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A - Z : Y = Young / Jeune

Jeune, c'est ce qui caractérise "les Jeunes Poussent".
Young, is what "Les Jeunes Poussent" are all about.

Les Jeunes Poussent, créé il y a quelques années au sein de l'association France Patchwork, favorise la découverte individuelle ou collective du patchwork et de l’art textile par les enfants, de 4 à 18 ans.

Les Jeunes Poussent, created a few years ago within the association France Patchwork, promotes the individual or collective discovery of patchwork and textile art by children, from 4 to 18 years.

Beau travail fait par les jeunes !
Great quilts made by kids!

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WARNING: this is NOT the Master list, only links added by the A to Z Challengers who want to ;)

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Linking up with A to Z Challenge


Teaching the next generation. I love the Harry Potter one. Weekends In Maine
Buttercup a dit…
So glad to have found your blog. I've enjoyed every post. Merci bien!
So are these created from children’s art work , or are they made specifically for children ? I love this series of yours and am sorry that tomorrow will be the last day of this visual and informative treat .
Jade Li a dit…
I'm glad the adults in their worlds have cultivated an interest in quilting. There are a lot of neats in there. I like the one of the 4 seasonal trees and the nativity one best but they are all nice.
Suzy a dit…
such a wealth of talent among young ones. These were truly delightful.

Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter Y
Romi a dit…
All these works make me smile.
Red a dit…
Impressive, again!
I can understand that kids might have designed them, but to do all that work... Wow.
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Kids made these? Wow! So colorful and thoughtful. Love them all.
pilch92 a dit…
They are so cute. I like the astronauts. Thanks for hosting a linky party. Have a nice day and stay healthy.
Arti a dit…
Love the ones with owls. Especially the one which has a handsome looking fox too:)
Hi Unishta, these quilts were made by kids themselves from a theme, and this is just the result of their imagination and creativity! From 4 to 18 years old!
Tamara a dit…
Creative and colorful! LOVE :-)

I sent my son's baby clothes to a quilt specialist, and she made a blanket - we still use and cherish it.

Y is for yodeling and other traditional folklore:
And so it carries on, from one generation to the next.

Y is for ...
Kathe W. a dit…
Such talent in the little hands! Very fun to see- thanks for sharing these with us!
Frewin55 a dit…
When I saw the first picture - I was thinking Miro and I see that children's art, as always, is the point of freedom and freshness we all might aspire to get back to...
Navita Bhatia a dit…
How wonderful!! Set them free and they can do wonders!! Amazed by the creativity of these little humans.
Deborah Weber a dit…
What a fun initiative, and such a delight to see all that creative imagination.
Janet a dit…
Love the owls and the fox.
The Dream Girl a dit…
I absolutely love the Harry Potter themed one!!!
I now want it xD

Y is for Yield
Trudy a dit…
Some very interesting designs. The fox and owls was my favorite!
XmasDolly a dit…
My grandson would love the comforter to the moon! It's awesome!
Anne M Bray a dit…
How fun! I like the lady with the patchy dress.
Liz A. a dit…
Gotta catch them when they're young. I had to do a double take at the Harry Potter quilt. The sorting hat didn't look like a sorting hat on first glimpse. It looked more like a certain emoji...
Beth Lapin a dit…
WOW, love the astronuts and stars (my grandson is Orion, my granddaughter NovaLuna)
ladyleemanila a dit…
These kids are so creative! :)
JazzFeathers a dit…
I don't know why, I didn't expect this connection between children and quilt.
Some of the oence you're presented are so beautiful. I love the ones withthe vibrant colours the most.

The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties
Jai a dit…
Wow! I can hardly bring myself to believe these quilt designs were created by kids! What creativity! Very talented!
Anne E.G. Nydam a dit…
These are great. When I taught middle school (ages 10-13) I did a number of quiltmaking projects with kids. One was a recreation of the map from the book The Phantom tollbooth, and another was a whole series inspired by the work of an African artist who does traditional bark cloth paintings. They always did a terrific job and had a lot of fun.
Black and White (Words and Pictures)
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Amazing work of creativity from children. Quite impressive.
I like the messages these quilts by children convey :-)

An A-Z of Faerie: Krampus
If daycare reopens soon, fabric is in the equation for creativity. I have so much scrap from sewing this past month. lol Now to find the right glue sticks....
Great quilts made by kids. Good to know about them and appreciate their effort.
j'ai fait participer mon collège une année. une maman était venue faire du patch avec moi au club du collège..super expérience!

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