.
Look how beautiful are her quilts!

Bars and Blooms

Color Block Fans

Crazy for Flowers

Joyful Embellishments

Mandala in the Woods

My Washougal Dream


The Candy Thief 

The Parish Farm

Wool Vine

J'ai la chance d'avoir 3 de ses livres, de vraies mines de techniques et d'inspiration.
I'm lucky to own three of her books, real source of technique and inspiration.

Crazy Quilting, 2011

Quilting... Just a Little Bit Crazy, 2014

Stained Glass Quilts Reimagined, 2017

Allie Aller

Blog :

If you want to, please join this linky party, for sharing all your post of the day!
Today is "E"
(looking for previous linkies? here are : A / B / C / D)

WARNING : this is NOT the Master list, only links added by the A to Z Challengers who want to ;)

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter

Linking up with A to Z Challenge / Show & TellMain Crush Monday / Design Wall Monday / Monday Making / Handmade Monday / Craftastic 


Suzy a dit…
These are absolutely stunning. I love the Bars and Blooms - that is so striking. Loving your series.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter E
Once again some beautiful pieces. With so much fine detail, I can't imagine how long they take to produce.

E is for...!
Kim a dit…
All are stunning, though I particularly love Bars and Blooms. All those fabrics together are breathtaking.
I love all the flower elements! Especially the crazy flowers :)

The Multicolored Diary
Nilanjana Bose a dit…
Difficult to choose a favourite! Liked the Parish Farm especially. Those trees in autumn colours - stunning> But incredible detail in all.
Pradeep Nair a dit…
These are really beautiful.
Toffee a dit…
Those are stunning!
vesseys a dit…
A gifted artist - wow.
Thank you for sharing these masterpieces with us.

The letter E
Arti a dit…
Doesn't 'Crazy for flowers' remind you of Gustav Klimt's work Frederique?
Allie Aller is an artist, for sure!
Tamara a dit…
It is amazing how much patience these quilt artists must have to finish their pieces. Respect!

I know a lady who makes quilts out of baby clothes. I sent her a huge package including baby blankets, onesies, hats and jackets. She put everything together and shipped back the most fabulous quilt. We still use and love it. My boy turn 12 this year.

My E is for Equality in Switzerland (or the lack thereof)
J.S. Pailly a dit…
I love this. Those quilts really do look like stained glass.
Jade Li a dit…
I can't even begin to understand how difficult it would be to make something this intricate. These are gorgeous, just like every day's offerings have been.
Anne E.G. Nydam a dit…
Such happy color!
My comments have not been going through and sticking, for some reason, so this is a test...
Martha Reynolds a dit…
These make me very happy. My mother was a prolific quilter, everything by hand. ♥️♥️♥️
The Dream Girl a dit…
Oh my this looks so so beautiful!!!!
Hats off to the effort and patience!

Happy Blogging :)
E is for Evidence
Anne M Bray a dit…
I think the grid one is my favorite. I like grids!
Thanks for hosting the Link-up. It's extra work, I know.
Kathe W. a dit…
Oh my these are so beautiful....I must try to take all my little bits of fabric left over from many baby quilts and see if I can replicate some of the designs within larger pieces....they give me some ideas for all these tiny pieces. Thanks! See you tomorrow!
Liz A. a dit…
Those are stunning.
Lizanne Lloyd a dit…
Stunningly beautiful!
Nitisha Mathur a dit…
These are all so beautiful. Love them!

E is for England's Petrifying Well:
I don't pretend to be a quiltologist but that "Crazy for Flowers" quilt is stunning. I adore it!
JazzFeathers a dit…
My goodness, these are beautiful. Though I really really love the first one best.

The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
Viyoma a dit…
Very beautiful indeed. And I loved your word- "Textile Artist" . You brought in a new word to my vocab.
Heavens those are so intricate and beautiful.
Tasha 💖
Virginia's Parlour - The Manor (Adult concepts - nothing explicit in posts)
Tasha's Thinkings - Vampire Drabbles
Absolutely gorgeous!

An A-Z of Faerie: Vila
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Wow! Such blend of color and design! Amazing work.
They are all beautiful but I think I like Crazy for Flowers the best. All those colors and pieces coming together in a cohesive, lovely way. Weekends In Maine

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