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Liste / To-Do Tuesday #3 📜

La liste de la semaine !
The week's list!

Allez, je continue sur ma lancée avec ma To-Do liste.
Je vais peut-être la nuancer, et faire comme l'a suggéré Liz la semaine dernière : répartir les tâches selon le temps dont je dispose. Entre celles que "je devrais pouvoir terminer" et celles que "j'aimerais vraiment terminer, mais à la condition que j'ai plus de temps que prévu". Dans ma liste, ces tâches-là commenceront par "Si j'ai le temps...". Merci Liz !
Je rejoins Roseanne et Sue de Home Sewn by Us pour leur To-Do Tuesday linky party.

Let's go, I'll keep going with my To-Do list. 
Maybe I'll do as Liz suggested last week: divide the tasks according to the time I have available. Between those that "I should be able to complete" and those that "I would really like to complete, but will only be able to complete if I end up with more time than I expect". In my list, these tasks will start with "If I have more time...". Thanks Liz!
I join Roseanne and Sue at Home Sewn by Us for their To-Do Tuesday linky party.


Voyons ce que je peux cocher de ma to-do liste de la semaine dernière :
Let's see what I can check from my last week's to-do list:

Faire 4 petits blocs pour le quilt commun
     ✔ OUI !! Cette semaine je les ai faits ! Normalement il y a assez de blocs pour commencer à assembler le top. Bon, encore faut-il pouvoir se réunir pour le faire...
Make 4 small blocks for the bee quilt
     ✔ YES!! This week I made them! I think there are enough blocks to start assembling the top. Well, we still need to be together to do it...

Faire 2 autres blocks pour le QAL Courbes
     ✔ oui, faits ! Le QAL avance bien, il a son rythme, et pour le moment tout se passe bien !
Make 2 more blocks for the QAL Curves
     ✔ yes, doneThe QAL is progressing well, peacefully, and for the moment everything is going well!

Revoir l'installation électrique de mon atelier de couture (multiprises et rallonges)
     ✔ fait. Je voulais éviter de tout mettre sur la même prise : lampes, machine à coudre, et surtout fer à repasser. Donc 2 multiprises arrivent à la table de couture, chacune branchée à une prise différente : une pour les petites lampes et la machine ; une pour le fer à repasser qui sera donc sur ma droite, sur la petite table roulante. Le lampadaire (lumière indirecte, et principale de la pièce) est sur la 3ème prise murale.🔌
Review the electrical installation of my sewing room (power strips and extension cords)
     ✔ done. My goal was to avoid putting everything on the same socket: lamps, sewing machine, and especially iron. So two multi-sockets arrive at the sewing table, each one connected to a different wall socket: one for the small lamps and the machine; one for the iron which will be on my right, on the rolling table. The floor lamp (indirect and main light of the room) is on the 3rd wall socket. 🔌

Enlever toutes les décorations de Noël, et les ranger
     ✔ ça y est, tout est démonté, ET rangé ! Les guirlandes lumineuses et les normales, le petit sapin déco, et l'Elan Chantant 🦌
Taking down all the Christmas decorations, and store them
     ✔ ok, everything is taken down AND properly stored! The light garlands and the normal ones, the small decorative Christmas tree, and the Singing Elk 🦌


To-do liste pour la semaine du 19 au 25 janvier :
To-do list for January 19-January 25:
  • To-do #1
Faire 2 autres blocks pour le QAL Courbes 🌺
Make 2 more blocks for the QAL Curves 🌺
  • To-do #2
Préparer la doublure pour Huahine 🎵
Prepare backing for Huahine 🎵
  • To-do #3
Si j'ai le temps : couper les tissus de 2 prochains blocs pour avancer le QAL Courbes ✂️
If I have more time: cut fabrics to the next two blocks to make more progress with the Curves QAL ✂️


Et voilà, à mardi prochain pour voir si j'ai pu cocher toute la liste ! Je pense que je vais rester sur ce nombre de choses à faire, ça paraît raisonnable.

See you next Tuesday to see if I could check off the whole list! I think I'll stick to this number of things to do, it seems reasonable.

🔗Linking up with To-Do Tuesday / Creative Lovers 


Ivani a dit…
Good luck with your list.
piecefulwendy a dit…
You did well this week! Your singing elk is cute. We have a singing hamster that we bring out at Christmas - it drives my husband crazy. I think you'll be able to get your tasks done this week! Love those curved blocks!
That is a great idea to divide your list into what really should be done and what you'll do if you have a little more time! I might borrow that from you! Your blocks are looking good!
Love the flower blocks--so pretty. Good luck on the to-do's!
quiltingbydawn a dit…
Good progress on your list! I like those bee blocks and watching your curved piecing!
Marti a dit…
Congratulations on getting all your tasks done last week. I like the advice to make a to-do task according to how much time you have. I try to put something on the list that I can do if I happen to get everything else done.
Carol Andrews a dit…
You did great with last week’s list. I’m sure this week will be just as good. That singing elk is just the cutest. I really like your flower blocks.
Home Sewn By Us a dit…
Hi Frederique! You did great on last week's list. I almost always only set three goals for the week, and I am happy if I get them complete. It's easy to share additional feats, if they occur . . . or squirrels when they rear their head. Thanks so much for linking up this week! I love the Singing Elk. ~smile~ Roseanne
Liz A. a dit…
I'm glad the suggestion worked for you. It helps with expectations to be able to cut things from the list if time runs short. (I didn't mention the middle time: something I should be able to complete, but if the world goes sideways, this can be pushed back. That helps with those times when something unexpected comes up that just has to happen, like a sudden cold or a friend with an emergency.)
Himawan Sant a dit…
Votre travail de fleur en bloc est magnifique, à la fois en forme et en couleur.

Même si vous avez retiré les décorations de Noël pour les ranger davantage, je vous souhaite à vous et à votre famille un joyeux Noël, l'amour de Jésus-Christ soit avec vous. Bonne année 2021 également.

Salutations de l'Indonésie.
Kate a dit…
Congrats on all the check marks for last week. Keeping the list's reasonable and doable so they can be checked off has been really motivating. Good luck with this week's list.
Great job on your list this week. Love the Elk! And your new blocks, especially the Drunkards path flowers. Thanks for sharing at Clever Chameleon.