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Arc-en-ciel / Show Me Something Rainbow

Ce mois-ci, le thème proposé par Sarah est l'arc-en-ciel.
This month, Sarah's theme is Rainbow.

Il s'agit de montrer ses ouvrages, selon le thème du mois. Pendant tout le mois de mars, vous pouvez participer à sa "linky party", en ajoutant des ouvrages récents ou plus anciens. Voilà les miens :

It's about showing our quilts, according to the theme of the month. During the whole month of March you can participate in her linky party, adding recent or older quilts. These are mine:

Regardez les autres projets ici.
Visit others in the community who share their projects here.


Kim a dit…
To see your Dashing and Rainbow quilts does my heart good. =) Gosh Dashing is a clever quilt with all that piecing and perfect fabric placement, but it is Rainbow quilt which is a veritable feast to the eyes! Those bird houses and little birdies are gorgeous. Your talent is truly amazing!
Marti a dit…
Your Dashing Quilt is gorgeous! I love the way you quilted it into such a work of art. I can't wait to see your Rainbow quilt finished.
Chantal a dit…
J'adore ton quilt Dashing! Était-il aussi vivant avant le quilting? Je ne sais pas mais maintenant il est époustouflant. Quel beau travail. Bravo! J'ai bien hâte de voir comment finira Rainbow. ;^)
Liz A. a dit…
Those are great rainbows.
Ulrikes Smaating a dit…
great quilts, Frédérique! love the colours :0) greetings from denmark, Ulrike :0)
Beautiful execution of those Dashing blocks, but it is your bird houses that I love.
pascalinette a dit…
j'aime beaucoup ton dashing,il est lumineux et tu as réalisé un beau quilting;leRainbow va être splendide lui aussi,bravo
Vera a dit…
Both are really pretty!
Heidi a dit…
Deine Quilts sind wundervoll. sehen einfach hinreißend aus :))
LG heidi
The quilts are so beautiful!
LG Ines
Angela a dit…
Such cheerful quilts!
Both are so pretty. I remember watching your progress on the first one.
Susan a dit…
Both are beautiful, but my favorite is the bird houses!
These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss
Lorinda Davis a dit…
I love both of these quilts! Dashing is especially interesting... so many cool shapes!
dq a dit…
Frederique, these quilts are literally heart dropping. I am drooling over them! Magnificent!

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