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Link party: Patchwork & Quilts #53 📌

Bienvenue à Patchwork & Quilts, une link party hebdomadaire pour partager, s'encourager et s'inspirer !
Welcome to Patchwork & Quilts, a weekly link party to share, to encourage and inspire each other!

♥️ ♡ ♡ 💛 ♡ ♡ ♥️

Je suis contente d'avoir terminé le quilt collectif ! J'en parlais là.
I'm very happy I finished the bee quilt! Read more about it here.

♥️ ♡ ♡ 💛 ♡ ♡ ♥️

À votre tour maintenant !
Your turn now!

Montrez-nous ce que vous avez fait dernièrement !
Cette link party est ouverte jusqu'à jeudi midi.

Show us what you've been up to lately!
This linky party will be open until Thursday, noon.


Ivani a dit…
It's a modern and happy bright quilt. Love it.
What a beautiful quilt and finish. You have been busy!
ANNE G a dit…
Il est beau, coloré, comme un bonbon. Que d'idées à réaliser; me monde du patch est infini. Qui rime avec MERCI!
Your quilt is so pretty and cheerful. Well done. Thank you so much for hosting the link party. Have a very blessed day.
Celine a dit…
Ton quilt collectif est tres joli et gai, bravo!
Arti a dit…
Hey Frederique. While you were busy finishing your bee quilt, I managed to publish my first ebook:) Yay! I'd love to know what you think. It's free to download. All the links etc. are here:
Yay Arti! Congratulations! I'm heading over to your blog to read the whole story ;)
Vicki in MN a dit…
What a fun and colorful Bee quilt you have finished!
Carol Andrews a dit…
Love your pretty quilt. Congrats on another finish

Commentaires / Comments

  • Thank you for visiting! 💖 Your comments mean a lot to me and I will respond as soon as possible, either by visiting your blog, by email or following the comments here.
  • Merci pour votre visite ! 💗 J'apprécie beaucoup de lire vos commentaires, et je répondrais dès que possible, soit en visitant votre blog ; sinon par mail ou à la suite des commentaires ici .