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Quilt Perspective Anaho 🔭

Voici un petit quilt enfin terminé ! 🌴
Here's a little quilt that's finally finished! 🌴


Enfin, parce qu'il a été commencé en... 2009 !
Il est inspiré du livre d'Angela Madden, Pieceful Scenes, et de son travail sur la perspective.

Finally, because it was started in... 2009!
It was inspired by Angela Madden's book Pieceful Scenes and her work on perspective.

J'ai tenté de représenter une baie des Marquises que nous aimons particulièrement : la baie d'Anaho, à Nuku Hiva (lien Google Maps). Nous y avons passé pas mal de temps, un petit coin de paradis qui nous convenait bien ⛵. Je ne retrouve pas la photo exacte qui m'a servi de modèle, mais j'ai posté celle-ci qui a un angle légèrement différent, et qui est aussi prise depuis le même point de vue, le col d'Hatiheu.

I've tried to depict a bay in the Marquesas Islands that we're particularly fond of: Anaho Bay, in Nuku Hiva (Google Maps link). We spent quite a bit of time there, a little piece of paradise that suited us just fine . I can't find the exact photo I used as a model, but I've posted this one which has a slightly different angle, and is also taken from the same viewpoint, the Hatiheu pass.


J'avais posté les étapes de ce projet : cliquer sur les images ou le lien en-dessous si vous avez envie d'accéder aux articles.

I had posted the progress of this project: click on the images or the link below if you want to access the posts.


Cadre / Frame


Bordures / Borders

En août 2009 voilà où j'en étais : tout est assemblé, en attente du quilting.
In August 2009, here's where I was: everything is assembled, awaiting quilting.


Le projet que j'ai ressorti de mes tiroirs - 15 ans plus tard 😁 - est un peu plus avancé : le quilting est quasiment terminé. Il ne restait que quelques lignes à coudre pour souligner le paysage, et la perspective du médaillon central.

The project I've pulled out of my drawers again - 15 years later 😁 - is a little more advanced: the quilting is almost complete. Only a few lines remained to be sewn to emphasize the landscape, and the perspective of the central medallion.
Il ne restait plus ensuite qu'à ajouter les finitions : le biais tout autour, le manchon de suspension, et l'étiquette.
Pour le biais je n'ai pas réfléchi bien longtemps, un bicolore semblait le plus adapté : vert en face des minis blocs verts, et bleu en face des bleus !

All that remained was to add the finishing touches: the binding, the hanging sleeve, and the label.
I didn't have to think long about the binding, as a two-tone color seemed the most appropriate: green in front of the green mini blocks, and blue in front of the blue ones!
Je me souviens très bien de ce tissu vert, c'est un drap que j'avais utilisé pour faire un tifaifai pour ma soeur, et il me reste encore des petites chutes ! 👍
Pour le bleu par contre je n'ai pas retrouvé le même, et celui-ci est le plus proche que j'ai pu trouver dans mon stock.
J'ai fait le biais comme d'habitude, 6 cm de large et plié en deux. Les deux bandes de tissus sont assemblées avec une couture droite et non pas en biseau, pour pouvoir tomber juste dans l'angle. Je suis assez contente de ce coin ! 😊

I remember this green fabric very well, it was a sheet I had used to make a tifaifai for my sister, and I still have some little scraps! 👍
For the blue fabric on the other hand I couldn't find the same one, and this one is the closest I could find in my stash.
I made the bias as usual, 2.5" wide and double-folded. The two strips are joined with a straight seam, not a bevel, so they can fall right into the angle. I'm pretty happy with this corner! 😊
Anaho, 12'' x 14'' (30 cm x 35 cm), 2009 - 2024

Appliqué main, piécé et quilté machine
Hand appliqué, machine pieced and quilted

🔗 Rejoignez-moi du samedi au mercredi pour la link partie Patchwork & Quilts 
Join me from Saturday to Wednesday for the Patchwork & Quilts link party 🔗

🔗 Favorite link parties


Pradeep Nair a dit…
Félicitations pour avoir terminé le projet. Tu l'as commencé il y a 15 ans! Tue es très déterminé ! Bravo!
Gretchen Weaver a dit…
How wonderful to finish a long time project, congratulations! She's lovely and you'll have the pleasure of viewing her now.
The Cozy Quilter a dit…
I love how you framed the landscape block with the perspective piecing. Looks fabulous! Great finish! Gail
Liz A. a dit…
It turned out great. And you finished it. There's something so satisfying about finishing off something that's been sitting around for a long time.
Wonderful finish and use of perspective.
This is so cool!! I like how you used block size to create the perspective!! So very creative and unique!!!
Trillian As a dit…
This is a prety nice project. So good that you finished it.
Love the perspective you created! WOW! What an amazing project!
Félicitation sur la finission de ta courte pointe. C'est super beau!
Chrisknits a dit…
What an amazing piece!!!
What a lovely quilt! You did such a great job with the perspective. How lovely to see it finally done! Congratulations. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
Vivian a dit…
Wow, what a great optical illusion you created! It really beautifully frames the center landscape. Isn't great to finish something that has been patiently waiting its turn? No quilt can be finished before it's time!
Denise a dit…
Looks great, thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
What a great finish, Frederique! I love the two tone binding using the blue and green. Perfect!! Thanks for explaining how you made that binding fall exactly in the corner! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

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