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Courbes en cours / Curves in progress 🌸

Mon quilt Courbes avance.
My Curves quilt is progressing.

Lentement mais surement, au rythme du QAL Courbes, c'est-à-dire 2 blocs par semaine. Donc voici les 2 fleurs suivantes, une rose pour rester dans la couleur du mois du RSC 2021, et une orange.

Slowly but surely, to the rhythm of the QAL Curves, i.e. 2 blocks per week. So here are the 2 following flowers, a pink to stay in the color of the month of the RSC 2021, and an orange flower.

Les blocs sont à montrer sur le groupe Facebook de Cécile et Corinne, et la semaine dernière on m'a dit que les miens faisaient années 70. C'est vrai, les grosses fleurs qu'on mettait un peu partout en décoration intérieure, comme sur les tapisseries, les abats-jours ! 
Serait-ce une nostalgie inconsciente des premières années de ma vie ? 👶

The blocks are to be shown on Cécile and Corinne's Facebook group, and last week I was told that mine look like the ones from the 70s. It's true, the big flowers that we put everywhere in interior decoration, like on the tapestries, the lampshades! 
Would it be an unconscious nostalgia of the first years of my life? 👶

J'aime beaucoup cet imprimé orange, de mon stock.
I love this print fabric, from my stash.

Un batik rose fushia, flashy !
A fushia pink batik, flashy!

Les coeurs des fleurs sont faits différemment. Des courbes oui, mais appliquées, Les centres jaunes ont été préparés à l'avance, au gabarit cartonné et fer à repasser pour marquer les plis. Ensuite c'est de l'appliqué main, tranquille le soir, à petits points.

The hearts of the flowers are made differently. Curves yes, but applied. The yellow centers have been prepared in advance, with a cardboard template and iron to mark the folds. Then it's hand-appliqued, slowly in the evening, with small stitches.

👀 Rejoignez-moi chaque dimanche pour ma link party Patchwork & Quilts, où vous pourrez partager vos photos de ce sur quoi vous travaillez. J'aimerais beaucoup les voir !
Join me each Sunday for my hosted linky party Patchwork & Quilts, where you can share photos of what you’re working on. I would love to see them! 👀

🔗Linking up with Soscrappy / UFO BustingSaturday Sparks / Slow Sunday Stitches / Oh Scrap! / Handmade Monday / Craftastic / Show and Tell / BOMs Away / Monday Making / Design Wall Monday 


scraphappy a dit…
Those nesting curves so so pretty! They do a great job of drawing the eye deeper and deeper into the block. I think giant flowers are timeless. Reflecting back to the 70s -- yes --- but with a modern flair.
Kathy S. a dit…
Your curves are perfect. Great block for the RSC.
Mari a dit…
Your flowers are beautiful! They look like art work. Do you remember the pop art movement of the 1970s? That's what these remind me of. They will make a spectacular quilt.
Chantal a dit…
C'est vrai que ça fait un peu année 70. Dans ma famille d'accueil, il y avait une tapisserie orangé dans la salle à dîner avec de grosses fleurs oranges. Et du tapis! Ce devait être beau. Haha! Tes fleurs sont beaucoup plus belles. Bonne continuation. ;^)
Your curved pieces are going together so smoothly! I love the flower blocks that come from them - beautiful!
Cathy a dit…
Your curved flower blocks are so beautiful!
Love, love, LOVE your PINK Flower block for the RSC!!!
Ivani a dit…
Well done! Your curves are perfect!
Deb A a dit…
What beautiful blossoms you have created with those wonderful curves.
Sherrie a dit…
Lovely flower blocks...The pink and yellow go
well with each other. Have a great day!
Marie-Françoise de Lille a dit…
Bravo pour ces nouvelles fleurs bien colorées , effectivement très années 1970.

Anonyme a dit…
These blocks are so pretty! I love the colors you have chosen.
Cathy a dit…
I love your flowers!
Jenny a dit…
Pretty curved flower blocks, but a bit too hard for me to do, I think.
Liz A. a dit…
Those are coming along nicely.
Maggie a dit…
Funky fabrics, great pops of colour.
Sarah a dit…
Those flower blocks look so good. I look forward to seeing how you eventually use them!
Quilter Kathy a dit…
Beautiful blocks! Enjoy your hand stitching!!
Karrin Hurd a dit…
Lovely blocks! You have those curves down perfect! Happy stitching!
Turid a dit…
Your curves are so pretty. I had to change blocks and start again.
Your curved blocks are lovely. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
Rebecca Grace a dit…
Yes, they look like "mod flowers" from the 1970s! Even more so if you made them in "goldenrod" and "avocado!"
Lynette a dit…
Ooo, these big flowers are awesome! LOVE them, and love your colors.
Susie H a dit…
Beautiful flowers and perfect for sewing in the winter! Love the curves and your fabric choices. That background fabric is exactly right for this project. Great job!

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