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Juin / OMG June (not) finish

Bon ben, pas d'avancée sur mon quilt Santa !
Well, no progress on my Santa quilt!

J'ai juste préparé la doublure et le moleton. A suivre !
I just prepared the backing and the batting. To be continued!

Passez voir chez Patty de Elm Street Quilts les réalisations de juin teminées.
Drop by Patty's at Elm Street Quilts to see June's finishes.


well you took the step of preparing the backing and the batting so that is a step forward
Chantal a dit…
Oui, il y a des moments comme ça! Tu vas y arriver. ;^)
Wait--doesn't preparing the back count? I always count it! ;o)
Liz A. a dit…
That is progress. I know, it feels like nothing got done, but the preparation is an important step, and it'll make the rest go quicker when you get to it. Good job.
John Holton a dit…
Kind of looks like the print on a department store gift box. I like it!
Kim a dit…
It is always a treat to see your sweet little Santa among those pretty trees.
Kate a dit…
Such a fun quilt! Hope you can make more progress on it in July.

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