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Australis, again

J'ai finalement défait 2 bandes.
Finally I unsewed 2 strips.

La 20ème étoile a été insérée avec les 2 autres, à la tête du Scorpion.
Bien mieux, non ?

The 20th star was inserted with the other two, at the head of the Scorpion. 


Chris a dit…
it is looking really good.
la tulipe a dit…
oui, effectivement mais il était déjà superbe! Bises
Liz A. a dit…
Very nice. (I don't see the difference, but it looks nice all the same.)
Chantal a dit…
C'est excellent! Bravo! ;^)
Kim a dit…
Oh yes, I love those three little stars sitting under each other. They say things look better in odd numbers, don't they.
pascalinette a dit…
c'est très précis,bravo
Preeti a dit…
Oh my, how they shimmer...
Jayne a dit…
I love how they seemingly sparkle!!
Bonjour Frédérique. J'aime beaucoup ton quilt. Il sintille!
GORGEOUS!!! It will be just like if you are camping under the stars!
Emily a dit…
Looks lovely!!!
Norma Schlager a dit…
I love those stars! I assume they are paper pieced. They just pop against your black background.
Claire a dit…
A change worth some ripping. Always a hard decision for me when I just want to be finshed.
Toutenquilts a dit…
Vraiment très beau. Félicitations

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