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Liste / To-Do Tuesday #1 📜

J'aime les listes !
I love making lists!

Je suis ce genre de personne qui a besoin d'écrire pour organiser pensées, actions, choses à faire. Alors plutôt que de gaspiller du papier (et accessoirement, égarer la liste), cette année je vais écrire mes to-do listes ici. Et de ce fait, je rejoins Roseanne et Sue de Home Sewn by Us pour leur To-Do Tuesday linky party.

I am the kind of person who needs to write to organize thoughts, actions, things to do. So instead of wasting paper (and incidentally, misplacing the list), this year I'm going to write my to-do lists here. And so I join Roseanne and Sue at Home Sewn by Us for their To-Do Tuesday linky party.


Cette semaine, pour rester organisée et ne rien oublier, je note :
This week, in order to stay organized and not to forget anything, I plan: 

  • To-do #1
Faire 2 blocs pour le QAL Courbes, qui a commencé le 1er janvier. 
Make 2 blocks for the QAL Curves, which started on January 1st.
Toutes les pièces pour ce bloc sont coupées
All the pieces for this block are cut

Celui-là est plus avancé, toutes les courbes sont déjà cousues
This one is more advanced, all the curves are already sewn

  • To-Do #2
Ecrire un tuto : comment coudre les courbes
Write a tutorial: how to sew curves

C'est surtout pour me rappeler la méthode que j'avais utilisé pour Grand Nord, je vais en avoir besoin à nouveau !
It's mostly to remind me of the method I used for Grand Nord, I'm going to need it again!

  • To-Do #3
Faire 4 autres petits blocs pour le quilt commun
Make 4 more small blocks for the bee quilt


Et voilà, à mardi prochain pour voir si j'ai pu cocher toute la liste ! Bon je sais que ce n'est pas très ambitieux, mais les vacances sont finies et j'ai repris le travail. Et le moins qu'on puisse dire, c'est que ça me laisse peu de temps pour faire autre chose...

See you next Tuesday to see if I was able to check off the whole list! Well I know it's not very ambitious, but the holidays are over and I'm back to work. And to say the least, it doesn't leave me much time to do anything else...

🔗Linking up with To-Do Tuesday / Midweek Makers 


je fais de plus en plus de liste et j'avoue , cela m'aide bien!! oui, la reprise est difficile pour moi, mais on avance..
la tulipe a dit…
Belle organisation. Je fais des listes de temps en temps mais pas par semaine, à plus long terme!!! Bonnes coutures en courbes :-) Bises
Bonnie a dit…
Here's to getting your list finished this week. I find it helpful to have a published list. And, if I'm not sure what to do I check the list and get back on task. But sometimes I just go wild doing something entirely different!
Liz A. a dit…
Have you heard of bullet journals? It's a list thing that you carry around in a notebook. I keep my lists on paper, but lists work. Especially if you like them.
Home Sewn By Us a dit…
Hi Frederique! Did you update your website? It looks very nice and different from what I remember. I LOVE making lists too - especially the checking off the items on the list. I'm also back to work - it sure puts a crimp in what we can get done in a week, doesn't it. Thanks so much for linking up today and good luck with your list. ~smile~ Roseanne
Marsha Cooper a dit…
My "list" is a little different as I am using an index card to-do system to keep up with everything I need to do daily, weekly, and monthly.
I keep my to-do list on my computer and it helps keep me organized. I started doing that after I kept losing the bits of paper I'd write things on. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.