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Mars / OMG March Finish

Mon objectif principal de mars est atteint !
I achieved my main March Monthly Goal!

J'avais prévu de tenir les délais du challenge Etoiles de Béa et Cécile, et c'est chose faite !
Non sans mal puisqu'il a fallu défaire 2 bandes, mais cette fois-ci c'est la version finale.

I had planned to meet the deadlines of the Béa and Cécile' Stars challenge, and it’s done!
Not without difficulty since it was necessary to unsew 2 strips, but this time it's the final version.

Le quilt Grand Nord fait pour le blog hop de Bea a été terminé pour le 6 mars.
I finished Up North quilt, for the Bea's blog hop.

Et voilà pour les objectifs de mars ! Un excellent moyen de se motiver pour avancer ou commencer un nouveau projet, allez voir ce que les autres partagent chez Patty :

So much for the March goals! A great way to motivate yourself to move forward or start a new project, see what others share at Patty's place:

Linking up with Creative Compulsions / TGIFF / Finished or not Friday / Off the Wall / Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? / Peacock Party / Beauties Pageant / Free Motion Mavericks / UFO Busting 


Liz A. a dit…
Those are both great.
Sharon - IN a dit…
Wow! 2 wonderful quilts! The quilting of the polar bear one is simple and lovely. I look forward to seeing how you will quilt the star top!
Susan a dit…
Pretty stars!!
Preeti a dit…
I think I am in love...with your polar bear :-)
Marly a dit…
Lovely stars top; it's so nice to see it finished after all the glimpses of your progress long the way. great polar bear: wonderful quilting!
Angela a dit…
I love your Up North quilt!
Both are so great!! Congrats on finishing!
Margo Yang a dit…
Both quilts are gorgeous! Congratulations!!
Vasudha a dit…
The are both beautiful. Love your Up North very much. The 3D effect to awesome.
Love that star quilt!!! And I remember your bear story. Wonderful!!!
Emily a dit…
Love your stars! And Up North, as I've already told you, is both fun and absolutely stunning! Sounds like you had a productive March!
Patty a dit…
Wonderful! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.
Jeanne a dit…
Beautiful quilt!
Great goals and beautiful quilts as a result. You're right--nothing like a challenge to push you forward to finish quilts. Congratulations! Thanks for linking up to Wednesday Wait Loss.
Muv a dit…
Hello Frederique, lovely to see the stars finished, and the polar bear is beautiful! Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks. Your polar bear is this week's featured project!
Love, Muv

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