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Link Party Patchwork & Quilts #6 📌

Bienvenue à Patchwork & Quilts !
Welcome to Patchwork & Quilts!

Patchwork & Quilts est une link party ouverte tous les dimanches (et dès le samedi pour celles que ça arrange), où vous pouvez partager des photos de patchs et de projets sur lesquels vous travaillez.
C'est un espace de partage, de motivation, pour s'encourager, et s'inspirer !

Patchwork & Quilts is a link party hosted every Sunday (and from Saturday for those who want to), where you can share photos of quilts and projects you’re working on.
It's a place to share, to motivate, to encourage and inspire each other!

♥️ ♡ ♡ 💛 ♡ ♡ ♥️

Cette semaine, très peu de couture, mais plutôt de la lecture, et un achat !
This week, very little sewing, but rather reading, and a purchase!

Les Nouvelles, n°145, juin 2020

On commence par la lecture, et le dernier n° de la revue trimestrielle Les Nouvelles : patchwork et création textile, de France Patchwork. Un numéro un peu spécial évidemment, avec à l'honneur des ouvrages du challenge "Ensemble malgré tout" réalisés pendant le confinement.
Pour ma part je n'avais participé qu'aux deux premières étapes du challenge, le jaune et le vert. Voici un article où je postais les réalisations en cours de certaines.

Let's start by the reading, and the latest issue of the quarterly magazine Les Nouvelles: patchwork et création textile, by France Patchwork. A special issue of course, with the honor of the works of the challenge "Ensemble malgré tout" (Together in spite of everything) made during the lockdown.
For my part, I only took part in the first two steps of the challenge, the yellow and the green. Here is a post where I posted the current work in progress of some of them.

Ceci est un fer à repasser de voyage, trop mignon !! Et bien pratique pour repasser les coutures au fur et à mesure. Il est assez connu, en possédez-vous déjà un ?

This is a travel iron, so cute! And very practical to press the seams as you go along. It's quite famous, do you already own one?

♥️ ♡ ♡ 💛 ♡ ♡ ♥️

Maintenant je vous propose un petit tour sur les entrées de la semaine dernière, pour mettre en avant le partage, les encouragements et l'inspiration. Merci à toutes celles qui ont partagé leurs ouvrages en cours ou terminés !
Now I'd like to take you on a little tour of last week's entries, to highlight the sharing, encouragement and inspiration. Thanks to all those who shared their works in progress or finished!

Un très beau partage de Nancy de Grace and Peace Quilting, qui a quilté le magnifique quilt 
de sa soeur Bonnie, pour son anniversaire.
A very sweet sharing by Nancy at Grace and Peace Quilting, who quilted the lovely quilt 
made by her sister Bonnie, for her birthday.

Passez encourager Turid de Den syende himmel pour ses nouveaux blocs 
faits pour son projet Scrappy quilt !
Go and encourage Turid at Den syende himmel for her new blocs 
made for her scrappy quilt project!

Laissez-vous inspirer par la création de Sophie de Luna Lovequilts
un quilt moderne nommé Orangeraie.
Get inspired by the creation of Sophie at Luna Lovequilts
a modern quilt called Orangeraie.


À votre tour maintenant !
You turn now!

Venez partager tout projet, à partir du moment où c'est du patchwork. Toutes les techniques et formes de patchwork sont les bienvenues ici : appliqué, crazy, piécé, boutis, pojagi ; quilt hawaiien, art quilt, moderne et traditionnel ; des grands, des petits formats, quiltés main, machine, ou pas quilté du tout !

Feel free to share any project, as long as it's about quiltmaking. All patchwork and quilting techniques are welcome here: appliqué, crazy, piecing, boutis, bojagi; Hawaiian quilt, art quilt, modern and traditional; large, small sizes, hand quilted, machine quilted, or not quilted at all!.

Comment participer : aide
How does it work: help

Astuce : cocher la case Follow host to get notified for new link parties, pour ne pas oublier la prochaine !
Tip: check Follow host to get notified for new link parties to not forget the next link party!

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Arti a dit…
Hello Frederique. Hope you're doing well. I like the phrase: together in spite of everything. As always, visiting your blog leaves me uplifted:) Thank you.
That's a cute looking travelling iron indeed:)
I have the travel iron and keep it by the work table and use it a lot for pressing seams. That is a very unique quilt by Sophie
Kim a dit…
The travel iron looks cute and no doubt very, I don't have one of these. LOVE your new book. There looks to be so many gorgeous pretties and happy and creative stitching within the covers.
Anne M Bray a dit…
I love blue and orange and I love Sophie's quilt!
Kate a dit…
Very pretty green trees! Have a very good stitchy week.
Liz A. a dit…
That iron is cute.
Ondrea a dit…
Bonjour. That book looks very interesting. Is there an English version? Some beautiful projects on your link. Some very talented quilters. Love your little iron and the greens you have used in your quilt. I have a small iron for my hand piecing but it is not the same as yours. Such a lovely blog you have. 5 years ago I visited Paris and stayed in Marais then stayed in Carcassone . Onky about 3 days in France . I would love to go there again some day.
Sorry Ondrea, there is no English version available for this French magazine. it's made by France Patchwork Association, and sold via the website only. Thank you for visiting my blog, and France ;))
la tulipe a dit…
La revue rythmée par les réalisations pendant le confinement est remarquable! Un numéro à garder précieusement. J'ai un fer de voyage, différent du tien mais je préfère utiliser mon fer classique. Bon dimanche!
Linda a dit…
I'm so glad to visit your blog in time for a linky! Thank you for hosting. :)
No I do not have that iron but I've had my eye on it for some time. I think it might be a good item for my birthday list ;o)
Thank you for featuring the quilt I quilted for my sis! I enjoy seeing all the quilts!!!
@Marie-Françoise de Lille : Encore un bel ouvrage, plein d'énergie et de peps !
Vivian a dit…
Oooh, another place to link up weekly! I see that a lot of my favorites post here so have to add this to my blog list. For me, reading is as important as sewing as it inspires my creativity and forces me to consider techniques that are "out of my comfort box". I too keep an iron like that on my sewing table. Of course you know you have to make a quilted travel carrier for it now too (yes, shameful new project enabling on my part, LOL)!!

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  • Merci pour votre visite ! 💗 J'apprécie beaucoup de lire vos commentaires, et je répondrais dès que possible, soit en visitant votre blog ; sinon par mail ou à la suite des commentaires ici .