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Ajout / More 2020 Challenges

Voici de nouveaux challenges qui ont ou vont bientôt commencer :
Here are new challenges which already started, or will be soon:

BOM Star Light, Star Bright / Turning my Heart Quilts

QAL Row by Row / Candian Quilter

Mystery Quilt SAL Christmas Carols / Farmhouse Threads

QAL Tipsy Triangles / Sew Modern Quilts

SAL Portal Quilt / Wise Craft

Mystery / Regina Grewe

Retrouvez tous les projets 2020, ICI.
Check out all the 2020 projects, HERE.


Kate a dit…
That's a lot of challenges and mysteries! Are you going to play along with them all?
Hi Kate, not all of them, but maybe one or two ;))
Preeti a dit…
Too many QALs but so little time. I am going to watch from far :-)
Heidi a dit…
Da sind tolle Ideen dabei :)) Wirklich klasse
lg Heidi
Judy Hansen a dit…
I so enjoyed your post about how you made the moon and the pattern you used. I have saved that pattern and have wanted to make a quilt with it.....but right now I'm concentrating on finishing UFOs. Your iceberg, polar bear and moon turned out so great. Thanks for sharing you picture on Design Wall Mondays. Judy

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